Hide group control for switch group


I’m pretty new to Home Assistant, but managing ok mostly so far. I’ve run into a problem that I haven’t been able to sort out by reading the docs and searching the forum (or elsewhere).

I’ve created three scripts that I have subsequently grouped.

  name: Sonos Stue/TV-stue
  control: hidden
    - script.sonos_stue_til_tvstue
    - script.sonos_tvstue_til_stue
    - script.splitt_stue_og_tvstue

The scripts work and so does the group, but I get a group (main) control that I don’t want.


I presume that the group main control will run all three scripts, which doesn’t make sense as the three scripts are two media_player.sonos_join service calls (with different masters) and one media_player.sonos_unjoin (same entities).

control: hidden doesn’t seem to make a difference.

What am I doing wrong?

Ah, never mind.

Another restart (although I had already restarted Home Assistant - or at least so I believed) and the group (main) control is gone.

Sorry for bothering everybody, but happy that the problem is (mysteriously) solved. :wink:

It most likely persisted because the cache wasn’t flushed. If you truly want to see UI changes after a restart, use CTRL+F5 when on the hass web ui. That clears cache and reloads the page.

That’s probably what it was. Didn’t think of it. Thanks for the tip!