iCloud3 v3 iDevice Tracker - Version 3

What beta version are you running?
When iC3 loads, it lists all of the zones it has loaded from HA in Stage Are all your zones listed?
Are there any errors in the HA log file?
My scren does not have a check box, but I have more than one zone.




I am using the latest beta and i see only my home zone in the logs. Iā€˜ve configured my zone in configuration.yaml. Thatā€˜s correct right?

Iā€˜ve have only this warning in the log:

Logger: homeassistant.components.recorder.db_schema
Source: components/recorder/db_schema.py:585 
Integration: Recorder (documentation, issues) 
First occurred: 13:22:00 (37 occurrences) 
Last logged: 21:00:25

State attributes for sensor.icloud3_event_log exceed maximum size of 16384 bytes. This can cause database performance issues; Attributes will not be stored

Zones in config yaml are not picked up in iC3_v3. They must be configured in Devices & Settings > Area & Zones. HA handles those zones as legacy zones and are not merged with the zones in the Devices & Settings screen. Iā€™ll make a note and try to add a warning message if Home is the only zone that is detected.

Itsā€™ working now. Thank you again for your time, i learned again something new!

Without having changed my config for a year, I suddenly see that in some cases (cannot identify a logic), the device tracker states are mixed up between the devices.

So device_tracker.fliphone is Stationary.

The device_tracker.fliphone_app (the one from icloud3) is sometimes fliphone_stationary (as expected), but sometimes also wife_iphone_stationary or even wife_apple_watch_stationary

How can this get mixed up and how can I prevent that, having a clear assignment? So far I only noticed that when we were at the same location, so the result is to some extent still the same, but it currently messes up some other config where I expect a clear assignment per device.

HA assigns the device tracked and people entity state values using the latitude/longitude values. Since the StatZone for each device is in the same location, it will assign the one it thinks is closest to its location, which can be any of the 3 StatZones. iCloud3 has no control over this so there is nothing that can be done.

I am currently working on this in iCloud3 v3 where a device can use another deviceā€™s StatZone if both devices are in the same location.

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I am testing v3 and donā€™t see updates for my wifes Phone, but get ā€œrejectedā€ messages:


Does this mean the accuracy circle does have a radius of 3.8km?

I read in this thread, that it might be related to gps_accuracy parameter, but I canā€™t find it anywhere in the UI.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi all,

maybe a very stupid question. But does it make sense to create an app specific password for iCloud3 integration. Or does it not work then because you need full access to get the iPhone information?

As far as I know, App specific passwords work with apps running on Apple devices, not programs running on an.RPi or other computer.

Today I tried it and didnā€™t work indeedā€¦ :slight_smile:

I should reconfigure the integration but when i trigger to send a new 6-digit i didnā€™t get a new code.
How can i solve it?

Event Log > Actions > Reset iCloud Interface

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Can you estimate when the beta is going to be an official release? What will be the steps to migrate from beta to the official release?

I stopped the debug log. Log was gone. But after I restart HA the debug log is on again. Seems it wonā€™t safe the setting. Now stop de debug log again, restart iCloud3 and see what happen.

ic3 is overriding the debug log option so it is always on while in beta and on for 5-days after it is installed when not a beta release. Iā€™ll remove that in beta 16 since that will probably be (hopefully) the last one.

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Hi @gcobb321
I have problems with iCloud3 v3.
It says I need to reconfigure it and when I trigger a new verification code from my phone (Settings ā†’ icloud password & security ā†’ get Code), this code does not work on ā€œreconfigureā€ of icloud3 v3.
I just get:

The Apple ID Verification Code is invalid. Requested a new code

Is there a trick I miss?

Never mind - I got it.
It did not help to restart icloud3 and use the ā€œartificiallyā€ requested code, but to reset the icloud interface to trigger a code request by the integration and use that.

:radioactive::radioactive: The FmF (Find-my-Friends) Tracking Method is no longer available due to a change Apple made.

Apple has made a change to the data returned from iCloud Location Services. The the url links to that would return the FmF data are no longer returning any FmF data. It looks a lot like the FamShr data but I can not be sure if it is the same data or only part of it.

The location for the friends is still being reported correctly in the FindMy app but not being sent with iCloud3 requests it.

I will be investigating the issue and see what can be done. In the meantime, the FamShr tracking method is working fine.


Noticed this yesterday and was hoping it was just a problem my end but looks sadly like it is not then.

Hopefully it is something easy to fix and thankyou for all your work on Icloud3 :+1:

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I saw two verification requests in the HA notification. I clicked one of it and proceed.

But now, how do I delete the other one? There is no option to remove the entity and I cannot dismiss from the HA notification.

The entity name ended with ā€œ2ā€:


I have no idea, Iā€™ve never seen it and do not know how HA generates or creates it. It will probably go away on the next HA restart.