How would you tranfer from your Pi to your new Nuc?


If you want something running that isn’t available as an add-on, you can run docker containers.

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Ok but other than that…he is describing not hassio right?

BTW my pi has always been great other than the SD issue.

Have you verified the SD card is actually dead? Sometimes a format and restore can fix things.

I’m not really sure what you’re trying to say here. Hassio is hassio.


yes but even if it were not, I would use a new one anyway just because they are cheap.

HA collects so much metrics that the cards don’t last. I really wish they would have fixed this in the PI 4 but no such luck.

As @flamingm0e noted, you may want to install Docker containers outside of the HA environment. Portainer allows you to manage them very easily.

What does this mean? This makes no sense.

The link and instructions are to, as the page states, alternative-install-on-a-generic-linux-host. i.e. Install with a base OS such as Ubuntu.

If you set your recorder correctly, the database file stays very small and does not do many writes. You could get years out of a card (as many HA users have), it doesn’t need “fixing”, you just need to set your config up correctly.

I am talking about the version that manages the add-on’s for you, not the stand alone version. When you mentioned Portainer that made it sound like you were talking about the stand alone version.

As far as I know it’s not fixed as that is a hardware issue they overlooked. but hopefully will be a mute point for me soon.

Again, the instructions provided install, with all of the ad-ons and goodies it brings. You are confusing yourself. Just read and follow the instructions. If you can manage to install ubuntu to an SSD or HDD, all you need to do then is copy/paste those instructions and you will have up and running in under 30mins.

As noted, set your recorder and the SD card doesn’t get written too as often, therefore, lasts much longer. (years). Again, as noted, many users don’t have issue with SD cards, and have HA installs that are years old on the same card.

This is how my recorder is set up. You can adjust as you see fit to include/exclude data you want to keep.

  purge_interval: 1
  purge_keep_days: 30
      - sensor
      - binary_sensor
      - switch
      - light
      - automations
      - device_tracker
      - vacuum
      - group
      - input_boolean
      - service_removed
      - service_executed
      - platform_discovered
      - homeassistant_start
      - homeassistant_stop      
      - feedreader
      - service_registered
      - call_service
      - component_loaded
      - logbook_entry
      - system_log_event
      - automation_triggered
      - script_started
      - timer_out_of_sync

I think you are confusing HassOS and Hassio.

HassOS is the self-contained and very limited OS package that runs the Hassio supervisor and the hassio docker containers but nothing else except what can be installed as an add-on.

Hassio is the version of HA that runs in a regular docker container and offers the add-ons. It also needs a supervisor container to run.

If you follow the install instructions above you will end up with hassio & the supervisor in a docker container. You can then run any other app you want on the machine either in or outside of docker.

Ok thanks for info as I did want to cut down on the metrics . I would also like to supress them on the main page…any easy way to do that?

The other version I was talking about ran on my nas under docker. But it was stripped down. I don’t know what that one was called, but as long as I am getting the same version as what’s on my PI I am good.

Also I was hoping the PI4 would support SDD rather than micro SD…thats all.

It was home assistant. It’s always home assistant. There isn’t any other “home assistant”. No matter how you install home assistant it’s literally the same home assistant…

You need to read what everyone has been telling you about what hassio is.

It’s home assistant but it’s not
This screenshot should explain it better than I can put into words.

I know very well the difference between the different installation methods.

Hassio runs home assistant.

Home Assistant is an application for home automation.

Hassio add-ons are nothing more than other applications in docker containers that work alongside home assistant (I’ve explained this to you before).

Again, Home assistant is home assistant. Period. No matter how you install it.

I’m really lost as to the version of HA you want to install.

Is the screenshot the version of HA do you want to install or is it the version of HA you don’t want to install?

Since the picture doesn’t show “hassio” in the left side menu it is not the hassio version of HA.

You should see 2 pics. You may have to click on the link to see it

Having never used Ubuntu before, I managed to get Ubuntu server and docker up and running, with a hassio container. Did a snapshot on my Pi and a restore on my NUC, worked perfectly.

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Ok, I see now.

the one that doesn’t have the hassio menu on the left isn’t the hassio version of HA but it is still HA. It’s not “stripped down”. It’s a fully functional HA and was the version that was available before hassio was brought into being.

Hassio is the same HA but it has the addition of the add-ons and I’m assuming that’s the one you want.

If so then just follow the instructions posted above and it will install hassio in docker on any Linux machine.

Then since hassio will only be able to manage HA containers (including the add-ons that are all installed into different docker containers) then running portainer will give you control over not only hassio-related containers but also other docker containers you can run that are outside the control of hassio.

It was the only version that would run on the nas at the time. Something along the lines of because you can’t run a docker inside a docker. But yes I prefer because it has the tools I needed ready to go.

Now just waiting for the nuc to arrive and then I will see how it goes. Zwave under hypervisor is something I need to read up on while I am waiting…

That’s not why.

Your NAS didn’t support the necessary apparmor and prerequisites that hassio running on Linux requires. It has nothing to do with running docker inside of docker, because that’s not how hassio works.

So what does it need to run It is synology 918 It would be great to have 2 instances running so I could experiment on one copy and not worry about screwing up the one that runs the house.