iCloud3 v3 iDevice Tracker - Version 3

In my case, the problem is that I’m already in zone, before it gets to so rapid updates and I have may ‘poits of interest’ within this 1 km, that could stop me…
So while I’d appreciate very much having possibility to change the minimum update frequency back to 1 minute, I realize this might not be good for all users… So alternatively have possibility to define ‘home proximity zone’, once inside, update frequency would increase to something more suitable to situation (let say 1 minute), to be defined by user. Or, if within ‘proximity zone’ start increasing update frequency gradually (as you described), but having some more control by defining when this increase start to happen. Just a thought…

I’d be interested in what the Event Log shows as you approach home, what kind of activity you have within the 1km area and how far away you are at the last location point. Install rc10.3, but I think you already have. When this happens, do an Event Log > Actions > Export Event Log and send the file it creates to [email protected].

Are you using the MobileApp? I was just out and the FamShr keep returning an old (10±min) but the MobApp was generating location updates as I approached Home. Finally the FamShr got a good location when .25mi from Home and then again at .13mi and .12mi so my garage door went up.

One thing you might try is to have a preHome Zone that is either centered on Home but bigger or on the road you normally travel but seperated by 1-2km to give the MobApp time to do an preHome Enter-Exit then an Home Enter.

Done, you should have log in your mailbox by now!
Yes, I have the latest rc verion installed.
Yes, I’m using mobile app on the same device.
I also use concept of preHome zone… figured usefullnes of this back in life360 time. It is ~2x in size comparing to my home zone, to ensure that automation to open the garage door starts early enough to be ready once I arrive. In current setup I can see that at the moment I arrive at home it is still executed (there is small delay between opening garage door and turning on the light, so when arriving I can see garage door being open, but light turns on already afterr I’m at home.

Here is screenshot showing on the map how icloud3 tracks position (cyanish) vs how the mobile app does (orange). You can also see how home and near-home zones looks like.

EDIT: ops, seems my mail did not passed through gmail filters? I got undeliverable message…

Subject: iCloud3 event log
> This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.  --B_3790791330_3289689725 Content-type: multipart/alternative; 	boundary="B_3790791330_1315135812"   --B_3790791330_1315135812 Content-type: text/plain; 	charset

So here is interesting part of the log file:

