How to save a KNX scene?

Hi all,

I’m trying to save a scene in my KNX system. On the HA KNX integration web page I found the configuration to activate a KNX scene. This works well, but now i want to save the current states of my lights to an KNX scene. KNX provides a scene control type DPT(18.001) for this which I cannot find in the list of HA KNX DPT types.

I was thinking to create an KNX Number integration but i’m stuck at configuring the correct type for it.

Are there other ways to accomplish this?

I found a workaround :slight_smile:

It’s possible to use a raw data number declared as 1byte_unsigned.
To save KNX scene 1 I’ve made a script that sets value 128 = KNX scene 1 + 128(to set the save bit) - 1(because it raw data)

# KNX configuration
    - name: "SaveScene"
      address: "3/3/3"
      type: 1byte_unsigned
# Create the script
  alias: SaveScene1
  - service: number.set_value
      value: '128'
      entity_id: number.savescene
  mode: single
  icon: mdi:content-save