iCloud3 v3 iDevice Tracker - Version 3

New integrations are (were) supposed to be added without going into Yaml.
Simpletons like me don’t like Yaml.

iCloud3 v3 does not use yaml. Everything is configured from the HA Settings > Devices and services > iCloud3 > Configure screen. Old geezers like me do not like yaml either.

See iCloud3 v3 Docs here for more info.

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Hello there! First - thanks for this great integration! After being kicked off from Life360 I decided to give another try to iCloud3 (I tried before with v2, but without success) and I’m impressed with functionality/comfigurability and how well it works tracking my idevices!
Yet, I have a problem with one device, that I can’t figure out what is wrong… So I integrated 4 devices in total, 2 iPhones and 2 Apple Watches for me and my wife. 3 devices work as expected, but with one (my wife’s iPhone) I have strange problem, when device is in zone. Integration is configured to center devices into center of zone, but this one praticular device jumps across the zone like crazy. Here is the picture that depicts situation:

  • The large circle (taking almost entire map) is my home zone
  • 2 icons in lower left part of picture are my iPhone and Watch
  • Icon in the center of picture is my wife’s Watch
  • Icon in upper left part and associated yelow tracking lines represent my wife’s iPhone…

So to the questions:

  • As I understand configuration of keeping device trackers in the center of zone is global, so why it is working for 3 devices and not working for one?
  • I’d expect all 4 (or at least 3 for now) icons to overlap (being reported in the center of zone), but there is some distance between my devices and wife’s Watch… Actually it makes some sense as actual placement of these devices inside huse is quite accurately represented here, but it is not center of zone.

Any advice?

That function has actually been removed from v3 so you are seeing the true movement of devices when in the Home zone due to gps wandering and inaccuracies.

OK, makes sense, though the question is then why is it still possible to configure it in UI :wink:

Because I forgot to remove it.

so After using version 2.4 for 2 days i decided to upgrade to version 3.
i manage to get the basic done.
but I want to know how i can:

  1. see a history map of a device for the last
    and for this will i need to specify x number of hours.
  2. track a device without the HA app on it (for example the kids ipads)
    how do i create an entity for a device without HA app, (i find the device in the list of family devices but i dont know how to create an entity for it and track it or use find my for it.


  1. See the Other Features in the docs about using the map.
  2. Create the iCloud3 device on the Configure Settings > Devices List screen Add Device. Then when you set it up, leave the Mobile App device name as None, Mobile App is not installed on this device.. Select the Family Share device to the one you want to track.

2. i did that. but how do i create an entity in HA for it, for the other devices with mobile app, i add the entity created from after installing the app.

I don’t understand what you mean by ‘create an entity in HA for it’?

  1. What entity do you want to create, an iCloud3 device tracker entity or Mobile App entity? The HA mobile app has to be installed on a device it create a Mobile App device tracker entity. If it’s not installed, it just won’t be monitored by iCloud3. It is not required by iCloud3.
  2. And what is “it”? Do you mean the iCloud3 device tracker entity? That is created when you add it in iCloud3

sorry for not being clear.
i want to track my sons ipad but i dont want to install the HA app on it. is it possible? if yes how do i do that? do i need to create an HA entity for it, if yes how do i do it without a mobile app entity.

When you set up your son’s ipad and create the iCloud3 device for it, select the Family Share device from the list and select None for the Mobile App List. That is all you need to do. You do not need to create a Mobile App device for the ipad.

I have the same question surrounding iPad tracking. When I go to add the iPad I do not see it in the Family Sharing list whereas I do see the device in our Family Find Devices list. Any ideas how to have this device show up in the list of devices to associate with?

thanks. that what i did. but probably i had to restart the integration as i didnt see the new ipad.
now i have a different issue: i just saw the following massage in the log:
i remove the icloud3 from configuration.yaml. but we do i have point 2 which says the integration is not set up?

back to the map question. :slight_smile:
i manage to create a map card and track my moves.
i have an entitiy:
type: custom:mushroom-person-card
i change the action for double tap to start find my. the default action for normal tap it shows the current location of the device/person. i would like to show the history card as a pop up is it possible?

Make sure the iPad has Location Sharing on Settings > Privacy and Security > Location Services - Share My Location enabled and the FindMy > Me Location is not showing ‘Not Sharing Location’

If that solves the problem, let me know and I’ll add it to the FAQs


  1. Restart HA after the ‘platform: icloud3’ statement is removed. The integration is already set up since you are running it.
  2. The Map card is part of HA, not iCloud3. It uses location data from the iCloud3 device_tracker entity to display the information you want. You need to refer to the HA Map documentation to see what it can do and how to set it up. Google Home Assistant Map

That was it! Thank you very much!!

thank you very much. i manage to do it with browser_mod.

i have another question, what is the difference between:
Locate Device(s) using iCloud FamShr
Send Locate Request to iOS App

i want to call a service which will update the location of all devices right now, is it possible? which service should i use

Locate with FamShr gets the data from iCloud3 immediately
Send a locate request to the iosapp send a request to the iosapp on the phone. It may not respond if it is asleep.

use the famshr one

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I installed latest version to test.
Great job; it’s quite complete.
However there seem to be some glitches from time to time; perhaps because of bad settings or misunderstanding from me.
From time to time some displacements aren’t reported.
I was at home and move 4 or 6 km away to drop my daughter for the evening. Nothing has been reported (for my device with HA ios or my daughters without HA ios) until the next update time and i was then at home.
Do i have to reduce polling interval when in a zone? I thought the movement triggered an update.
At the same time the home app triggered the camera in recording mode because it detecte i was not home.