iCloud3 v3 iDevice Tracker - Version 3

Hi all,

Just getting started with iCloud3 v3. I setup the custom integration and authenticated with my AppleID. However, when I try to configure devices, I can’t see any family devices that are sharing their location via Family Sharing. I only see my own phone and watch as options to track. I know my family members are setup in my family as I can see the devices in FindMy. Has anyone else run into a similar issue? Any suggestions for how to address this situation?

Many thanks.

Hello Gary,
I’ve used iCloud3 v2 for quite a while now and did an upgrade/fresh install to v3 yesterday.
However, the event log card stays empty. Instead of the “persons”. it says Setup in the top.

Any idea what can be the issue?

Thanks in advance

Stage 4 of iCloud3 setup shows all the devices in the Family Sharing list that was returned from Apple. Those are listed in the Update Devices screen and available for selection. Are the missing ones listed there?

The FindMy screen shows those and other devices for friends that shared their location with you that can not be located since Apple stopped making that info available for download in May.

Does the Event Log screen show v3 in its title? If not, that is the v2 version and you need to refresh your browser. If it shows v3, are the devices being tracked? Did you change the devices from Inactive to Tracked in the Configuration Wizard?

it says 2.4.0 indeed… thanks! :zipper_mouth_face:

Thanks @gcobb321. For whatever reason when I initially installed and setup the integration was only pulling back my devices. I went back in today and followed the device setup flow and now all the family devices show up as options :man_shrugging:

I was able to successfully track the devices I need in HA.

As a follow up question, when v3 goes into production status will there be any migration that we need to do if we’re currently using the beta?

I apologize in advance as I’m super new to HA… I have HA installed using HAOS… Trying to get iCloud3 working… I’m on step 1.5 > installing the event log…

Here are my current resources with the top 4 working fine (and their paths)…


I tried a couple different paths but don’t think it’s working… If anyone can help I’d appreciate it!


@ADHawk No, you already did the migration when you went to v3

Quick question - how frequently does the integration re-authenticate with iCloud?

Since adding the integration just a day ago I’ve gotten multiple emails about iCloud signed in via the web. Just trying to gauge how often the integration signs in. Thanks.

@ADHawk It seems like Apple wants a reauthentication about every 30-minutes. It uses a token which does not generate an email. When that expires, it uses a password which does. I have an email filter with gmail.com to bypass the inbox and delete the emails.

I am having the same problem with the event log not showing V3 in the title of the card and only showing setup and select person. I have done a forced refresh of Chrome to no avail.

I deleted cache and that took care of it.

Hi Gary,

First of all thanks a lot for this addon. Great work with version 3, it gets much easier to set up then the old versions, and is much better then the official iccloud integration for HA.

I want to use a Cellular Apple Watch to track on person in the family. I was able to add the watch and shows up in the devices list. I see the battery status of the device gets update when we put it on the charger and so on however the location doesnt seem to get updated. In the “Find My” app I do see the watches correct location. I read your extensive documentation, but couldnt figure out whats the issues. Any hint where can I start to debug, what did I do wrong?

Thanks a lot and cheers,


David… is it a watch setup as “Family”? I have a similar problem with one of my kids watches. Most recently the watch needed a WatchOS update and that resolved the issue. Also make sure that the privacy settings are set to share my location from this device on the watch.

The Watch is treated like other devices (iPhones, iPads, etc). It must be part of the Family Sharing list so it will be listed on the iC3 Configure Settings screens as a tracked device. The device will default to a short inzone interval (15-min) that you can change. When a non-watch device leaves a zone (home or other) and gets a zone exit trigger from the iosapp, it updates that device as away. 3-min later it does another update will set the watch to away if it is still nearby that just left, overriding the inzone time.

The watch acts pretty much like the other tracked devices but, since it does not have the ios app, it does not get location updates or zone enter/exit triggers on a regular basis. Because of this, it’s location is not as timely and there may be delays enter and exiting zones. Particularly if you do not have any other iDevices.

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iCloud3 v3, Beta 19 was just uploaded.

See the Important Links below for a link to the Releases page.

Update Notes

Not much changed in this beta. Things seem to be working fairly well so I concentrated on cleaning up the code, documentation and giving the icons on the Event Log an update. I’m hoping to turn this into a general Pre-release on HACS under the base iCloud3 entry in 2-weeks.

