iCloud3 v3 iDevice Tracker - Version 3

I am in the process of updating the FAQs and Tracking questions area of the iCloud3 Docs. Your question is addressed in the Questions and Problems > Tracking Issues chapter.

Click the ‘?’ in the upper-right corner of the Event Log.

Hi. I’m also getting the exact same error message as pdawg17. Could you expand on which file you are referencing that might contain the extra space please?

I’ve just installed V3 through HACS and haven’t edited any files except for the dashboard (to paste the example setup code in).

Thanks in advance - so close :slight_smile:

Thank you for the great integration!

I currently only want to use it to put buttons to “find my” for my phone, wife’s phone, and family iPad on my dashboard.

My phone and iPad are connected to my icloud and my wife’s is on hers which is part of my family plan.

What’s the simplest setup for this I can use? And do I need to stay on the rc9c release or can I get the functionality I want from the latest alpha (2.4.x)?

I have just uploaded v3.0.rc10.2 to the iCloud3 Releases page.

The icloud3.zip file is available for immediate download (unzip into the icloud3 directory and restart HA) or it should show up on HACS within 2-days. It fixes this,

The Releases page and full change log are here

I’ve just post rc10.2.
The interval ranges for inzone and out of zone have increased to about 8 hours. Using a big max value will almost eliminate the location requests, which, I think, will do what you want. Then you could create a button that does a locate service request and locate the devices

Can the arrival time be disabled for individual phones or all together? I have a son in college so the arrival time to my home is not relevant while he is at school.

Is there any simple way to determine that reauthentication is required, or I missed something?
Today, to my surprise I noticed that my wifes phone location is not updated (so was mine), so automations trigered by zone entry are not working. Upon checking status of sensors I found that these are normally updated, but location update is over one day in the past. Could it be related to update to latest version, that was performed yesterday via HACS?
Sample sensor that shows discrepancy:

So basically looking at this data it is possible to determine that reauthentication is required, though it is a bit hard to use. So it would be great to have dedicated sensor (binary_sensor.dorota_icloud_iphone_reauthenticate set to on, or something like that) that would clearly indicate such need. Any advise?

See Configure Settings > Sensors screen, Exclude Sensors to enter the [device name]_[sensor] to not create

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A notice would be displayed in the Event Log that a reauthentication is needed. I believe there is already a Feature Request for this. If not, I’ll add it to the list.

Quick question regarding StatZon. Is the last_zone sensor supposed to be updated by statzon or no? I ask because I am currently trying to replicate Life360 and one thing I am running up against is when someone leaves a StatZon i have it going to pull the last_zone expecting that statzon (which I resolve into a street address location) but instead last_zone still contains the last known zone.

No, it will not be updated by the StatZone. The StatZone is excluded from the last_zone sensor since it will be reused with another location. The last_zone is the last HA zone the device was in.

There are many posts in this topic, so I’m a bit lost. I have the following questions:

  • Currently I have the locations checked of our 2 Iphones with Icloud Integration and it works (most of the time). What is the advantage of iCloud3 ?
  • In ‘plain English’ how do I install iCloud 3 ?
  • Do I need to remove the current iCloud Integration ?

See iCloud3 Docs here. This should answer your questions.

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Please :slight_smile: have compassion for a non-techie…
I have come this far:

Where do I find the tracker entity ID ?
I assume that I select myself the ‘friendly name’ ?

Thanks. I will track it manually then.


That is the name you are assigning to your phone that is used to create the device_tracker entity. My phone is gary_iphone.

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Thanks. I now succesfully installed Icloud3.
My wife is at her place of work and in HA her Iphone appears as StatZon1 rather than previously as Away. Is it possible to actually show that location as for e.g. Work ? Or, alternatively just leave it as Away ?


Great. Good job.

The Stationary Zone is used for temporary zones (doctors office, friends house, store, etc). The best thing to do is to set up an HA zone for places you spend a lot of time at (work, school, office, etc) on the HA Devices & settings > Areas and zones > zones. iCloud3 will then show that location (work or the name of the building you used to set up the zone).

iC3 does not show the address or building name, just the zone you set up for that location and the name you used.

The Stationary Zone is configured on the Configure > Special Zones screen

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@gcobb321 are there any changes in recent RC to somehow limit location refresh rate?
Comparing to ~2weeks ago I can see now location points on map are very sparse. I noticed also that update frequency is set to 5 min at highest rate (previously I had it set to 1 minute, I believe). Setting it to 0 (so it is dependent on distance to zone) make small improvement only, recently when my wife was approaching home I got it changed to 4 minutes interval and then already within this limit she was at home, before next update occured. As result automation to open garage door and lighten the driveway barely catched up. Few days ago similar case happen to her; observing how I do approach home (she was going to prep some meal, that required specific last minute action to be ready for me when I arrive), but I stopped at package delivery point and at local store for small shopping… previously that would be captured instantly, but now she could not notice that I stopped… ending up with small culinar disaster :wink:
I made some investigation on how fast iCloud itself is updating positioning information and it seems to more frequent than 5 minutes inteval, especially at fast moves. So can we have either possiblity to set fixed interval to value smaller than 5 minutes or have dynamic changes started to be applied faster, when approaching target zone, so more granuality is visible at zone proximity?
Or I’m making something wrong… still learning :smiley:

I had several users run into a lot of Update problems when they fixed interval was at 1-minute. They were getting a lot of retries because the fixed Interval was less than the old location threshold which was causing Home-Away-Home Zone bouncing. To prevent this, I did change the minimum fixed interval to 5-min. I can remove this limitation if it is causing you problems.

When coming Home, the interval goes to 15-secs when the phone is under 1-km from Home.