How to setup Zones in 0.105.2?

Well I wonder how to setup zones in new UI?

I have disabled the Zone: line in Config:

But nothing to setup in Configuration > General:

You need to have this in your config somewhere:


Then it will appear as a separate tab in the configuration tab.

Well I have tried that but config-check fails:


I just checked my config and I was wrong about zone: needing to be included, sorry for that.
The config you had in the beginning was fine.

Do you not have a tab zones in the configuration panel:

I don’t think you need anything in configuration.yaml (maybe default_config, but you have that).

Only the home zone is setup in General Configuration, there is a new zone section fruther down on the configuration page.

Edit: which @Burningstone beat me to it with a picture :slight_smile:

Well YES now I have - suddenly my UI reloaded and now it is there:

I just remember it was the same for me, first after the update everything looked the same as before the update and then suddenly after a restart it appeared like this.

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