How would you tranfer from your Pi to your new Nuc?

I can’t answer the first part but the answer to the second part is that you can just create another (non-hassio) HA container and experiment to your hearts content. If it messes up just delete the container (easily done with portainer) and then just create another one in seconds. You can have as many HA containers as will fit on your machine. The only requirement is that they be named differently and use a different http port.

That’s the beauty of docker.

A proper usable operating system?

Your NAS is not a generic Linux OS. It is a customized version of Linux that the NAS manufacturer has created.

Simply put, your NAS, unless it runs a normal Linux distro, isn’t going to run hassio in its current form.


Then the installation script has lots of information in it, if you take a few moments to try and understand what it’s doing.

It’s not that hard to decipher, you just need to read it. It’s a pretty simple script. Look at the other files it downloads to your system.

So the bottom line is it still doesn’t work on a nas. That’s all you needed to say.

Well I already said that, but you didn’t read it…

Ok well here is a chance to guide me right. I can’t do the real thing until the hardware arrives, but nothing is stopping me from practicing in Virtual Box right now.

There are several versions of ubuntu to chose from- I am guessing the server version runs a lot of services I don’t need…or do I?

I’m confused about where you are at now. Are you going to be running on a NUC, or a Synology NAS?

I just run everything in Debian 9. Pretty much Linux OS would probably work but it just seems that there is more support for a Debian based system (debian, ubuntu, raspbian, etc).

Intel I7 Nuc

So follow my original instructions.

Get ubuntu form Here Use the torrent link - either 16.04 LTS, or 18.04 LTS. Server or desktop won’t really matter.


Downloading 18.04 now. But I have a VERY slow comcast internet so it will take a couple of hours. thanks.

No, the server version is “headless”, aka, you manage it via SSH only. It doesn’t run a desktop.

It doesn’t have ANY services in it until you install the services you need. It’s a blank slate with just enough to get the OS running and usable to create what you want. This isn’t Windows.

I’ve been following this thread with some interest and not without a little amusement :wink:

I suspect more and more people are coming to HA from a Windows background without really understanding what the underlying technology is.

I think all of you giving advice on this thread have been incredibly patient (and helpful) but I sometimes think that elsewhere on this forum there can be an attitude of disdain that comes through towards people who don’t know Linux and have been ‘brought up’ to think the world begins and ends with Windows. As I said this thread shows how it should be done.

Just my Sunday morning thoughts…

Ok I got through step 3 so far. No errors but I don’t see any sign of that shared directory being created. How can I verify that HA actually installed?

docker ps -a should show you home assistant and supervisor containers running.

And by share are you referring to /use/share/hassio?

Yes that is the share I mean. It is not there.
I ran your command (and another one I found) and they both say portainer and the test app - Hello world are there but no HA.

I am going to try again later after lunch.but I did find this command below is where it is going wrong.
It gets permission denied error when it’s trying to run and create that directory. Even sudo doesn’t help.

curl -sL "" | bash -s~~~

What’s with all the tildes in your command?

Did you start by using sudo -i as listed?

Just me trying to format it.

I copied/pasted it all in. I did not see any errors, but about to pickup lunch and when I get back, I will try that whole section again and see what happens.

When things were not working, I just tried that last command on it’s own and saw the permission denied error