iCloud3 v3 iDevice Tracker - Version 3

You are only Tracking using the iOS app. Check the devices and sensors in the Mobile App Integration to see if they are getting updated from the iOS app. The Event Log Stage 5 at the bottom of your screenshot shows the entities iCloud3 is monitoring. I suspect they are not getting updated.

I think, this looks quite much better. Since removing a second (same) device in the Mobile App, the Event Log changed to the look like below. So I have to thank you for your knowledge and support, that I get iCloud3 running. Will send some Coffee, maybe this will last some minutes (havenā€™t done this before).

BR Thomas


What card did you use to show this ?

See iCloud3 docs here for the Lovelace card yaml statements and instructions.

Did you ever figure this out? Iā€™m having same errorā€¦

YAML is very unforgiving about spaces and indentation. The error message says there is an indentation error on one of the lines. You probably inserted an extra space on the TravTime line when you edited the file.

Is there a way to avoid having iCloud3 create Stationary Zones for known locations like my work, kidsā€™ schools, etc? In case it matters, my family doesnā€™t use the HA iOS app, but instead we are using iCloud FindMy to provide location information.

After installing iC3 v3 via HACS, I saw that Stationary Zones were being created but couldnā€™t find a way to give them a more descriptive name. As an potential solution, in HA, I used the native Settings->Zones function to manually create a few zones of known places, but still when one of my family members enters one of these pre-defined zones, iC3 still creates a stationary zone for the location.

Thanks very much for any help and a great tool!

A Stationary Zone is not created if you are in an HA zone so you correctly created one for your frequent locations. Icloud3 needs to be restarted using Event Log > Actions > Restart iCloud3 to load the new zones.

Maybe I have missed it. But if you have a shared location with a friend. Can you access that data? They are not family. But want them to be a person I can track

Not any more. Apple removed access to shared friends (FmF tracking method) last May. Now only family members location data is available. Maybe someday it will be back but I have no idea when that might be

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Just started playing around with the iCloud3 integration and Iā€™m impressed with the level of available documentation! This is not something that we are spoiled with for general Home Assistant integrations, thanks a lot for your effort!

One thing that I havenā€™t been able to find out is how to assign user defined labels to different static zones. Static zones seem to be automatically detected and shown as e.g. ā€œStatZone1ā€, but is it possible to assign a label e.g. ā€œWorkā€, ā€œWalmartā€, ā€œJohn Doe homeā€ to an identified static zone in order to be able to see the label when a tracked person visits an earlier identified zone?

A Stationary Zone is a temporary zone while a Home Assistant zone is a permanent zone. This has come up a few times in the past few weeks so I explained it better in the iC3 docs here

Thanks Gary!

Still not clear to me as the only information Iā€™m getting from the document (unless the link takes me on a strange tour) is about sensor exclusion/inclusion. I assume that this has something to do with Zone Name Sensors, but itā€™s not clear how they are used.

I havenā€™t used HA-zones earlier as my location detection has been based on Life360 until they decided to kill the service for HA users.

Is it perhaps as simple as iCloud3 location tracker will show the HA-zone name if a tracked person is located inside an already defined HA-zone? Does it matter if the StatZoneX generation is enabled or not? At the moment Iā€™m honestly only interested in knowing if my tracked devices are on any of the pre-defined zones or ā€œAwayā€ although being able to see if they are moving or static is an added benefit.

iCloud3 loads the HA zones when it starts or restarts. It will show the HA zone name when a device is in it. The iOS app issues Zone enter/exit triggers that are picked up by iCloud3 to move in and out of a zone. If you are not using the iOS app, that will be fine on the next location update.

Stat zones are not required but handy for reducing location updates when you are not moving.

T the link should take you to the iCloud3 docs describing zones. Go here and scroll down to the Stationary Zone section. Sometimes, there are some browser positioning issues when linking into the middle of a document

So when HA wants me to ā€œupgradeā€ from v3.0rc9c to v2.4.7, I just ignore it, right?

Yes, ignore it

Thanks for the additional clarification and even more thanks for making this integration available!

Your note about HA zones only updating at restart did the trick for me. After disabling StatZone and restarting integration my system behaves as expected. Maybe a couple of words about HA zones and restart could be added to the configuration document?

Looking at the integration from a higher level:
The configuration document contains a lot of details about what can be done, but is there anywhere a description about the use cases behind this detailed implementation? Iā€™m thinking about a guide providing ideas and use cases about what can actually be done with the integration. For myself being used to a much simpler device tracker, Iā€™d like to get inspired and see new potential usage :slight_smile:

Iā€™m looking at automatically picking up zone info when you add or delete one on the HA > Areas and Zones > Zones screen now so a restart wonā€™t be necessary. I am getting the trigger when that happens and need to add the code on what to do when one is added or deleted.

Regarding the use cases, that would really come from the people using it and what they are doing. Iā€™ll put out a request and see what comes up.

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I thought that all new Integrations could no longer be in Yaml. What is exactly the reason that I can not create this in Visual Editor ?

Create what in the Visual Editor? Are you referring to iCloud3? A zone?
And what are you referring to by Visual Editor? do you mean an An integration? Or the integrations configuration?