iCloud3 v3 iDevice Tracker - Version 3

Will You email the icloud3-0.log file to [email protected]. I’d like to take a look at it and see if I can find out why the devices are not listed on the screen.

Does any show up if you restart iCloud3? Also, do you see any errors in the HA log?

You are still running pr1.3.
In the log file: _ STAGE 1 > Restarting iCloud3 v3.0pr1.3 > Saturday, Sep 30_

Some people have installed pr1.4 using HACS and it is not installing.

See the issue #207 here for more info.

Thanks Gary @gcobb321 . I was able to install pr1.4 manually as the pr1.3 would not remove it self. However, my device list was empty as well and had to recreate them manually. Just passing that info along. Great app, I appreciate all of your efforts with this tool! Thank you!

How do I create the device list manually?
Edit: Pr1.5 is out, solved the problem :slight_smile:

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Hi All,

I just see some issue. I have created for some locations zones. So when I arrive in the zone I can do some automations on that. But iCloud3 only show “STATIONARY” instead of the zone name created in HA.

I tried everything to let iCloud3 use the zones created in HA to show the right zone.

All zones created in YAML for some specific settings that its not possible in the zone creation ui of HA


  1. When iCloud3 starts, Stage 2 lists the zones reported by HA. Are your missing zones listed?
  2. Do they have a start next to them? The star indicates it is a passive zone which will not be selected.
  3. The zone size is displayed (r100m). iCloud3 will not select a zone with a radius less than 2m.
  4. Can you make a Zone using Settings > Areas and Zones and restart iCloud3 and see if that zone is listed in iCloud3 startup Stage 2. If not, restart HA and see if it is listed.

If nothing works, Post one of the manual zones and I’ll add it to my config and see if it shows up for me.

There are no zones at all listed. Only “home” is listed.
Here some zones:

- name: "Home"
  latitude: !secret latitude_home
  longitude: !secret longitude_home
  radius: 150
  icon: mdi:account-multiple

- name: "Gelderlandplein"
  latitude: !secret lat_gelderlandplein
  longitude: !secret lon_gelderlandplein
  radius: 200
  icon: mdi:account-multiple

- name: "Ter Gooi"
  latitude: !secret lat_tergooi
  longitude: !secret lon_tergooi
  radius: 350
  icon: mdi:account-multiple

- name: "Amsterdam Zuid"
  latitude: !secret lat_asdz
  longitude: !secret lon_asdz
  radius: 210
  icon: mdi:account-multiple

A new test zone created and this one is also listed with the “home” one (see above)

HA was not passing the yaml zones into iCloud3 when starting up. I have made a change to the iway iCloud3 starts to load their information.

I created an issue here and loaded the module that fixes this problem.

I updated the file and restart HA. Now all zones back in stage 2 in the list.

The wife and I got new iPhones and I thought it would be a good time to set up this tracker after having had a much earlier version. I went through the removal and install of the latest RC from the GitHub site. I am having issues with seeing anything other than my iPhone. The log says

iCloud Account Used > bi…@at
Family Sharing Devices > 1 of 1 iCloud3 Devices Configured
• Bills Apple Watch → Not Tracked, Apple Watch 9 (Watch7,2)
• Jude’s Apple Watch → Not Tracked, Apple Watch 7 (Watch6,6)
• Jude’s iPad → Not Tracked, iPad Pro (iPad13,4)
• Jude’s iphone → Not Tracked, iPhone 15 Pro (iPhone16,1)
• Ranch iPad → Not Tracked, iPad Pro (iPad13,4)
✓ iPhone15 → device_tracker_iphone15, iPhone 15 Pro (iPhone16,1)
Find-My-Friends Devices > Not used as a data source
iOS App Devices > 1 of 1 iCloud3 Devices Configured
✓ iPhone15 (iphone15) → device_tracker_iphone15
• Jude’s iphone (judes_iphone_app) → Not Monitored,
Jude’s iphone (iPhone16,1)
• Ranch iPad (ranch_ipad_app) → Not Monitored,
Ranch iPad (iPad13,4)

Tracked Device > device_tracker_iphone15 (iPhone15)
• FamShr Device: iPhone15
• iOSApp Entity: device_tracker.iphone15
• Update Trigger: iphone15_last_update_trigger
• Battery: iphone15_battery_level, … _battery_state
• Notifications: mobile_app_iphone15

If I try and add her phone I get a mystery error -

Not sure where I went wrong. Any direction/thoughts appreciated.

Make sure you are on the latest release (v3.0.rc6) and try refreshing your browser. Restart and retry.

If you still get an error, look in Settings > System > Logs for an iCloud3 error message. Click the message for more detail. You can also look in the icloud3-0.log or home-assistant.log file for any error messages.

