How to set HVAC max/min based on hvac mode

I’m trying to set the endpoints based on hvac mode (heat/cool)?

my /homeassistant/customize.yaml is as:

    max_temp: >
          {% if is_state('climate.t6_pro_z_wave_programmable_thermostat', 'cool') %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
    min_temp: >
          {% if is_state('climate.t6_pro_z_wave_programmable_thermostat', 'cool') %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}

Clearly that doesn’t work, as the result is…

Screen Shot 2025-01-26 at 10.04.58 PM

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IIRC, customize does not allow templates.

There is a custom integration Template Climate that you could use.

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That didn’t work. BUT it seems the installer setup on my T6 has min cooling and max heat settings (set to 75º/65º), which don’t seem to be accessible from HomeAsistant. Even though I set the climate min/max to 65/80 in customize.yaml file, HomeAssistant cannot override the T6 installer settings (which is good). So although the HomeAssistant UI shows heat set to 80ºF, the thermostat caps (and shows) it at 75º. The climate entity does not reflect the actual internal T6 endpoints, seems they’re UI endpoints only. Too bad, but at least I’m not going to burn out my hvac with some crazy HomeAssistant setting/bug.

I’m not sure what “endpoints” you were referring to in your first post, but the max/min can be set:
Your climate deivce → Configuration:


If you don’t want to manually set you can call an action. But hose values are just limits – meaning little reason to change them frequently. They are not setting the thermostat’s temp settings.

For example:

action: zwave_js.set_config_parameter
    - climate.hall_thermostat
  parameter: "28"
  value: "72"

As for setting the temp, note the hvac_mode. It needs to match which temp settings you are using. If you set heat/cool you need to set upper and lower.

And it works:

I want to set upper and lower for heat or cool (not heat/cool). And that does not appear to exist (on mine), not even in heat/cool mode.

If I set up a Generic thermostat I see the same screen as you posted.

What integration shows for your thermostat? I have the Z-Wave version of the T6.

Mine is z-wave as well. But data looks different …

Is it possible to update firmware?

Seems there are multiple versions of T6 z-wave thermostats…

If you do a google search there’s instructions on doing a firmware update, but I’ve never tried it.

But, maybe it’s not the firmware. There’s a LOT of people using these T6 Z-wave thermostats, and not being able to set the temp would be kind of a problem. What version of Z-Wave and Home Assistant are you running. I’m curious if HA thinks your T6 doesn’t have that ability or if you have old device config file somewhere.

This don’t think this applies (because of OpenZWave), and one post is seven years old, but they had a similar issue:

All that said, I remember returing my first T6 and getting the newer one – but I just don’t have any notes why I decided to exchange them.

I have no issues setting target temp. But it doesn’t seem to have heat/cool mode. Has heat, has cool. just not the full auto heat/cool. Which doesn’t reslly matter, just more curious now.