Hue dimmer does not fire events (but has battery sensor)

I hear [1][2][3] that the Hue integration is supposed to fire events (hue_event) when a paired dimmer remote’s buttons are pressed. However, my setup does not seem to do so.

My HA Configuration shows an active Philips Hue integration with plenty devices linked to it, amongst which a dimmer. This also shows up in the Devices (“Hue dimmer switch 1”) and Entities (“Hue dimmer switch 1 battery level”) tabs. All as expected so far.

When I listen to * or hue_event events in the Events tab of Developer Tools however, no remote events show up. The remote is reset to default behavior via the Hue app (basic toggle, dimmer, and scene switching behavior). When listening to the * events, the reaction of the lights (state_changed) does show up properly 5 times (3x lights, 2x groups). Same is true in Node-RED, see attached.

Similarly when I try to create Automations with the remote, it only provides me with the battery device trigger, not the buttons. So too if I try to use the wizard via Configuration>Devices>Automations.

To the best of my google-fu, most Hue-related (or otherwise compatible) CCs are now using these events rather than polling the RESTful API for about a year now. I can’t seem to find any indication that I’m supposed to have some other soft/hardware than I do for this to work.

What could I be missing?