02-14 17:55:56 [icloud3_main:0486] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Next Update Time Reached
02-14 17:55:56 [zone_handler:0273] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone > Zone > Dom(1)-8.4m > Away(1), GPS-(52.31112, 21.16126/±5m)
02-14 17:55:56 [determine_in:0569] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone > Results > NextUpdate-18:00:55,  Battery-42%, ×Went3km, MobAppLocated-3.3 hrs ago
02-14 17:55:56 [determine_in:0589] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone RESULTS: From-Dom > MobAppZone-home, iC3Zone-home, Interval-5 mins, TravTime-0 min, Dist-0km, NextUpdt-18:00:55, MaxDist-0km, Dir-inZone, Moved-0km, Battery-42%, LastDataUpdate-17:55:55, GPSAccuracy-5m, LocAge-5 mins ago, OldThreshold-5 mins, LastEvLogMsg-17:55:56, Method-3.InHomeZone
02-14 17:59:40 [icloud3_main:0410] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Sig Loc Change@17:59:38
02-14 17:59:40 [device......:2048] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Updated > MobApp-17:54:36  → MobApp-17:59:38
02-14 17:59:40 [icloud_data_:0426] LOCATE > mirek_icloud_iphone > Located > MobApp-17:59:38 (2 secs ago), FamShr-17:51:06
02-14 17:59:40 [zone_handler:0273] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Zone > Away(1) > API-1.63km, Dom(1)-1.67km, Lidl Zielonka-2.37km, Auchan Zielonka-2.38km, Selgros-8.70km, Mama Mirka-9.64km, Mieszkanie dzieciaków-10.6km, Mirek Work-14.7km, Rodzice Doroty-18.9km, GPS-(52.31989, 21.14116/±10m)
02-14 17:59:40 [waze_route_c:0170] MOBAPP > Waze Results > GPS-(52.31989, 21.14116) --> (52.31114, 21.16115), Time-10.87min, Distance-3.47km
02-14 17:59:41 [waze_route_c:0170] MOBAPP > Waze Results > GPS-(52.29352, 21.01262) --> (52.31989, 21.14116), Time-6.40min, Distance-9.49km
02-14 17:59:41 [waze........:0223] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Waze Route Info > TravTime-11 mins, Dist-3.47km, Moved-9.49km (Saved)
02-14 17:59:41 [determine_in:1080] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > StatZone Timer Reset > NewTime-18:04:40, Moved-9.25km
02-14 17:59:41 [determine_in:0569] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Results > Arrive-18:10, NextUpdate-18:04:40,  Direction-Towards, IntoStatZone-18:04:40, Moved-9.49km, Battery-45%, ✓Went3km
02-14 17:59:41 [determine_in:0589] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone RESULTS: From-Dom > MobAppZone-not_home, iC3Zone-not_home, Interval-5 mins, TravTime-11 mins, Dist-3.47km, NextUpdt-18:04:40, MaxDist-25.0km, Dir-Towards, Moved-0km, Battery-45%, LastDataUpdate-17:59:40, GPSAccuracy-10m, LocAge-3 secs ago, OldThreshold-6 mins, LastEvLogMsg-17:59:41, Method-3.Fixed
02-14 18:00:00 [icloud3_main:0630] mirek_icloud_iphone > Nearby Devices (<20m) > @17:59, ×Dorota iPhone (icloud3)-1.68km (17:50)
02-14 18:00:00 [icloud3_main:0630] dorota_icloud_iphone > Nearby Devices (<20m) > @17:50, ×Mirek iPhone (icloud3)-10.3km (17:54)
02-14 18:00:56 [icloud_data_:0426] LOCATE > dorota_icloud_iphone > Located > FamShr-17:56:00 (5 mins ago), MobApp-3.3 hrs ago
02-14 18:00:56 [icloud3_main:0486] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Next Update Time Reached
02-14 18:00:56 [zone_handler:0273] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone > Zone > Dom(1)-8.4m > Away(1), GPS-(52.31112, 21.16126/±5m)
02-14 18:00:56 [determine_in:0569] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone > Results > NextUpdate-18:05:55,  Battery-42%, ×Went3km, MobAppLocated-3.3 hrs ago
02-14 18:00:56 [determine_in:0589] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone RESULTS: From-Dom > MobAppZone-home, iC3Zone-home, Interval-5 mins, TravTime-0 min, Dist-0km, NextUpdt-18:05:55, MaxDist-0km, Dir-inZone, Moved-0km, Battery-42%, LastDataUpdate-18:00:56, GPSAccuracy-5m, LocAge-5 mins ago, OldThreshold-5 mins, LastEvLogMsg-18:00:56, Method-3.InHomeZone
02-14 18:04:40 [icloud3_main:0410] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Sig Loc Change@18:04:37
02-14 18:04:40 [device......:2048] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Updated > MobApp-17:59:38  → MobApp-18:04:37
02-14 18:04:40 [icloud_data_:0426] LOCATE > mirek_icloud_iphone > Located > MobApp-18:04:37 (3 secs ago), FamShr-17:55:57
