iCloud3 v3 iDevice Tracker - Version 3

Ok, so can I have two instances of iCloud 3? One with my credentials and one of my partner?

No. Only one instance of iCloud3 integration is possible

Is it possible to force-update current location from iCloud by service call? Use case - motion sensor was activated and I want to check if someone is at home now.

iCloud3 v2 - see set_interval service in docs here
iCloud3 v3 beta - see locate service in docs here

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Sorry, and can I use family share with someone that already has an iCloud account?

You can use Family Share with any account as long as you have the username and password. It does not have to be your own account.

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How can I edit the frienly name of StatZon1?

iCloud3 v3 Configuration Wizard > Page 2 > Special Zones

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Hi All,

I was changing my logger to error and now i see those errors in the log:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/config/custom_components/icloud3/sensor.py", line 420, in __init__
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute '_exclude_e'
2023-06-09 09:38:41.606 ERROR (MainThread) [icloud3] 'function' object has no attribute '_exclude_e'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/config/custom_components/icloud3/sensor.py", line 420, in __init__
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute '_exclude_e'
2023-06-09 09:38:41.611 ERROR (MainThread) [icloud3] 'function' object has no attribute '_exclude_e'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/config/custom_components/icloud3/sensor.py", line 420, in __init__
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute '_exclude_e'
2023-06-09 09:38:41.614 ERROR (MainThread) [icloud3] 'function' object has no attribute '_exclude_e'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/config/custom_components/icloud3/sensor.py", line 420, in __init__
AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute '_exclude_e'

Can i ignore this? (use latest beta version)

Ignore it. The HA guys changed the way sensors are excluded from the Recorder (history) and broke what I was doing. Working on a fix now.


I’m new to HA and installed iCloud v2.4 couple of days ago.

Now it started that I get the following error message: State attributes for sensor.icloud3_event_log exceed maximum size of 16384 bytes. This can cause database performance issues; Attributes will not be stored

I’m not sure if I missed anything during the installation, is there any recommendation to exclude several entities to avoid recorder size issues?

A recorder to the configuration.yaml

      - icloud3_event_log

I’m new to home assistant as well as icloud3.
Is there any best practice how to exclude most of icloud3 components from the log book to not mess it up? Currently it’s flooding the log book with info, last update, last update trigger,… messages multiple times a minute so I’m afraid I could miss something important there.
Or is the only way to get rid of it to exclude each and every entity manually in the confirmation.yaml?

Insert the following into config.yaml to exclude the icloud3_event_log and [devicename]_info sensors. Those are the ones that are text based and do not need to be logged. Google home assistant recorder more more info about the recorder component.

      - sensor.*_info
      - sensor.icloud3_event_log

iCloud3 v3 does this automatically. It’s still in beta (beta 18 was just uploaded to be released tomorrow) because I need to finish the docs and I’m now doing some code cleanup. It has over 150 downloads and the release candidate will be available pretty soon. Go here for more info about installing, migrating and using v3.


I have troubles with intervals how do I make sure the system sees when I arrive at a zone to open gate? Now it just works sometimes, but most of the time it does not. Can’t set the interval below 5 minutes.

@snhnic The iOS App is used for zone enter/exit triggers and is monitored for the device. Without using the iOS App, iCloud3 relies on the location info from iCloud Location Servers. You might try to use one of the distance sensors to open the gate when the distance is less than .2 instead of when you enter a zone. The example automations and scripts in the iCloud3 docs show how to do this. Click on the (?) in the top right corner of the Event Log to view the docs.

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Thanks. I will give it a try.

For those running iCloud3 v3 beta, beta 18d now is available. The HACS config issues have also been fixed

  • To set up v3 in HACS as a custom repository, see info here
  • For info on the beta 18 release, go here
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Hi, I’m trying to set this up with the Family Sharing method. iCloud3 asks me for a one time passwords, it authenticates fine. But then I see the following error in logs:

“Cloud Alert > FmF or FamShr Tracking Method is disabled until Verification has been completed. iOS App Trackimg Method wil be used.”

and it sets up only the iOS App tracking (which sucks…).

Here’s my config:

- platform: icloud3
  username: [email protected]
  password: !secret icloud_password 
  unit_of_measurement: km
    - iphone_kk> [email protected], krzysiek.png

Apple stopped supporting FmF tracking in May and v2.4.7 has not been updated to get around that problem. iCloud3 v3 it’s almost at the release stage and beta are pretty solid with over 300 downloads. I would update to it.

Docs are here
Release and other info is here