Hue Integration - Random 'hue_event' triggering automations

I have a few Hue Dimmer Switches, which control various lights and other automations. These are connected with HA via the built-in Hue Bridge integration. (There is no configuration for these switched set up in the Hue App).

I have now experienced multiple times, usually happens at around 5 AM after my nightly backup that one or automatons are triggered by event ‘hue_event’. I can be absolutely sure that no-one in my household has pushed these buttons as some of these are located in areas that are covered by my security alarm that is set overnight. So I can’t work out where these events are coming from or how to stop them.

Below is one of the traces showing the changed variables.

  entity_id: automation.master_bedroom_switch_on_button_short_press_lights_on
  state: 'on'
    id: '1632063626573'
    last_triggered: '2023-09-07T21:03:43.851597+00:00'
    mode: single
    current: 0
    friendly_name: Master Bedroom - Switch On Button - Short Press - Lights On
  last_changed: '2023-09-02T09:20:30.201253+00:00'
  last_updated: '2023-09-07T21:03:44.373537+00:00'
    parent_id: 01H9RQAFQ1EZA8353ZHA5BYJXD
    user_id: null
  id: '0'
  idx: '0'
  alias: null
  platform: device
    event_type: hue_event
      id: master_bedroom_switch_button
      device_id: 47089948291272d5b134e38d25264a9d
      unique_id: f3881090-8e97-4991-8840-7066417b8d96
      type: short_release
      subtype: 1
    origin: LOCAL
    time_fired: '2023-09-08T04:39:51.328780+00:00'
      parent_id: null
      user_id: null
  description: event 'hue_event'

This has been random so I haven’t been able to troubleshoot further. I can see there there was a Bug with the Hue Hub firmware in 2021 that had a similar effect but I can confirm the Hue hubs are running the latest frimware - BSB002|1.59.1959194040

Is there anything else I can review to troubleshoot this or does any one have any idea what could be causing this?

I recall having that problem.

It went away after, I assume, a subsequent firmware update. I haven’t experienced it since then.

FWIW, back then, the unsolicited event occurred after the Hub updated itself. If you have it scheduled to perform updates around 5:00 then you may want to re-schedule during daylight hours (at least until the cause of the issue is identified and resolved).

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Someone else is having similar problems

Thanks I will see if changing the update time makes a difference!

My suggestion was only meant to move the time of the problem to later in the day (when its side-effects might be less intrusive). Of course, this is based on the assumption that it’s the automatic firmware updates that trigger the unsolicited event.

Sorry missed your reply! Yeah that’s what I was taking your recommendation as :slight_smile: I just wanted to see if changing the automatic update time would have an impact.

I can now confirm that this is related to the automatic update of the Hue Bridge. I have 2 Hub’s in use in my environment and I changed the Automatic updates on one to be 5 hours after the the other. Today I received a new update for the Hue Bridge and saw ‘hue_event’ at 5am and 10am as the Bridge was updated.

Same here.

DB Beleuchtung eingeschaltet ausgelöst durch Automatisierung DB Dachboden Beleuchtung ausgelöst durch Ereignis 'hue_event' at 2 in the night. I have an Failsafe with an Alarm in Case that the light Stays on while the door is Closed… so i waked up very unsoftly :confused:

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Same problem here. The log in HA says:

Logger: homeassistant
Source: components/hue/
First occurred: 01:45:43 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 01:45:43

Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohue/v2/controllers/”, line 62, in _handle_event
await super()._handle_event(evt_type, evt_data)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohue/v2/controllers/”, line 247, in _handle_event
callback(evt_type, cur_item)
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/hue/”, line 100, in _handle_event
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘value’