Husqvarna Automower and Gardena Smart System

Hi, I have just installed the integration for my 430x Automower. In the file under “Usage” following comands are stated:

But I only have one entity:
and this entity has a lot of attributes matching your screen shot.

But how do i start, stop etc.?

Hi, you can use the play/pause/stop/home buttons:
DeepinBildschirmfoto_Bereich auswählen_20210412230153
Or you can use the vacuum service:

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There is apparently something I am missing here. I don’t see how I get that card you are showing. Is it a lovelace card? I usually create my own cards by combining entities in lovelace, but in this situation i only have this entity:

And searching in “developer tools” I can only find following:

Could it be I’m missing the vacuum integration? If so how will that look for a automower?

What happens if you click on that “Status … Docked” entity in your “Tulle” card?

What happens if you click on that “Status … Docked” entity in your “Tulle” card?

Aaaah :slight_smile: THEN those options appear. Thanks!

I’m still not sure how I can use it in scripts and automations. This vacuum integration entry in the configuration.yaml, according to the docs (home-assistant vacuum) i need stuff like ipaddress etc. which seems a little odd since the entity card already can communicate.

I’m still not sure how I can use it in scripts and automations. This vacuum integration entry in the configuration.yaml, according to the docs (home-assistant vacuum) i need stuff like ipaddress etc. which seems a little odd since the entity card already can communicate.

I found out. The vacuum service was somehow already added (!). I can use vacuum. in a script :-).

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Is it possible to change the stauts so it doesn’t say “cleaning” and instead says “Mowing” ?

So I created an automation to run the auto mower (husqvana 430x).

Here is the script to start

service: vacuum.start
  entity_id: vacuum.automower

But how can I tell the mower to mower for 8 hours for exemple (including the charge breaks) ?

Saying that my script won’t even work anyway ….

service: husqvarna_automower.park_and_start
  entity_id: vacuum.automower
  command: Start
  duration: 480
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Oh, I didn’t see your update.
Than the code should be:

  alias: "Mow for 8 hours"
    - service: husqvarna_automower.park_and_start
      entity_id: vacuum.automower
        command: Start
        duration: 480
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From version 2021.4.0 I decided to use the standard vacuum states. And the standard state for operating a vacuum is “cleaning”. This gives some benefits in the UI. So the answer is, yes, it’s possible, but I think the better way is to use the “cleaning” state. Another alternative would be to introduce a mower platform in HA. Than the states would better fit to a mower. Maybe you can discuss this somewhere.

Ok, thanks. Was just hoping there were an easy fix. Can live with it.

Anyone has a nice card for this integration?
I have tried GitHub - Cavemanz/lovelace-gardena-mower-card: Simple card for Gardena Robotmower in Home Assistant's Lovelace UI with no success.

I use the xiaomi-vacuum-card with my own image and some of the non-relevant items removed.


entity: vacuum.mike_s_automower
image: '/local/images/vacuum/automower3.jpg'
type: 'custom:xiaomi-vacuum-card'
name: Automower
    locate: false
      icon: mdi:play-pause
      label: Start
      service: vacuum.start_pause
    pause: false
attributes: false
    mode: false

@MRobi How did you get it to show cutting? Mine only shows unavailable, battery and buttons work though.

Same here.

@RavenLiquid @Lovefall If you actually check the entity does it show cutting? The “cutting” is pulled from the status of the entity.


@MRobi No, but all the attributes look different. I’m guessing the Gardena component is different from the one you are using.

Try defining they “key” for the status as either state or activity. That might get you what you’re looking for.

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I just want to know how to send order from H.A.
I want to send “go home” when it’s rainy…