02-14 18:04:40 [zone_handler:0273] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Zone > Away(1) > API-665.7m, Dom(1)-884.4m, Lidl Zielonka-1.41km, Auchan Zielonka-1.43km, Selgros-7.89km, Mama Mirka-8.99km, Mieszkanie dzieciaków-9.92km, Mirek Work-14.5km, Rodzice Doroty-18.5km, GPS-(52.31229, 21.14832/±5m)
02-14 18:04:40 [determine_in:1080] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > StatZone Timer Reset > NewTime-18:09:40, Moved-976.4m
02-14 18:04:40 [determine_in:0569] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Results > Arrive-18:04, NextUpdate-18:09:40,  Direction-Towards, IntoStatZone-18:09:40, Battery-45%, ✓Went3km, Waze-OverMaxDist
02-14 18:04:40 [determine_in:0589] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone RESULTS: From-Dom > MobAppZone-not_home, iC3Zone-not_home, Interval-5 mins, TravTime-0 min, Dist-884.4m, NextUpdt-18:09:40, MaxDist-25.0km, Dir-Towards, Moved-0km, Battery-45%, LastDataUpdate-18:04:40, GPSAccuracy-5m, LocAge-3 secs ago, OldThreshold-4 mins, LastEvLogMsg-18:04:40, Method-3.Fixed
02-14 18:05:55 [icloud_data_:0426] LOCATE > dorota_icloud_iphone > Located > FamShr-18:01:00 (5 mins ago), MobApp-3.4 hrs ago
02-14 18:05:55 [icloud3_main:0486] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Next Update Time Reached
02-14 18:05:55 [zone_handler:0273] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone > Zone > Dom(1)-8.4m > Away(1), GPS-(52.31112, 21.16126/±5m)
02-14 18:05:55 [determine_in:0569] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone > Results > NextUpdate-18:10:55,  Battery-42%, ×Went3km, MobAppLocated-3.4 hrs ago
02-14 18:05:55 [determine_in:0589] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone RESULTS: From-Dom > MobAppZone-home, iC3Zone-home, Interval-5 mins, TravTime-0 min, Dist-0km, NextUpdt-18:10:55, MaxDist-0km, Dir-inZone, Moved-0km, Battery-42%, LastDataUpdate-18:05:55, GPSAccuracy-5m, LocAge-5 mins ago, OldThreshold-5 mins, LastEvLogMsg-18:05:55, Method-3.InHomeZone
02-14 18:06:35 [icloud3_main:0410] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Enter Zone@18:06:35 (API/44.7m)
02-14 18:06:35 [device......:1447] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Enter Zone Delayed > API, DelayFor-2 mins
02-14 18:08:35 [device......:2048] LOCATE > mirek_icloud_iphone > Updated > MobApp-18:04:37  → MobApp-18:06:36
02-14 18:08:36 [icloud_data_:0426] LOCATE > mirek_icloud_iphone > Located > MobApp-18:06:36 (2 mins ago), FamShr-18:01:10
02-14 18:08:36 [icloud_data_:0426] LOCATE > mirek_icloud_iphone > Located > MobApp-18:06:36 (2 mins ago), FamShr-18:01:10
02-14 18:08:36 [icloud3_main:0486] ICLOUD > mirek_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Next Update Time Reached
02-14 18:08:36 [zone_handler:0273] ICLOUD > mirek_icloud_iphone > Zone > Away(1) > API-41.7m, Dom(1)-519.9m, Auchan Zielonka-789.5m, Lidl Zielonka-893.0m, Selgros-7.50km, Mama Mirka-8.76km, Mieszkanie dzieciaków-9.68km, Mirek Work-14.6km, Rodzice Doroty-18.5km, GPS-(52.30829, 21.15511/±5m)
02-14 18:08:36 [determine_in:1080] ICLOUD > mirek_icloud_iphone > StatZone Timer Reset > NewTime-18:13:35, Moved-642.5m
02-14 18:08:36 [determine_in:0569] ICLOUD > mirek_icloud_iphone > Results > Arrive-18:08, NextUpdate-18:13:35,  Direction-Towards, IntoStatZone-18:13:35, Battery-45%, ✓Went3km, Waze-OverMaxDist
02-14 18:08:36 [determine_in:0589] ICLOUD > mirek_icloud_iphone RESULTS: From-Dom > MobAppZone-api, iC3Zone-not_home, Interval-5 mins, TravTime-0 min, Dist-519.9m, NextUpdt-18:13:35, MaxDist-25.0km, Dir-Towards, Moved-0km, Battery-45%, LastDataUpdate-18:08:35, GPSAccuracy-5m, LocAge-2 mins ago, OldThreshold-4 mins, LastEvLogMsg-18:08:36, Method-3.Fixed
02-14 18:09:45 [icloud3_main:0410] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Sig Loc Change@18:09:43
02-14 18:09:45 [device......:2048] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Updated > MobApp-18:06:36  → MobApp-18:09:43
02-14 18:09:45 [icloud_data_:0426] LOCATE > mirek_icloud_iphone > Located > MobApp-18:09:43 (2 secs ago), FamShr-18:05:57
02-14 18:09:45 [zone_handler:0273] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Zone > API(1)-20.7m > GPS-(52.30811, 21.15503/±39m)
02-14 18:09:45 [determine_in:0569] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Results > Arrive-18:09, NextUpdate-18:14:45,  Battery-45%, ✓Went3km, Waze-OverMaxDist
