How to place a file in HA configuration directory?

I am a real newbie to this HA language and buzz words. I exported my UPB .upe file to my windows downloads. But cannot find how to access the HA config directory to add it to?


Back up a bit. You have to start with

How did you install HA (yes it matters)
Whats a UP* (please don’t assume everyone knows what your acronyms are)
What are you ACTUALLY trying to accomplish?

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Wow NATHAN thanks for the quick help…I am trying to integrate my UPB=Universal Powerline Bus lights into my brand new HA=Home Assistant Green with the HA app installed on my iPhone & also accessed on my Windows 11 computer and on my Mac using chrome (http://homeassistant.local:8123/lovelace/0). Per a this post by BoboSD

" BoboSD
Hi all, first post here. I just got the HA-Green and I have quite a bit of UPB. I used the Simply Automated UPB-PIM USB device and plugged it into the bottom USB port on the back of the HA Green unit.
I then uploaded the export from UPStart to the same directory as configuration.yaml
I set up the integration as follows:
Serial: /dev/ttyUSB0
File location: xxxxxx_2024JAN1.upe
Clicked on Finish and then was presented with all of my UPB devices. Assigned them to rooms and then created some test buttons on a test dashboard. All seems to work just fine."

So far I have plugged the USB PIM into the HA Green and now trying to load the exported UPstart .upe file the directory which I cannot find. I am a real clutz in this directory stuff…Perhaps HA is going to be to advanced for me?

Got me all excited Nathan and looking forward to your help…Steve

Hi Steve, welcome to the forum!

I guess you have already found this Universal Powerline Bus (UPB) - Home Assistant
Take a look at this for accessing the file system of HA on the green: Home Assistant Green / Local Folder

Thanks but still not knowing how to put files in directories…Nothing makes sense to me…

Under Settings → add-ons you can add “Terminal & SSH”. You could then use the terminal to access the configuration directory and use the linux SCP from this terminal bash window to move a file. This add-on also provides an option to enable an ssh server on HA. I’ve never used it but it might also provide access to the configuration directory

A lot of us use the Samba add-on. This allows you to access the config directory from another device.

As others have mentioned, there are a few different ways to do this, but I will second the suggestion of using the Samba add-on. Easy to install. To keep it a little more secure, I don’t start it automatically when home assistant starts, I trigger it manually and stop it after I am done what I need to do.
Then from my Mac, i connect using Finder. From the menu, select Go - Connect to Server.
In the top box enter something like this: smb:// (your IP address of your home assistant green) and click “Connect”. You should be good to copy/paste your file in the config directory.

Sorry Brian this terminal stuff left me in the dust…thanks anyway

I know you all mean well and are volunteers. Thank you
But it is more and more telling me that I am in over my head with this stuff…

I’ve found that when I’m overwhelmed I need to step back and attack the problem one piece at a time.

What’s your first hurtle? If we can get you over that one, we can move on to the next.

You started out asking about getting a file from Windows to your HA Green. If that’s still an issue, that would be a great one to start on. If not, just skip the rest of this and ask about whatever step you’re stuck on.

What you need to manage files on your HA Green from your Windows machine is to set HA up as an SMB server. SMB stands for Server Message Block. It’s an old Windows protocol which has caught on as an easy way to set up a machine as a file server. Somewhere along the way, SMB morphed into “Samba,” which apparently is a Brazilian dance, but a lot easier to say quickly.

In Home Assistant, go to Settings, then Add-ons. Click/tap on Add-on Store. Type in Samba. Follow the directions to install the add-on.

Now you can “map a network drive” in Windows. This link shows how. You can make your HA config directory show up as your H: drive for example. Where you’re prompted for the folder to map to, enter the IP address of your HA Green, in this format: \\\config. You’ll want to select the check box to “reconnect at logon” so you don’t have to do this again.

Now you’re able to manage the files in the config directory from Windows File Manager as if it’s a local drive.

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I agree Tom and as soon as the holiday rush is over I will try again. I have added Samba but the next steps of adding the file to the directory will be a challenge for me?
Thank you for trying to help me…

Entered this in the folder to map to “\\config.” and got “the remote device won’t accept connection connected !” when asking windows to diagnose…
What next Tom?


(no trailing dot, TWO preceeding backslashes.]\


Nathan beat me to it, thanks!

It’s been so long since I set up Samba that I forget all the details. Obviously you need to use the user ID and password you created when you installed the add-on. There’s also a field for “allowed hosts” but I think that’s automatically populated with the local network (192.168…).

When I went looking for documentation on that, I found this web site which seems to have good step-by-step instructions if you’re still stuck. Scroll past the video for the written instructions.

\\\config is what I used but still won't work

If Samba is configured correctly you can access that share by entering that address from the server (preceded with double backslashes):

  • in the address bar of your windows explorer
  • run command (Win key + R)
    You might have to enter credentials that you have configured on the samba service.

In case that doesn’t work, your samba config is not correct.

I got samba to be recognized as the Z folder finally. Now working on the next step and that is to copy and paste the PBS file to this this folder?