Luftdaten creates unnamed sensors, which can't be named

following up on How to setup multiple sensors for Luftdaten, Ive coincidentally discovered the sensors are created after all, albeit as ‘unnamed’ sensors:


since the integrations has no name: field available (see: and the integrations page offers no editable options at all, this is a bit of a catch 22…

Anyone with fine working, named sensors (note the multiple here) to please share their config?


I think this issue happens when the luftdaten API becomes unavailable. Once it’s working, you get proper names like: sensor.luftdaten_20751_p1. Check your log for:

Unable to retrieve data from

If you see it, than that is the issue. Do a few restarts of home assistant throughout the day and at one point they will appear, properly named. However, when the API becomes unavailable again, they’ll disappear and the unnamed ones return. So far there hasn’t been a fix, although I noticed a PR that supposedly resolves this.

thanks, and yes, Ive seen that occur in the log. Must say I only see correct sensors, when created in the integrations page per session. Each time I delete them there, and then recreate the sensors, they appear correctly.
Doing a restart makes them unavailable again…