IAMMETER Energy Meters Now Support MQTT Discovery in Home Assistant

With the latest firmware update, all IAMMETER energy meter models support MQTT discovery in Home Assistant. This feature streamlines the integration process, making it easier to connect and monitor your energy meters.

Follow these three simple steps to enable it:

  1. Download the Latest Firmware

    Get the latest firmware here.

  2. Enable MQTT Discovery

    Call the following API to activate the MQTT discovery feature:


  3. Configure MQTT Broker in Home Assistant

    Set the MQTT broker’s address and port in Home Assistant, then click “Save & Reboot.”

That’s it! The IAMMETER integration with Home Assistant is now ready with just a few clicks.

tutorial:enable mqtt discovery for HA in IAMMETER`s energy meter
video : https://youtu.be/C7aVJBdsvi0

What are benefits of MQTT integration over Modbus/tcp or core HA integration?
Is it something like hybrid this two - fast like Modbus/tcp and easy to use like HA integration?

HA Integration: Integrating new features into HA has become increasingly challenging. As a result, IAMMETER’s HA integration has not progressed beyond its initial version, despite multiple PR submissions that were ultimately unsuccessful.

Modbus/TCP: Highly recommended. If you require data updates every second, we still suggest using Modbus/TCP (Although MQTT now supports a 1-second upload interval) but itt requires additional configuration within HA (to configure the modbus/tcp registers).

MQTT Discovery: This is a user-friendly option. Customers don’t need to make any changes in HA. Simply configure the IAMMETER product through its web interface, and the sensor will automatically be discovered in HA.

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