Hi - Happy to and will reply fully tomorrow.
OK, it’s tomorrow!
Some points:
I do not use the Hive hub (anymore) as I am controlling locally using ZIgbee2MQTT, Mosquitto (MQTT) and a Sonoff USB-3 P dongle. ZHA/Conbee may also work but I haven’t checked.
I don’t use Tuya. My temp comes from the Hive thermostat because I think it is the most accurate in my house (I have Hue motion sensors with temp everywhere and I have calibrated them to the Hive thermostat).
I do have an Aqara TRV, but haven’t integrated it yet.
I boost using automations in HA; the Hive only gets off/on & increase/decrease temp instructions. This automation also keeps Hive heating in ‘Manual’ mode to allow HA scheduling to work.
HA/Hive will survive a restart and return to it’s prior status.
My schedules are a little different. A ‘default’ item is set for day/night/away/windows etc but these can then be overridden by 4 schedules with start/stop and a temp setting. I have found this allows for more flexible scheduling as, for example, I can have the temp set when I get up or at a specific time.
The temp is set by a sensor that takes into account all the variables - this allows my heating to survive a restart. The actual precedence can be seen in sensor.hive_heating_target_temp
and is as follows:
- Boost
- Doors/Windows open
- Someone is home
- x4 Schedules
- House is awake
…this works for me, but you can easily change the order.
There is an attribute called ‘Influence’ in sensor.hive_heating_target_temp
that tells you which item is currently controlling the temp. This is useful to know as there are so many things! I have this displayed in the dashboard to keep me sane. It’s in the 2nd row (see dash screenshot in the next point) but copied below for you to see:
My dash looks like this (happy to share that code as well). Note: the water is ‘on’ right now.
Here’s the same dash with one of the schedules and the defaults expanded:
My code sits in 2 self-contained packages - one for heating and one for water. They differ only in that the water has no temp setting. I’ll post the water later (it’s also less completed). Here is the heating package:
input_boolean: #----------------------------------------------------------------
input_datetime: #---------------------------------------------------------------
name: Heating (1) on
icon: mdi:radiator
has_date: false
has_time: true
name: Heating (1) off
icon: mdi:radiator-off
has_date: false
has_time: true
name: Heating (2) on
icon: mdi:radiator
has_date: false
has_time: true
name: Heating (2) off
icon: mdi:radiator-off
has_date: false
has_time: true
name: Heating (3) on
icon: mdi:radiator
has_date: false
has_time: true
name: Heating (3) off
icon: mdi:radiator-off
has_date: false
has_time: true
name: Heating (4) on
icon: mdi:radiator
has_date: false
has_time: true
name: Heating (4) off
icon: mdi:radiator-off
has_date: false
has_time: true
input_number: #-----------------------------------------------------------------
hive_heating_graph_span: # for history graph
name: "Days to show"
unit_of_measurement: days(s)
min: 1
max: 7
#initial: 1
step: 1
icon: mdi:history
name: "Windows open"
unit_of_measurement: °C
min: 12
max: 22
#initial: 12
step: 0.5
icon: mdi:power-off
hive_heating_away_temp: # recommends 15min when away
name: "Away temp"
unit_of_measurement: °C
min: 12
max: 22
#initial: 15
step: 0.5
icon: mdi:power-off
hive_heating_asleep_temp: # NHS recommends 18 when asleep
name: "Asleep temp"
unit_of_measurement: °C
min: 12
max: 19
#initial: 17
step: 0.5
icon: mdi:power-on
hive_heating_awake_temp: # Gov recommends 21. Who recommends 21 in living room, 18 in bedroom
name: "Awake temp"
unit_of_measurement: °C
min: 12
max: 22
#initial: 20
step: 0.5
icon: mdi:power-on
unit_of_measurement: °C
min: 18
max: 22
#initial: 20
step: 0.5
icon: mdi:thermometer
unit_of_measurement: °C
min: 18
max: 22
#initial: 20
step: 0.5
icon: mdi:thermometer
unit_of_measurement: °C
min: 18
max: 22
#initial: 20
step: 0.5
icon: mdi:thermometer
unit_of_measurement: °C
min: 18
max: 22
#initial: 20
step: 0.5
icon: mdi:thermometer
name: "Previous temp"
min: 10
max: 25 # set high to ensure mum's morning towel boost works even when already hot inside
step: 1
initial: 19
unit_of_measurement: °C
icon: mdi:thermometer
mode: box
