Hue Outdoor Motion Sensor is not detecting motion

I have added Hue Outdoor Motion sensor to HA using the zigbee stick HUSBZB-1. The sensor doesn’t detect motion, but occupancy status gets updated whenever there is a motion. I can see all the entities picked up fine in HA. The occupancy gets cleared in 15-20 sec time interval.

Below is the snap of what I see on HA. Has anyone noticed this kind of behaviour with their sensor?


I ran into the same issue, where motion based blueprints weren’t working with the Hue Motion using the HUSBZB-1 as coordinator. The blueprints would only accept *on_off, not *_occupancy, and as you found, *on_off wasn’t getting action. I ended up having to write my own script. (It’s my first day at this - pardon my coding style)

alias: KMoSwitch
description: 'Kitchen Motion Lights (on switch)'
mode: restart
  - platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.philips_sml001_145d1709_occupancy
  - delay: '{{0 if trigger.to_state.state == "on" else 120}}'
  - service: |
      {% if trigger.to_state.state == "on" %}
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
      device_id: b465ed7cfabc69b8ba3929c1dd9bf194

Slightly OT, but the delay & service are a bit cleaner as

  - variables:
      toOn: '{{trigger.to_state.state == "on"}}'
  - delay: '{{0 if toOn else 120}}'
  - service: '{{"switch.turn_on" if toOn else "switch.turn_off"}}'
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