Thanks for the help. I restarted Home Assistant to see what showed up in the log and I get -

Logger: homeassistant.helpers.integration_platform
Source: helpers/integration_platform.py:50
First occurred: 12:35:48 PM (6 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:35:48 PM

Unexpected error importing icloud3/recorder.py
Unexpected error importing icloud3/group.py
Unexpected error importing icloud3/logbook.py
Unexpected error importing icloud3/system_health.py
Unexpected error importing icloud3/media_source.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/integration_platform.py”, line 50, in _async_process_single_integration_platform_component
platform = integration.get_platform(platform_name)
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/loader.py”, line 838, in get_platform
cache[full_name] = self._import_platform(platform_name)
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/loader.py”, line 855, in _import_platform
return importlib.import_module(f"{self.pkg_path}.{platform_name}")
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.11/importlib/init.py”, line 126, in import_module
return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
File “”, line 1204, in _gcd_import
File “”, line 1176, in _find_and_load
File “”, line 1140, in _find_and_load_unlocked
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘custom_components.icloud.diagnostics’

The event log shows the correct release and no errors oddly -

I actually installed this by unzipping the assets zip file and creating the icloud directory and copying the files directly there after uninstalling my earlier version. I tried installing the Dev version from HACS a couple of times and though it seemed to install there was never an icloud directory created on the server. There must be some older stuff still around because it seems to already know my iCloud login info. Is there a way to completely clean this out and then try a new install?

The directory is icloud3, not icloud. A lot of the files (group.py, diagnostics.py, recorder.py, etc are not part of icloud3. I suspect you might have had the HA icloud integration installed and trashed it by installing icloud3 program files on top of it.

To clean things up, uninstall icloud3 (and icloud) on the integrations page.
Delete the custom_components/icloud3 and custom_components/icloud directories
Create the custom_componets/icloud3 directory and unzip the icloud3.zip file into it agaim.

Your iCloud3 configuration data is in .storage/icloud3 and will still be there on a reinstall.
Then add the iCloud3 integrations again and restart HA.

Hi All,

Normal i login with my @icloud.com address. I was trying to login with my @me.com account.
Because i get many emails that the account was used to login and was hoping in will see my @me.com in the message. But still see my @icloud.com email in it.

Is there a way that my @me.com address will be in the message, or is this something how it work at Apple. To show the mail address always?

The email message is generated by Apple. iCloud3 has no control over it. I created a filter in my gmail mail account for it that marks it as read, bypasses the inbox and moves to an Apple iCloud Login folder.

I do the same. With 2fa Auth you know fast enough if it is wrong…

I am just a beginner with HA and discovered iCloud3. But after adding my account to it so I could monitor all my devices I am getting bugged by the authorization of Apple. Sending me the 6-digit salute several times a day. Is there a way to stop this for this integration?

Version 2 - See the User Guide here
Version 3 - See the User Guide here

Final iCloud3 v3 checkout before a (hopfully) mid-November release

By now, iCloud3 v3.0.rc8.x should be available on HACS for both the icloud3_v3 (Development) and icloud3 (as a beta) GitHub repositories.

I plan (hope) to release this as the latest version on the main iCloud3 repository as an upgrade to v2.4.7 in mid-November. To do so, I would appreciate it if all of you would install this version so I can get a really good checkout of iCloud3 v3 to make sure here are no lingering/hidden bugs or errors I need to fix before the final rollout.

Gary (@gcobb321)

Update using HACS

When I create a new release, it is not picked up by HACS immediately. It might take HACS up to 48-hours to pick up the new release information and add it to the Devices & Services screen.

  1. Check to see if the new version of iCloud3 is displayed as an available update on the Devices & Services screen. If it is not displayed there, do the following:
  2. Open HACS from it’s sidebar icon. Select Integrations, then type iCloud3 in the search field and press Enter.
    Two items are displayed - iCloud3 Device Tracker and maybe, iCloud3 v3, Development Version.
  3. Select the appropriate one, click the 3-dots in the upper-right corner to open the menu. Select Update Information, Then select Download or Redownload. HACS will download and install the new version.
  4. Restart HA like you normally do.

Beta Version
If you are not using the iCloud3 v3, Development Version and iCloud3 v3, is not displayed, you will need to enable the HACS Develpment/Beta option on the Devices & Services > HACS Configuration settings.

Releases Page
iCloud3 v3, Development Version here
iCloud3 v3 here


@biggeeus @confusedsecuritydudes @chupacabra71 @chr04213 @criticallimit @daneboom @denac @derekoharrow @diothar @DerDon1302

Please read this note about the final iCloud3 v3 checkout