name: "Boost by"
min: 0.5
max: 2
step: 0.5
#initial: 1.0
unit_of_measurement: °C
icon: mdi:plus
mode: slider
name: "Boost for"
min: 0.5
max: 4
step: 0.5
#initial: 2
unit_of_measurement: Hrs
icon: mdi:plus
mode: slider
input_select: #-----------------------------------------------------------------
name: Hive heating mode
icon: mdi:radiator-disabled
- "off" # Hive thermostat is in frost protect
- "heat" # Hive thermostat is in manual control
#- "emergency_heating" # Hive thermostat is boosting
#- "auto" # Hive thermostat/app scheduled
sensor: #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- platform: history_stats
name: Hive heating today
entity_id: binary_sensor.hive_heating_reported_action
state: "on"
type: time
start: "{{ now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0) }}"
end: "{{ now() }}"
template: #---------------------------------------------------------------------
- binary_sensor:
# Action as reported by HIVE
# mum (SLR1c) James SLR2c:
# state: climate.hive climate.hive_heat
- name: "Hive heating reported action"
unique_id: hive_heating_reported_action
state: "{{ is_state_attr('climate.hive_heat','hvac_action', 'heating') }}"
# doors and windows that are heating relevant (excl. fr. door which opens for short periods answering bell
- name: "Hive heating doors/windows open"
state: >
| selectattr('entity_id', 'search', '(doors?|window)_contact')
| rejectattr('entity_id', 'search', 'bedroom_[a-z,1]|ensuite|front')
| selectattr('state', 'match', 'on')
| list
| count
influence: >
| selectattr('entity_id', 'search', '(doors?|window)_contact')
| rejectattr('entity_id', 'search', 'bedroom_[a-z,1]|ensuite|front')
| selectattr('state', 'match', 'on')
| sort(attribute='name')
| map(attribute='name')
| list
| join(',\n')
| replace(' contact', '')
- sensor:
# Mode as reported by HIVE thermostat: off, heat, auto (Hive schedule), emergency_heating (Hive boost)
# mum (SLR1c) James SLR2c:
# state: climate.hive climate.hive_heat
- name: "Hive heating reported mode"
unique_id: hive_heating_reported_mode
state: "{{ states('climate.hive_heat') }}"
# state: "{{ state_attr('climate.hive_heat','system_mode_heat') }}"
# Current temp as reported by HIVE thermostat
# mum (SLR1c) James SLR2c:
# state: climate.hive climate.hive_heat
- name: "Hive heating reported current temp"
unique_id: hive_heating_reported_current_temp
device_class: temperature
unit_of_measurement: °C
state: "{{ state_attr('climate.hive_heat','current_temperature') }}"
state_class: measurement
# Target temp as reported by HIVE thermostat
# mum (SLR1c) James SLR2c:
# state: climate.hive climate.hive_heat
- name: "Hive heating reported target temp"
unique_id: hive_heating_reported_target_temp
device_class: temperature
unit_of_measurement: °C
state: "{{ state_attr('climate.hive_heat','temperature') }}"
state_class: measurement
# Triggers hive automation to set temp to this sensor
- name: "Hive heating target temp"
unique_id: hive_heating_target_temp
device_class: temperature
unit_of_measurement: °C
availability: "{{ has_value('binary_sensor.hive_heating_doors_windows_open') }}"
influence: >
{% set shed1 = states('input_boolean.hive_heating_1_scheduled') %}
{% set shed2 = states('input_boolean.hive_heating_2_scheduled') %}
{% set shed3 = states('input_boolean.hive_heating_3_scheduled') %}
{% set shed4 = states('input_boolean.hive_heating_4_scheduled') %}
{% set on1 = states('input_datetime.hive_heating_1_on')[:5] %}
{% set on2 = states('input_datetime.hive_heating_2_on')[:5] %}
{% set on3 = states('input_datetime.hive_heating_3_on')[:5] %}
{% set on4 = states('input_datetime.hive_heating_4_on')[:5] %}
{% set off1 = states('input_datetime.hive_heating_1_off')[:5] %}
{% set off2 = states('input_datetime.hive_heating_2_off')[:5] %}
{% set off3 = states('input_datetime.hive_heating_3_off')[:5] %}
{% set off4 = states('input_datetime.hive_heating_4_off')[:5] %}
{% set mode = states('input_select.hive_heating_target_mode') %}
{% set boost = states('timer.hive_heating_boost') %}
{% set bathroom = states('timer.hive_heating_boost_bathroom') %}
{% set dr_win = states('binary_sensor.hive_heating_doors_windows_open') %}
{% set home = states('zone.home') %}
{% set time = states('sensor.time') %}
{% set house = states('input_select.house_mode') %}
