iCloud3 v3 iDevice Tracker - Version 3

Thanks. I saw this a few days ago and took care of it. It only occurs when iCloud3 is restarted when a stationary zone exists and does not effect anything.

Sorry been sick the last week or so. Didn’t look here. But removed Apple’s iCloud integration and left it all to yours. Works perfectly now. All be it I would like to see realtime battery updates charged or not. Sometime location update is a bit sluggish. Is there a way to force an location/charge update?

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The battery and location are updated when iCloud3 gets the data from iCloud based on the update interval. When in a zone, the interval is the value specified on the Configure Settings > Update Devices screen. When not in a zone, it is calculated based on the distance from home. When the iOS app is used for a device, iCloud3 checks the battery data it provides every 5-secs.

The iCloud3 battery sensor is updated when the level changes. It’s is displayed in the Event Log when the value ends in 0 or 5.

Thanks will look into that.

@gcobb321 do you know if the integration will be able read iphone “focus”?

No. Apple does not report “focus” info through their web interface. I believe this is a local function on each device.

Hi all,

Is there a way to implement a option to “Trust” the login? I use my iCloud for other things and get a option to trust it. Then I don’t receive emails that there is a login on iCloud. With iCloud3 I get lots of emails.

No there is not. You can ‘trust’ an app but iCloud3 is not an app, it is a program that uses a web based interface.

See here for some suggestions on the emails.

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Am I the only one that has had their Apple Watch become unavailable over the last few days from both the native iCloud integration as well as this version? And now it isn’t detected when re-configuring either as well.

I have not had any problems tracking my wife’s Watch. I would go to Configure Settings > Update Devices screen for the Watch and verify it has been selected in the FamShr device field.

Question-Did you get a new Watch. If yes and you didn’t change it in the settings, iCloud3 would be still tracking the old one.

Nope, not a new watch.

I’ve completely removed it from HACS, rebooted, and reinstalled the integration. Now it doesn’t even ask me for my creds or prompt for MFA (guess it’s stored somewhere even after a complete reinstall?)

After initialization it doesn’t find anything but my iPhone. So I can’t do an update device for my Watch since it doesn’t find it.

I also have a couple Macs that it doesn’t find either.

All my devices appear in FindMy as expected.

The Event Log shows what devices are being returned from your iCloud Family Sharing list when iCloud3 starts in Stage 4. They are summarized in Stage 5. Do you see them listed there or are there any error messages that a device was not found.

Try restarting iCloud3 to see if Apple sends them to iCloud3. I sometimes get an error that Apple did not provide info on my wife’s Watch. See here for info on the Event Log when iCloud3 starts. Your first note said that neither iCloud or iCloud3 was showing the Watch. That would indicate that there was a problem getting the info back from your Apple account.

And yes, the 2fa credentials and iCloud3 configuration parameters are not stored in the iCloud3 directory. They are in config/.storage/icloud (2fa stuff) and config/.storage/icloud3 (parameters).

I assume you are running v3.0.rc8.

@gcobb321 I have another question if I may?

My wife has her own icloud account and is not connect to mine in any way, nor do we use family sharing.

Is there a way to get her on icloud3?

What would the steps be if so?

No, iCloud3 only supports 1 iCloud account

Edit: You can if you add her to your Family Sharing List in your account. That is how my wife and I have ours set up.

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Thanks @gcobb321, did that now. Another question if I may?
Where and which is the setting to update location update frequency? Can this be forced?

I have noticed that its a bit slow to update the location as we have some automations based on that, like turning off lights when we are both out. Yesterday it didn’t update when we were out and as a result the lights stayed on.

The inzone interval for each device is on the Configure Settings > Update Devices screen. Are you using the iOS app which will generate Exit Zone triggers and fires within 1-minute of leaving a zone?

If you mean the Home Assistant app on the iPhone, yes we both have it on our phones.

Would that be the In Zone Interval?

And you have it (iOS app) configured in iCloud3? And are getting Exit Zone trigger? If not, see the iCloud3 docs on setting it up here

Ok have done that! Trigger was set to 120 minutes