iCloud3 v3 iDevice Tracker - Version 3

Hi Gary. I’ve been using icloud3 without issues for months, but today I noticed this error for the first time.

I don’t understand where this suddenly comes from. Apart from updating icloud3 today or yesterday, nothing has changed. Any ideas what to do?

Well, the error message says the ???_iphone_app is not in the iosapp device list and needs to be checked. When iC3 starts, it reads the HA device registry and gathers the iosapp device_tracker entities. The ones it finds are in the Event Log, Stage 4. The device it found was ‘Pixel 7’ and that device is not monitored by iC3.

Check the iosapp on the ???_iphone_app. Make sure it is operational and can connect to HA. Make sure it is sending location updates and the zones are all correct in the app. Make sure location services is set for the app. The app configuration is in the ic3 docs.
Check HA Settings > Devices and services > Devices and see what mobile_app device_tracker entities HA knows about.

Edit: I see you have a Pixel 7 mobile app device tracker entity that ic3 found. Are you using that with iC3? It would be interesting to know if you configure that phone with only the iosapp (FamShr = None) to see it it would be tracked.

Thanks for getting back to me, Gary!

I’ve checked everything and can’t find anything wrong. So I’ve rolled back to the previous icloud3 remade and the ???_iPhone_app error has disappeared.

As for the pixel 7,no that’s not being used with icloud3.

Thanks. I figured that might be the case :frowning: I have managed to work around it by signing in with my wife’s account as we are in a family.


  1. rc8 is the latest version. Is that the one you updated to and the iosapp device list was giving the error?
  2. What version did you roll back to that it found your iosapp device?
  3. Did you check the HA logs for any errors?

Hi Gary,

  1. rc8.1 gave me the error.

  2. I rolled back to rc8, which was able to find the iPhone_app entity

  3. no I didn’t

Thanks for the info. I’m cleaning up some error messages displayed in the Event Log during startup to give more instructions on what to do/look for to resolve a problem.

I’d like to send you a copy of rc9 when it is ready (probably later today) to see if you still have the iosapp device issue you ran into. As I recall, I made a change to pick up zones c configured using yaml. It shouldn’t have anything to do with the iosapp entities but, if something broke, I’d like your help finding the problem.


Hi Gary.

Sure, happy to help. I noticed the error after updating and had been away for a couple of hours. If that is what’s needed to trigger any similar errors, it might be a couple of days before I notice it again as I tend to be home most of the time. But I’ll do what I can.

I’ve wrapped up rc9. Here is a preliminary copy with the code that addresses the problem you had, along with a bunch of other things. I have not uploaded this to GitHub yet but probably will this coming Wednesday. Let me know how things go (ok or there is a problem).

I really want to make sure all of your iOS App devices are found and listed during Event Log Stage 4 since you said you had do do a rollback of the last update. If there is a problem, let me know and we can go through some debug logging and I can send you a module that will dump some additional data to the icloud3-0.log file.

Unzip icloud3-rc9.zip into the icloud3 directory and restart HA.

rc9 Change Log:

  1. Stationary Zone

    • Fixed a bug restarting iCloud3 when reinitializing the zones and a Stationary Zone already existed. Some of the zones were not reloaded and the Stage 2 Zone setup process would end.
    • All Stationary Zone information persists over iCloud3 restarts and devices that were in the Stationary Zones will be moved back into it.
    • Unused Stationary Zones will be checked and deleted every hour
    • A nearby device results will not be used if the device’s stationary zone timer has expired
  2. The iOSApp Location Time was not being saved correctly when it processed an update handling the Initial Location triggers when starting iCloud3.

  3. Bug fix - Devices that were paired with a Watch that was not being tracked were displaying a message in the Event Log that they were paired with themselves.

  4. Battery - Fixed a problem so the battery sensor would only be updated when the battery level or status changed. It was updating when the information hadn’t changed which was causing excessive and unnecessary HA battery sensor state changes.

  5. Near zone (home) old location update retries - When approaching Home, the location request time was small (15-secs) and old location info was being returned from iCloud, the old location threshold was set to 15-secs to try to get a good location. This sometimes resulted in the location always being old even when it was good enough to be used. Now, the small interval will only be used for 4 Location requests. The old location threshold of 2-3 minutes will then be used.

  6. Waze History Database - Removed some maintenance activities being done when iCloud3 starts that was delaying the startup process by almost 2-minutes for a database with 10,000+ entries. This is now done at midnight.
    7: Event Log - The Event Log items are displayed a lot faster after selecting a different device or refreshing the screen.

  7. HA Area - iCloud3 was assigning or reassigning the tracked and monitored devices to the ‘Personal Device’ area when starting. This will now only be done when the devices is added or changed from Inactive to Tracked. You can now change or delete the device’s HA Area and it will not be reassigned.

  8. NEW FEATURE - Away Time Zone - "The time displayed in the Event Log and Sensors show the time an event took place using the Home ‘time zone’ from your Home Assistant computer. When you are away from Home and in another time zone, your tracking events are still based on the time at your Home ‘time zone’, not time in your current location. This feature lets you display time events on the Event Log, Sensors, Sensor Attributes and the Device_Tracker Attribures using your Away location’s time zone.

This is useful if you are away for a holiday or business trip to a location in another time zone. For example, you may create a temporary zone for a house you rented, set that zone up as a ‘track from’ zone on the device’s update screen and then all time based tracking events (arrival time, location time, etc) will show your local time instead of your Home time zone time.

