How would you tranfer from your Pi to your new Nuc?

Lost another micro sd card last weekend (Samsung which lasted about 3 months) so I finally ordered a Nuc this morning. I went with a decent unit (i7) because I want to run some kind of hypervisor so I can also run windows and Linux as a thin client to my older desktop and also to our chromebooks.

So my question is what hypervisor will run on? Does it have to be Esxi?

What is the best way to migrate?

BTW my pi has always been great other than the SD issue.


You could use ESXi and run in a Ubuntu VM, just restore a snapshot to the fresh install after following the manual steps on:

Alternatively you could run Ubuntu on the NUC and then in docker, and use KVM to run the other VMs you want.

I moved from ResinOS (Old image) to Ubuntu install the other day and it was smooth sailing for the most part.

Ok you are telling me something new here. You are saying will install directly in Ubunta ? not hassio where everything is stand alone?

If that is the case, I would not have to run ESXI but could run the open source one (Proxmox)
I was under the impression that would only run on ESXi… will run on any docker system. So I use You don’t have to use ESXI or Proxmox or anything like that unless you want to. Just a generic linux install of


Thanks that makes it easier to do what I want. I want some kind of hypervisor so I can run windows/etc on remote desktops (my older desktop and our chromebooks mainly)

Is there any consensus between ESXI or Proxmox??

I use ESXi because im familiar with it… no other reason

yes exactly, you run a few commands and then (with addons and all) can run on any Ubuntu install (or other compatible linux)

I’ve been investigating that recently myself - I’ve found it difficult to get a handle on what is needed to run up ESXi - all of the homelab stuff i’ve found talk about running it on server hardware (multi-processor / lots of ram) or multiple servers (which I dont have) so its really hard to determine whether it will work on my gear or not.

I fired up proxmox last night as a bit of a test and it seems to work pretty well on what ive got (i5, 8gb ram) - unless I find something in my reading over the next few days that talks about a simple ESXi setup i’ll probably continue with proxmox and look at a few hardware upgrades

I have not seen it in years but wasn’t there an issue on how to back it up or did that get resolved?

Ok thanks…that is a big help as I was totally misunderstanding things before.

Let me know how it goes. I am leaning torwards proxmox - at least giving it the first shot.
The Intel won’t be here till Monday evening so plenty of time for me to read up over the weekend.
The only thing I remember about ESXi was that it was not hard to setup, but hard to backup…but they may have that fixed by now …

no idea, theres solutions like VEEAM aroudn now that weren’t a long time ago

I use Proxmox, here’s a nice little script to install Hassio in a VM:

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I’ve been taking the approach that given most of my setup is dockerised that as long as i back up the docker config and the data itself, the OS can be rebuilt fairly quickly.

I’d love to be able to get my head around Ansible which may make that even easier.

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1.) Backup all your yaml files, lovelace config, etc to your PC, USB or HDD
2.) Install Ubuntu or similar Linux OS (I use Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on my NUC)
3.) Follow this guide, specifically from the line " To prepare your machine for the installation, run the following commands:"

sudo -i
apt-get install software-properties-common
add-apt-repository universe
apt-get update
apt-get install -y apparmor-utils apt-transport-https avahi-daemon ca-certificates curl dbus jq network-manager socat
curl -fsSL | sh

curl -sL "" | bash -s

4.) Copy your yaml files to the NUC, normally in the location /usr/share/hassio/homeassistant

That whole process will take 30mins and you are up and running.

Extra Step, install Portainer to manage your Docker containers.

sudo docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --name portainer --restart always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer


Full guide here…


I’m currently using Proxmox and am very happy with it.

Except that I have singularly failed to be able to create a new Ubuntu VM. It installs ok but at the end of the process it just hangs*.

Which all makes the NUC an expensive replacement for my PI… Albeit an absolute pleasure to use with sub one minute restarts.

So I have been toying with the idea of starting again using Ubuntu with Docker.

Having read this guide several times in the past, as someone not from a Linux background I’d like to have some kind of handle on what those commands are doing when they ‘prepare your machine’.

Also this:

is a little disconcerting and light on reassurance that all will be well in the end.

None of this would be huge issue if I was starting from new but when migrating it is good to know and understand what could go wrong before you start.

*If anyone recognises this Ubuntu install problem and has any suggestions I’m all ears. It is a while since I tried so I don’t remember the exact error/progress message I was left with but I could easily reproduce it.

Prepare your machine = installing some dependency packages.
Might no work is because the community addon lets you change the ssh port and the core one doesn’t and the ssh for the host system (Ubuntu) and can’t BOTH use port 22.


FWIW, I run Proxmox on my NUC and just used the HassOS VMDK for a VM. A little less flexible than a standard Ubuntu VM but if you want to keep HA isolated then it’s pretty simple and with the Portainer addon you can still run a decent amount of stuff under it.

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THanks…will take a look…

Wait- Are we talking about here? Why would I have to manage my containers with (not hassio)