Every time I restart HA i need to reconfig the Hue Hub by pressing the button in order to control my Hue lights. I have it specified in my configuration.yaml as so:
I also have emulated hue running if it matters. But i do not understand why it keeps needing me to reconfigure the hub every restart. Any ideas on how to fix this?
EDIT: Also upon restart i get this message in my error log:
WARNING (Thread-8) [homeassistant.components.light.hue] Connected to Hue at but not registered.
Do you get a phue.conf created in your HA config directory after you finished the initial configuration?
If not, there’s your problem. Might be a permissions issue then…
I am getting the same. The phue.conf is there (with the correct IP & username - I checked that on the bridge using the hue API). Just changed the permissions to -rw-rw-rw- to see if it helps.
I am also running Habridge (like emulated hue) on the same network (different Pi) and have done so since the beginning. It’s only since v49 that I started to get this. Weird.
Strange - When running multiple Hue bridges, I think you need to specify the filename: parameter to avoid conflicts.
But I don’t think that’s the issue here since you say it only just started.
Other than that, I’m out of ideas…
Yes I do get a phue.conf file, and have tried a few other things since checking in with no luck. Just thought I would throw them out to see if it sparks any other ideas.
First I tried commenting out the hue platform in my config file. After restarting, HA does not see Hue lights or hub at all; they are not even listed in the current entities list under developer tools. Waited a bit to see if they would come back but they did not.
Second I tried deleting the phue.conf file and have HA recreate it after a restart and adding back the hue platform to my config file. Once restarted it asked to configure the hue hub I pressed the button and all went well; new phue.conf created no problem. Then restarted again to see if it would force another reconfig - it did.
Finally, I tried both commenting out the platform from my config and deleting the phue.conf and got the same result as the first attempt; HA does not see hue at all. Which is strange because discovery is turned on in my config file and should automatically detect the hub without any action on my part. And if I remember correctly, this is the original problem I had and why I specifically added the hue platform in my config file to begin with, rather than let HA discover it automatically.
Not sure what to do next but uninstall/reinstall which I am not sure will even help. Was considering moving to HASS.IO maybe this is just another reason to do so.
That is really strange and it doesn’t happen in my installation.
The phue.conf contains the bridge IP and the username/password used to authenticate.
It should be recreated whenever you finish the initial setup.
Looking at my configuration.yaml, I’m still using the explicit configuration for the hue platform, i.e.:
and I also have hue disabled in the discovery component:
- philips_hue
I can only imagine that the discovery component somehow conflicts with the hue component in your setup.
Try disabling hue in the discovery component and explicitely add the hue platform to the light component.
Cool, tried as you suggested by adding the ignore into discovery. At first restart it asked to config my hub again BUT after the first config it seems to be working normally. I have restarted it twice since and neither time did it prompt for hue configuration. Also confirmed that HA can still control my lights. Seems all is good. Still a bit strange that i need to add that ignore and explicitly add the hue hub in my configuration though. But as long as it works i guess.
I had the same problem here, registered my bridge, got it working and still got the register question via autodiscover.
Tried to hide the card, worked until reboot.
Tried to ignore the hue bridge, no luck, still shoved up.
Found this thread and realised that my phue.conf wasn’t named phue.conf but rather phue-00178870feab.conf , renamed it and now it seems to be hunky dory.