How to setup multiple sensors for Luftdaten


Trying to setup a few Luftdaten station sensors, because not all stations provide all desired monitored conditions. The doc is a bi unclear on the possibility for that, so please help me and have a look how to do so?

this is the setup for 1 station:

  sensor_id: 155
  show_on_map: true
      - temperature
      - humidity

but id like to have more so should we do that like this:

  sensor_id: 155
  show_on_map: true
      - temperature
      - humidity

  sensor_id: 156
  show_on_map: true
      - P1
      - P2

  sensor_id: 156
  show_on_map: true
      - pressure

No replies? I’m trying to do the same thing. I can get the PM10 and PM2.5 data from one sensor, but not the P/T/H from what Luftdaten considers another entire sensor.

Hmmmmm… And now I ended here too. Same problem. Hope someone sees this. Ill check over at github too.

Edit: Many open issues registered on github. See:

Seems fabaff is the only one maintaining this sensor. And fabaff has to handle a lot with home assistant. We have to be patient or start coding on our selves.

have you seen this:

there’s attention for all I can see, lets help as much as we can

The luftdaten: component configuration should allow (but it does not) the definition of multiple sensors. Something like:

  - sensor_id: 12345
    show_on_map: false
        - P1
        - P2
  - sensor_id: 12346
    show_on_map: false
        - temperature
        - humidity
        - pressure

For more information, refer to this link (GitHub).

it appears not:

2019-11-08 23:20:25 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio] Package package_weather setup failed. Component luftdaten cannot be merged. Expected a dict.

Possibly you could set up REST sensors for the other values, and extract them from the JSON returned, e.g. from for temperature, humidity and pressure? That’s the approach I intend to take, as I am having the same problem too, with only being able to set up a single Luftdaten sensor in the config.

I will post an example later, once I have sussed the syntax.

Hey Ruth,
thanks for you post, I had forgotten about Luftdaten :wink:

just checked, and we now are able to setup more stations via the integration interface:

only p1 and p2 though, maybe these stations dont provide other data (renaming doesn’t change the sensor names…):

That’s cool! I’ve managed to get temperature, humidity and pressure through by setting up the following using REST sensors btw:

# Luftdaten Temperature
- platform: rest
  name: Luftdaten Temperature
  method: GET
  value_template: Luftdaten Temperature
  json_attributes_path: "$.[0].sensordatavalues[?(@.value_type=='temperature')]"
    - "value"

# Luftdaten Humidity
- platform: rest
  name: Luftdaten Humidity
  method: GET
  value_template: Luftdaten Humidity
  json_attributes_path: "$.[0].sensordatavalues[?(@.value_type=='humidity')]"
    - "value"

# Luftdaten Pressure
- platform: rest
  name: Luftdaten Pressure
  method: GET
  value_template: Luftdaten Pressure
  json_attributes_path: "$.[0].sensordatavalues[?(@.value_type=='pressure')]"
    - "value"

# Template sensors
- platform: template

    # Outside temperature
      friendly_name: 'Outside Temperature'
      value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.luftdaten_temperature', 'value') | float }}"
      unit_of_measurement: '°C'

    # Outside humidity
      friendly_name: 'Outside Humidity'
      value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.luftdaten_humidity', 'value') | float }}"
      unit_of_measurement: '%'

    # Outside pressure
      friendly_name: 'Outside Pressure'
      value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.luftdaten_pressure', 'value') | float }}"
      unit_of_measurement: 'hPa'

That’s giving me what I need. Hope that helps if you want to get temperature, humidity and pressure from Luftdaten too.


just found one indeed:

Had several issue in the past with rest sensors, causing all kinds of trouble down the HA instance, so I’ve taken them all out.
Could carefully add a few of these to have a peek :wink:

does this source you’re using have some kind of overview? I can find all my sensors individually, and get correct data, but an overview would be nice. Or are you also using for that?

Ah yes. I’ve just added some filter sensors incidentally:

# Outside filtered temperature
- platform: filter
  name: Outside Filtered Temperature
  entity_id: sensor.outside_temperature
    - filter: outlier
      window_size: 10
      radius: 1.0

# Outside filtered humidity
- platform: filter
  name: Outside Filtered Humidity
  entity_id: sensor.outside_humidity
    - filter: outlier
      window_size: 10
      radius: 1.0

# Outside filtered pressure
- platform: filter
  name: Outside Filtered Pressure
  entity_id: sensor.outside_pressure
    - filter: outlier
      window_size: 10
      radius: 1.0

as I was getting a few zero values in for the air pressure, which was messing up my data.

Not sure what you mean by an overview - I’m only polling one Luftdaten station incidentally - as it’s one that’s on a drain pipe outside my house. But the data is going into InfluxDB so I can graph it in Grafana:

Although there’s very little from the (filtered) Luftdaten temperature, humidity and pressure sensors so far, as I have only just added them.

For temperature and humidity, there’s also a Met Office feed from the local Met Office weather station half a mile or so away, and data from various AM2302 temperature/humidity sensors attached to Raspberry Pi’s in various rooms of the house.

How do you add more than one in the UI?

simply add them via the integrations page