  1. New Event Log icons.
  2. A couple of minor additions to the Configuration Settings screens.
  3. A v2 → v3 migration update

Important Links

Installing using HACS - iCloud3 is not available on the HACS base. You have set it up as a custom repository.
See here for instructions on how to do that and then install it. If you just go to HACS and do the installation, you will be installing v2.4.7, not v3.
Download and Install - Go to the iCloud3 Releases page here. Scroll down past the notes, then select Assets, then select icloud3.zip. Download the zip file and unzip it into the /config/custom_components/icloud3 directory. Then restart HA.
Migrating from v2.4._ - See here for instructions on migrating from from an older version.
iCloud3 v3 Documentation - It is still in process, does not include the latest updates to iCloud3 and can be found here
Change Logs - See the notes below:

Change Log

  1. Event Log - You will get a browser refresh notification
    1. Icons - The icons on the Event Log have a new look. They are brighter, have a little color and look similar to the HA icons.
    2. New ‘Configure Settings’ icon (The Gear) - This will display the Devices & Services > Integrations > iCloud3 Settings screen. Select Configure to open Configure Settings screens. When you exit the Configure Settings screens, select Back to return to the iCloud3 screen.
    3. New ‘Buy Me a Coffee’ icon (The Coffee Cup)- Drop me a dime if you find iCloud3 useful. Thanks. It’s been a several year project rewriting iCloud3 from v2 and I appreciate your support.
  2. Configure Settings -
    1. Format Parameters screen - Added Log Level > RawData (AutoReset) to automatically turn off RawData at midnight.
    2. Tracking & Other Parameters - Added the HA > Integrations > iCloud3 Configure Settings URL parameter. The Configure Settings icon on the Event Log gets base part of the URL from the URL used by HA (, https://localhost:8123, https://homeassistant:8123, etc). It appends /integrations/integrations/icloud3 to it and uses the result to display the Configure screen. When running in a virtual environment, docker, etc… the first part might not be determined correctly, resulting in a 404 not found error. If this happens, paste the URL in this field and it will be used instead of trying to figure it out.
  3. Start up > Stage 5 > Configured Devices - Paired devices (iPhone <–> Watch) are now identified and a message indicating how the devices are paired together is displayed. This is not used for anything yet but may be in the future.
  4. v2-v3 Migration - The known_devices.yaml file has caused some problems with old iCloud3 device names being added to the HA entity_registry before the iCloud3 v3 Integration is able to create them. This creates a mess with duplicate device_tracker and sensor entity names. This file will be renamed when the migration starts to prevent these errors.
  5. Updated the iCloud3 User Guide.

iCloud3 v3, Beta 19.1 was Uploaded


  1. Bug Fix - Fixed a problem that may be encountered if you have a watch paired to an iPhone and are tracking the iPhone but not the watch.
  2. New Sensors:
    1. [devicename]_travel_time_hhmm - Displays the travel time to the zone in an hh:mm format.
    2. [devicename]_arrival_time - The expected arrival time to the zone (current time + travel time) (5:25p, 17:25) or the time you arrived in the Home or other Tracked From zone (@5:25p, @17:25)
  3. Simplified the sensors associated with track_from_zones other than Home.

Important Links

Installing using HACS - iCloud3 is not available on the HACS base. You have set it up as a custom repository.
See here for instructions on how to do that and then install it. If you just go to HACS and do the installation, you will be installing v2.4.7, not v3.
Download and Install - Go to the iCloud3 Releases page here. Scroll down past the notes, then select Assets, then select icloud3.zip. Download the zip file and unzip it into the /config/custom_components/icloud3 directory. Then restart HA.
Migrating from v2.4._ - See here for instructions on migrating from from an older version.
iCloud3 v3 Documentation - It is still in process, does not include the latest updates to iCloud3 and can be found here

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Thanks Gary for the explanation. The device is not set up as an own device. @kohlep0a Familiy sharing of the cellular plan is not available in my country. The kid has an own phone connected to the watch, but the phone is just used for setup and is confiscated from the kid :slight_smile: and is turned off, the idea is he can be reached on the cellular enabled watch, he doesnt need a phone yet.

@gcobb321 the phone is added to the Family Sharing list, I see its position also in the Find My app on my phone, and I find it no issue at setup. However even when it leaves the zone the position is not updated. I saw it a couple of times work, but definitely not reliably. I see in the event log its position was updated a few times, but then for 3-4 days nothing. Is there any logfile I could look at or share with you to debug this further?


this tool can be used to track a car position?

No. It only tracks devices using location data for devices in the iCloud Family Sharing list or that are tracked by the iOS App. But I suppose you could if you get a cheap iPhone and leave it in the car.

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