The Away Time Zone screen has been added to the Configure Settings, Menu Page 1. On this screen, you can configure the devices that should display the time based entities in the Away Time Zone and the Away Time Zone’s time. Two configuration fields are provided if you have several devices that are away and they are in different time zones.

  1. NEW FEATURE - Log Activity for Zones - When a device exits a zone, the zone information (Enter Time, Exit Time, Time in the Zone (minutes & hours), zone name and device_name) can be written to a spreadsheet .csv file. This file can be imported into a spreadsheet (Excel, etc) and used for travel expense reporting, monitoring when a device entered and exited a zone, who entered a zone, etc. The zones and file name format is specified for each device you want to monitor. You can monitor multiple zones for one or more devices.

The file name format is:
- ‘zone_log-[year]-[zone]’ to store the data by a specific zone for multiple devices. For example, you can keep records for Gary and Lillian in the Warehouse zone file.
- ‘zone_log-[year]-[device]’ to store the data for a specific device for multiple zones. For example, you can keep records for Gary when he goes to the Warehouse and Storage Facility zones.
- ‘zone_log-[year]-[zone]-[device]’ and ‘zone_log-[year]-[device]-[zone]’ to store the data for more than one device and more than one zone in the same file. For example, you can keep records for Gary when he goes to the Warehouse zone in one file and Storage Facility zone in aqnother file. The two filename formats allow you to sort the spreadsheet file by device or by zone.

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Hi Gary, thank you for the zip file. I’ve installed it as per your instructions, and so far I have not seen the error that I’ve previously experienced. I will keep an eye on it when I leave the house later today, and should anything pop-up I will let you know right away.

Since just two days I have the same problem.
iCloud3 says
and while it still seems to work with my device, for my wife it does not update the location at all anymore (she is out for hours, and even after iCloud3 restart it still shows home).
If apple dropped support in May, I wonder why everything continued to work well until just two days ago.
If it just requires another verification - the notification area does not show any prompt to do verification, also not after a restart.

Force an iCloud verification on the Event Log > Actions > Reset iCloud Interface or Request Verification Code (the last option). This will trigger a verification code entry

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Just noticed that I am seeing this in my home-assistant.log at midnight (running latest dev beta 3.0rc8):

2023-11-30 00:00:02.355 ERROR (SyncWorker_27) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection] [140306821367232] tom from Client unable to keep up with pending messages. Reached 4096 pending messages. The system's load is too high or an integration is misbehaving; Last message was: {"type":"event","event":{"event_type":"state_changed","data":{"entity_id":"sensor.icloud3_wazehist_track","old_state":{"entity_id":"sensor.icloud3_wazehist_track","state":"33.75943, -78.962366","attributes":{"integration":"iCloud3","latitude":33.75943,"longitude":-78.962366,"friendly_name":"iCloud3 Waze History Track","icon":"mdi:map-check-outline"},"last_changed":"2023-11-30T05:00:02.355684+00:00","last_updated":"2023-11-30T05:00:02.355684+00:00","context":{"id":"01HGF9J9DK502BC2AHS7RV822B","parent_id":null,"user_id":null}},"new_state":{"entity_id":"sensor.icloud3_wazehist_track","state":"33.759466, -78.965683","attributes":{"integration":"iCloud3","latitude":33.759466,"longitude":-78.965683,"friendly_name":"iCloud3 Waze History Track","icon":"mdi:map-check-outline"},"last_changed":"2023-11-30T05:00:02.355753+00:00","last_updated":"2023-11-30T05:00:02.355753+00:00","context":{"id":"01HGF9J9DK4B1K9SJ84N6R939E","parent_id":null,"user_id":null}}},"origin":"LOCAL","time_fired":"2023-11-30T05:00:02.355753+00:00","context":{"id":"01HGF9J9DK4B1K9SJ84N6R939E","parent_id":null,"user_id":null}},"id":189}

I seem to have problems with verification codes, I never receive them. The only prompt I get on my devices is a verification that I was signing in. Does anyone else get this?

See iCloud3 docs here for info about the verification code request, process and entry.

I seem to be at a loss on my end to have all of the Family Share devices included. While I was not able to find anything specific on the account holder in the docs, does it matter who is the account holder that is ‘sharing’ the family account?

In my case, my wife is the account holder and I am in her family. When I add MY account as credentials into the iCloud3 configuration, I am only seeing MY devices.

Did I simply miss the fact that the account that is the organizer must be the account we enter in the configuration?

The account on the Configure Settings > iCloud Account screen needs to be the account everyone belongs to. That would be your wife’s iCloud account and her username/password.

Hi Gary !

I am struggling with FamShare device id for some devices registered in my iCloud account. For some reasons, old devices still appear in the list when I check in find.apple.com. I can’t easily clean this list for my wife devices as I don’t know her password. I set the integration up to use her actual device, not the old one, it works for a time but it allways end to reset to old device after some times.
Is there a way to force device used for FamShare identification ? Or some king of blacklist ? If not, would it be possible in a futur release ?



As you know, When you get a new iphone and restore your data to it, Apple adds a (#) suffix to its name (Gary-iPhone(2)) to make it different than your old phone . You then reset the old phone and get rid of it. But that one still lives in your iCloud account until you delete it.

iCloud3 sees both of these and tried to detect the duplicate name and change the config to the new one but was picking the one to use based on the order of the devices in the Family Sharing list when that list was sent when iCloud3 started. It turns out that those iPhones can be in a different order than the last time iCloud3 was started and the wrong device is picked up. The next beta release fixes that and looks at the last time a phone was located. Hopefully, that will fix your issue.

Also, try going to the FundMe > Devices on your account and deleting the old one there.

Thanks Gary !