{% if mode == 'heat' %}
{% if boost == 'active' %} Boost
{% elif bathroom == 'active' %} Bathroom
{% elif dr_win == 'on' %} Dr/Win open
{% elif home != '0' %}
{% if shed1 == 'on' and (time >= on1) and (time < off1) %} Schedule 1
{% elif shed2 == 'on' and (time >= on2) and (time < off2) %} Schedule 2
{% elif shed3 == 'on' and (time >= on3) and (time < off3) %} Schedule 3
{% elif shed4 == 'on' and (time >= on4) and (time < off4) %} Schedule 4
{% elif house == 'Awake' %} Awake temp
{% else %} Asleep temp
{% endif %}
{% else %} Away temp
{% endif %}
{% else %} Off
{% endif %}
state: > # uses attribute 'influence'
{% set temp1 = states('input_number.hive_heating_1_temp')|float %}
{% set temp2 = states('input_number.hive_heating_2_temp')|float %}
{% set temp3 = states('input_number.hive_heating_3_temp')|float %}
{% set temp4 = states('input_number.hive_heating_4_temp')|float %}
{% set open = states('input_number.hive_heating_open_temp') %}
{% set away = states('input_number.hive_heating_away_temp') %}
{% set awake = states('input_number.hive_heating_awake_temp') %}
{% set asleep = states('input_number.hive_heating_asleep_temp') %}
{% set boostpre = states('input_number.hive_heating_boost_prior_temp')|float %}
{% set boostby = states('input_number.hive_heating_boost_temp')|float %}
{% set influence = state_attr('sensor.hive_heating_target_temp','influence') %}
{% if influence == 'Boost' %} {{ boostpre + boostby }}
{% elif influence == 'Bathroom' %} {{ boostpre + 0.5 }}
{% elif influence == 'Dr/Win open' %} {{ open }}
{% elif influence == 'Schedule 1' %} {{ temp1 }}
{% elif influence == 'Schedule 2' %} {{ temp2 }}
{% elif influence == 'Schedule 3' %} {{ temp3 }}
{% elif influence == 'Schedule 4' %} {{ temp4 }}
{% elif influence == 'Awake temp' %} {{ awake }}
{% elif influence == 'Asleep temp' %} {{ asleep }}
{% elif influence == 'Away temp' %} {{ away }}
{% elif influence == 'Off' %} 12
{% else %} 15
{% endif %}
state_class: measurement
icon: >
{% set influence = state_attr('sensor.hive_heating_target_temp','influence') %}
{% if influence == 'Boost' %} mdi:timer
{% elif influence == 'Bathroom' %} mdi:shower
{% elif influence == 'Dr/Win open' %} mdi:door-open
{% elif influence == 'Schedule 1' %} mdi:calendar-check-outline
{% elif influence == 'Schedule 2' %} mdi:calendar-check-outline
{% elif influence == 'Schedule 3' %} mdi:calendar-check-outline
{% elif influence == 'Schedule 4' %} mdi:calendar-check-outline
{% elif influence == 'Awake temp' %} mdi:power
{% elif influence == 'Asleep temp' %} mdi:weather-night
{% elif influence == 'Away temp' %} mdi:car
{% elif influence == 'Off' %} mdi:power-off
{% else %} mdi:help
{% endif %}
timer: #------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Boosts when timer is 'active' by 'boost_temp' [℃] for boost_time [hrs]
name: Hive heating boost timer
icon: mdi:radiator
restore: true
# Boosts when timer is 'active' by 0.5 [℃] for 30 [mins]
name: Hive heating bathroom timer
duration: "00:30:00"
icon: mdi:shower
restore: true
script: #----------------------------------------------------------------------
alias: "Hive heating: Increase setpoint"
- service: climate.set_temperature
temperature: "{{ states('sensor.hive_heating_reported_target_temp') |float() +0.5 }}"
entity_id: climate.hive_heat
icon: mdi:thermometer-plus
mode: queued
alias: "Hive heating: Increase setpoint"
- service: climate.set_temperature
temperature: "{{ states('sensor.hive_heating_reported_target_temp') |float() -0.5 }}"
entity_id: climate.hive_heat
icon: mdi:thermometer-minus
mode: queued
# only needed as I'm not sure how to set timer duration within custom:button
alias: "Hive heating: Toggle boost"
- if:
- condition: state
entity_id: timer.hive_heating_boost
state: 'active'
- service: timer.finish
entity_id: timer.hive_heating_boost
# record prior target temp to allow sensor.hive_heating_target_temp to set correct boost temp
- service: input_number.set_value
entity_id: input_number.hive_heating_boost_prior_temp
value: "{{ states('sensor.hive_heating_reported_current_temp') |float(15) }}"
- service: timer.start
entity_id: timer.hive_heating_boost
duration: "{{ (states('input_number.hive_heating_boost_time') |float(30)) *3600 }}"
icon: mdi:radiator
mode: single
