How to work with HLK-LD1115H and Wemos D1 Mini for Human Presence Detection

May I ask how reliable your setup is?
Thank you

I originally used Tasmota32 with this radar, which was about the same. Then I realized I could do more with my Atoms and re-did them into ESPhome. Keeping in mind that the radar itself is not ideal for dealing with sitting-and-breathing people - there are no problems.

@Mosher can You upload this case as stl ? or share link with case 3d print ?

+1 I also see all sensors as “Unknown” after I upload the binary

I use the yaml from HERE

What can be the issue?

I got several LD2410B sensors and found that the easiest settings will be using the Android App and then use the ESP module only as a binary sensor. I tried the App Hlkradar. The sensor finds via BT and displayed the settings and graphs of sensitivity, energy, distance zones and everything can be easily set and tested.

I also have the same issue, all sensors are “Unknown” but sensor works fine according to the app

Hello again. I just received the LD2410 and noticed the pins are tiny!! How are you connecting them? Solder or connector. Will these JSTconnector work? You mentioned the distance is 1.27mm, but the description is 1.25. I will be following your guide from here.

Is it possible to test this?

Solder. Delicate hands :wink:

Post a screen shot of the sensors.

Hi sebcaps,
Glad you got this working at the first attempt. How about you share a little bit about what you’re doing right that the rest of us are not?

Like others posting here, I see lots of details in the ESPHome log. I see successful WiFi connect, the results of adjusting the controls, all sorts of debug-level goodness. It’s beautiful, but no sensor values.

What’s a noob to do?


Check out Andreas’s video on this sensor. You will learn about the manufacturer’s tools, and the concepts of the distance and energy levels. 24GHz Radar Presence Detector that Works (LD2410) - YouTube
Good luck!

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Hello, @Larz , can you please share your yaml config, logs and wiring? No magic here. It has been reported working successfully for many people on different platform (esp8266, ESP32), so it should work for you as well.
Maybe have a look to doc may help you as well.

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I use 1.25 JST, they go on a bit tight but they work. Just for future reference I purchased some LD2410C modules, that are functionally identical but are a different form factor, and they will fit the standard jumper cables, so I’d recommend using that to save a bit of time on soldering.

Thanks so much for the documentation link. That is well written and explains the details perfectly. LD2410 Sensor — ESPHome

For others reading this, the documentation explains all of the settings, parameters and units, and details the values sent on to home assistant.

I have this working with a 32 and an 8266 development board. It’s a really nice sensor and a great interface. Cheap as chips too!

Hi, can the external component be integrated in the yaml code so there is just one yaml file instead of external components?

  - source:
      type: git
      url: #Thanks for @ssieb components

So this sensor is now officially supported on ESPHome? Did that just happen? I feel as though this was not true as recently as a month ago! Great news if I’m reading this correctly.

Hi Ryan,

I don’t know about “officially.” Is there such a thing? But, yes, it’s working fine in Home Assistant using the ESPHome integration put together by crlogic.

Here’s the LD2410 on an ESP32-TTGO Mini32.

It runs just fine on the ESP8266 too. That’s an Adafruit Huzzah. The easiest set-up for me is to use hardware serial and disable the logger.

I use that little 12-pin header board adapter to run it on the breadboard.

The sensor works very well and can be configured for all sorts of use cases. I’ve received the “B” version and the Bluetooth configuration works well. My only complaint is the current consumption; it runs at about 80mA. That leaves you in about the same position as the Aqara FP1 or the Everything Presence One; on the short end of a long power cable.

I won’t get excited about any of these mm radar units until I can get one running on battery for 6 months or better.

Looking at some of the new chips (like Acconeer A121), we might see something soon but I won’t hold my breath. :smiley:


That’s excellent. Are you using the yaml here?

Because I tried using that but I get an error: “Component not found: LD2410” and it won’t validate.

I think it is not yet added to esphome. The pull request is still open.

After that it should be working. There is a way to already use this code but I’m not sure how and will wait for the merge and then update esphome asap :wink: