I need help removing "toggle" from some cards

I’ve finally gotten around to doing some user interface tweaks and I’ve encountered something I thought would be simple but has confused me.

I have this toggle:


That I want removed. I’ve tried setting show header toggle to false, and I’ve tried setting control to hidden. In both cases, the configuration file failed to parse and that control wasn’t rendered.

This is how I have it configured now:


   -platform: mqtt
    name: "Garage Door"
    state_topic: "home-assistant/garage/state"
    command_topic: "home-assistant/garage/command"
    retain: false

Could someone help me understand what I’m not getting and show me how to remove this toggle?

Thanks in advance.

Configure UI.

Edit the card.

Uncheck the “Show Header Toggle?”

If you’re trying to edit the configuration yaml for this, and you aren’t using Lovelace Yaml…it will never work.

Just add

  show_header_toggle: false

to the card’s YAML.


@SteveDinn: I tried that, actually. But I appreciate the response, regardless. I think @flamingm0e’s answer is what I was looking for. I missed the configure UI option.

Also, holy cow. That configure UI option is amazing.

My answer would only work if you’re in YAML mode. Otherwise the UI is the only way to do it. If you can see that UI, then you’re not in YAML mode :slight_smile:

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@SteveDinn iiinnnnnteresting. Well, I learned something regardless. Cheers for that.

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