automation: #------------------------------------------------------------------
# set mode and temp
# Name of receiver is "Hive":
# SLR1c: zigbee2mqtt/Hive/set
# SLR2c: zigbee2mqtt/Hive/heat/set
# &: zigbee2mqtt/Hive/water/set
- alias: Hive heating
id: "hive_heating"
description: ''
mode: queued
initial_state: true # ensure automation is on at startup
- platform: template # reset mode if out-of-sync
value_template: "{{ states('sensor.hive_heating_reported_mode') != states('input_select.hive_heating_target_mode') }}"
- platform: state
entity_id: input_select.hive_heating_target_mode # user sets sets new mode
- platform: homeassistant
event: start # set correct mode on startup
# - platform: state
# entity_id: input_button.set_hive_heating # set correct mode manually - used in sidebar alarm
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.hive_heating_target_temp # programme sets new temp
- choose:
- conditions:
- condition: state
entity_id: input_select.hive_heating_target_mode
state: 'off'
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: zigbee2mqtt/Hive/heat/set
payload: |-
- conditions:
- condition: state
entity_id: input_select.hive_heating_target_mode
state: 'heat'
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: zigbee2mqtt/Hive/heat/set
payload: |-
"occupied_heating_setpoint":"{{ states('sensor.hive_heating_target_temp') }}"
- conditions:
- condition: state
entity_id: input_select.hive_heating_target_mode
state: 'auto'
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: zigbee2mqtt/Hive/heat/set
payload: |-
- conditions:
- condition: state
entity_id: input_select.hive_heating_target_mode
state: 'emergency_heating'
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: zigbee2mqtt/Hive/heat/set
payload: |-
"temperature_setpoint_hold_duration":"{{ states('input_number.hive_heating_boost_time')|float *60 }}",
"occupied_heating_setpoint":"{{ states('sensor.hive_heating_reported_current_temp')|float + states('input_number.hive_heating_boost_temp')|float }}"
- alias: "Hive heating: Wakeup boost" # warm mum's radiators for 30 mins or 0.5℃ when she gets up
id: hive_heating_wakeup_boost
mode: single
boost: "{{ states('sensor.hive_heating_reported_current_temp') |float(15) }}"
awake: "{{ states('input_number.hive_heating_awake_temp')|float(15) }}"
- platform: state
entity_id: input_select.house_mode
to: "Awake"
- condition: numeric_state # someone is home
entity_id: zone.home
above: 0
- condition: state # heating is off
entity_id: binary_sensor.hive_heating_reported_action
state: 'off'
- condition: numeric_state # outside temp under 18℃
entity_id: sensor.weather_temp
below: 18
- "{{ boost > awake }}" # check boost temp > awake temp - otherwise just turn heating on as usual
- service: input_number.set_value # set boost_prior for sensor.hive_heating_target_temp
entity_id: input_number.hive_heating_boost_prior_temp
value: "{{ boost }}"
- service: timer.start
entity_id: timer.hive_heating_boost_bathroom
duration: "1800" # 30 mins x 30 seconds
The automation is actually quite simple, the ‘brains’ are in sensor.hive_heating_target_temp
Note that the automation uses other sensors including:
states('binary_sensor.hive_heating_doors_windows_open'). # are any heating relevant windows open? (excludes front door)
states('zone.home') # Is anyone home?
states('sensor.time') # what time is it? ...from system_monitor integration
states('input_select.house_mode') # is my house 'awake', 'asleep' or in 'manual' mode?
Note there are 2 boosts:
- The 1st is ‘normal’ (controlled my
) and can be set by time or temp rise. Merely starting this timer sets the hive to ‘boost’
- The 2nd is 'special (controlled by
). This is fixed to 30 mins and goes off when house_mode
goes from asleep
to awake
& it’s a colder day & the heating isn’t already on. This is for my mum who has a single-channel receiver (no hot water control) who likes to have her bathroom radiators warm when she showers in the morning. 30 mins is enough to do that without heating the house up as well. You can remove any code related to this if you have a 2-channel Hive receiver. …I only have this as I maintain mums HA and we share this package. Leaving it there and ignoring it also works
…bet you wished you never asked
Have a read and ask any questions you like