How to reduce 'load' when loading dashboards/views?

So I’ve got a flew dashboards and a few displays, and are seeing multiple smaller devices where dashboards load slowly/incomplete - or not at all.

So just wondering - in general - how to minimize the load for devices to show a dashboard?

Some background:

  • Testing on yaml-dashboards it seems like all views in current dashboard are ‘loading’ when refreshing a view (since a broken card in other view in same dashboard will produce error when refreshing the not-broken-view, but breaking a card in a view not in that particular dashboard have no effect.

  • But when loading on devices (like my nest hub), it seems to be just as slow when loading a small dasbhoard as a big one with multiple views??

The symptoms I see are:

  • custom:swipe-card is not always loading on my mobile device (it is just not showing up until i refresh the dashboard)
  • nest-hub (catt) not showing all cards - but was “big dashboard” with apex and lots of room-cards with multiple chips - reduced number of graphs and the swipe-card, and it has been good for a while.
  • lots of chatter on forums around small/old dashboards not loading correctly, (good reason to renew hardware - ofcousre, but would like to know how stuff works

brg ArveVM

  • I guess all the frontened-resources is always loaded - so there is obviously one hog.

  • In this post Home Assistant | Now it's getting big the OP is seeing ‘rendering blinks’ when rendering new dashboard (within his hjuuuuuge lovelace-config!). So is this an indication that a dashboard is fully “loaded” with all views at first click, and if you navigate to other dashboard that will load all data/cards in it at first glance (giving him his rendering blinks?


I see you got no love on this post, but I too want dashboards to load faster. No matter the hardware I use, some as slower to load. Makes my wall panel seem less glamorous if cards are slow to load. I would like them to be “pre-loaded” in the background and ready to go when I click over to the different dashboard pages.

Not my intention to complain, but rather understand the premises we have to comply to in order to understand how resources/dashboards/views/cards are loaded, and how to adapt dashboard/view/cards to ‘low performance devices’ :woozy_face:

My guess is to separate into multiple dashboards with few views and button-navigate between the views will have quicker load/refresh of each view, but a bit loading time when switching views??
But would love to get some grownup’s input on the matter☺️


Same issue for me.
Heavy dashboard which are OK on Samsung Galaxy Tab.
And light dashbord on light device as NS PANEL PRO which are not OK because lovelace pre loads all the entires dashboard…

I’m searching a solution to get lovelace very light on some dashboard which not regarding other dashboard which not use on light device…

Do you use any custom cards? I’m not sure, but I think some cards, instead of asking for specific entity states, request updates from all entities. Personally I feel the dashboards load faster than they did a couple of months ago. They are quite responsive for me, even on a 5 year old ipad with lots of views and a lot of entities. I do not own an nspanel pro though, and ymmv.

May be having a lot of custom cards also is heavy on memory?

Mine is quite responsive. It uses cast cast scripts and only 1 or 2 views per dashboard. Nearly instantaneous when using the sticky navigation buttons.

I do find the dashboards lag a bit sometimes when called by my recast flow in Node Red but when I toggle the script again from my Moe’s smart knob stick to the back of every nest hub I have, it speeds up again. It is like the devices need a restart to clear the cache or something.