How to show an attribute on a glance card?

Is the only way to show an attribute in a glance to extract it using a template sensor?

I have 2 climate entities that are part of a single z wave thermostat. I want to show on my mobile phone the min/max target set temp as well as the actual temperature.

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In a Glance card?


There’s a custom Lovelace attributes card but it shows them as a list.

Yea i have seen that one but not a fan of the table as it looks like an eye sore. Yea i thought that was the only way. OK i will go about it that way and make an template sensor for the attribute.

Instead of using type ‘- entity: …’ use ‘- type: attribute: …’.

  - type: attribute
    icon: mdi:radiator
    name: Heater Mode
    entity: climate.lyric
    attribute: hvac_action


The only limitation is that it cannot be used with visual editor.


That was not available three years ago.

And it is still not valid now. Glance cards do not support attributes. What you are showing is the state.

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I know this post is old, but I came here from a google and it gave me insight into how to achieve it with what I had available which was the stack-in-card (GitHub - custom-cards/stack-in-card: 🛠 group multiple cards into one card without the borders) HACS addon,

With this I was able to use:

type: custom:stack-in-card
title: Electric Prices
mode: horizontal
  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: entity
        entity: sensor.octopus_agile_prices
        attribute: import
        name: Price Now
        unit: p
        icon: mdi:currency-gbp
      - type: entity
        entity: sensor.octopus_agile_prices
        attribute: import_next
        name: Price Next
        unit: p
        icon: mdi:currency-gbp

To achieve what I wanted, Now and Next electric unit prices next to each other from attributes of a sensor.