I am trying to use a KNX Button to send a binary DPT 1.001 value of 1 to the KNX Bus. Unfortunately the KNX Integration does not support that DPT type for Buttons? Is there any reason why? If I use a DPT 5 (1byte_unsigned) in the following:
I actually do see an event on the KNX bus in the ETS diagnose mode, however, it is not actually switching on the actor that waits for a binary 1 with DPT 1.001 on GA 3/7/21. If I send “a real” DPT 1.001 with value 1 from e.g. a KNX touch sensor, the actor actually reacts normally and switches on. See the two different events in the ETS diagnose window here (the only difference visible in the diagnose output seems to be the column DPT):
Great, thanks so much @farmio. I was stuck since in the Button description it says:
and then links to value types table where it only starts with DPT 5. I just didn’t see that type 0 (or just not specifying a type) will be DPT 1,2,3.
But now that I also realized, that I need KNX send to actually send a message out to the bus, in that UI it also described the payload for DPT 1,2,3. Thanks a lot!