02-14 18:09:45 [determine_in:0589] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone RESULTS: From-Dom > MobAppZone-api, iC3Zone-api, Interval-5 mins, TravTime-0 min, Dist-536.7m, NextUpdt-18:14:45, MaxDist-25.0km, Dir-inZone, Moved-0km, Battery-45%, LastDataUpdate-18:09:45, GPSAccuracy-39m, LocAge-2 secs ago, OldThreshold-4 mins, LastEvLogMsg-18:09:45, Method-1.EnterZone
02-14 18:10:25 [icloud3_main:0410] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Siri@18:10:21
02-14 18:10:25 [icloud_data_:0426] LOCATE > mirek_icloud_iphone > Located > MobApp-18:10:21 (4 secs ago), FamShr-18:05:57
02-14 18:10:25 [zone_handler:0273] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Zone > API(1)-20.7m > GPS-(52.30811, 21.15503/±39m)
02-14 18:10:25 [determine_in:1021] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Waze Route Info > Using Previous Waze Location Info
02-14 18:10:25 [determine_in:0569] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Results > Arrive-18:21, NextUpdate-18:15:25,  Moved-9.49km, Battery-45%, ✓Went3km, Waze-OverMaxDist
02-14 18:10:25 [determine_in:0589] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone RESULTS: From-Dom > MobAppZone-api, iC3Zone-api, Interval-5 mins, TravTime-11 mins, Dist-536.7m, NextUpdt-18:15:25, MaxDist-25.0km, Dir-inZone, Moved-0km, Battery-45%, LastDataUpdate-18:10:25, GPSAccuracy-39m, LocAge-4 secs ago, OldThreshold-5 mins, LastEvLogMsg-18:10:25, Method-3.InZone
02-14 18:10:55 [icloud_data_:0426] LOCATE > dorota_icloud_iphone > Located > FamShr-18:06:00 (5 mins ago), MobApp-3.5 hrs ago
02-14 18:10:55 [icloud3_main:0486] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Next Update Time Reached
02-14 18:10:55 [zone_handler:0273] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone > Zone > Dom(1)-8.4m > GPS-(52.31112, 21.16126/±5m)
02-14 18:10:55 [determine_in:0569] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone > Results > NextUpdate-18:15:55,  Battery-42%, ×Went3km, MobAppLocated-3.5 hrs ago
02-14 18:10:55 [determine_in:0589] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone RESULTS: From-Dom > MobAppZone-home, iC3Zone-home, Interval-5 mins, TravTime-0 min, Dist-0km, NextUpdt-18:15:55, MaxDist-0km, Dir-inZone, Moved-0km, Battery-42%, LastDataUpdate-18:08:36, GPSAccuracy-5m, LocAge-5 mins ago, OldThreshold-5 mins, LastEvLogMsg-18:10:55, Method-3.InHomeZone
02-14 18:11:00 [icloud3_main:0410] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Exit Zone@18:10:57 (API/140.5m)
02-14 18:11:00 [device......:2048] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Updated > MobApp-18:10:21  → MobApp-18:10:57
02-14 18:11:00 [icloud_data_:0426] LOCATE > mirek_icloud_iphone > Located > MobApp-18:10:57 (3 secs ago), FamShr-18:05:57
02-14 18:11:00 [zone_handler:0273] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Zone > Away(1) > API-140.5m, Dom(1)-552.8m, Auchan Zielonka-629.4m, Lidl Zielonka-765.3m, Selgros-7.39km, Mama Mirka-8.68km, Mieszkanie dzieciaków-9.59km, Mirek Work-14.6km, Rodzice Doroty-18.4km, GPS-(52.30707, 21.15651/±5m)
02-14 18:11:00 [determine_in:0569] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Results > Arrive-18:11, NextUpdate-18:12:00,  Stationary, IntoStatZone-18:16:00, Battery-45%, ✓Went3km, Waze-OverMaxDist
02-14 18:11:00 [determine_in:0589] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone RESULTS: From-Dom > MobAppZone-not_home, iC3Zone-not_home, Interval-1 min, TravTime-0 min, Dist-552.8m, NextUpdt-18:12:00, MaxDist-25.0km, Dir-Stationary, Moved-0km, Battery-45%, LastDataUpdate-18:11:00, GPSAccuracy-5m, LocAge-3 secs ago, OldThreshold-5 mins, LastEvLogMsg-18:11:00, Method-2.ExitZone
02-14 18:11:05 [icloud3_main:0410] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Exit Zone@18:11:02 (API/140.5m)
02-14 18:11:05 [device......:2048] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Updated > MobApp-18:10:57  → MobApp-18:11:02
02-14 18:11:05 [icloud_data_:0426] LOCATE > mirek_icloud_iphone > Located > MobApp-18:11:02 (3 secs ago), FamShr-18:05:57
02-14 18:11:05 [zone_handler:0273] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Zone > Away(1) > API-206.1m, Auchan Zielonka-565.9m, Dom(1)-578.7m, Lidl Zielonka-718.7m, Selgros-7.34km, Mama Mirka-8.64km, Mieszkanie dzieciaków-9.56km, Mirek Work-14.6km, Rodzice Doroty-18.4km, GPS-(52.30658, 21.15707/±5m)
02-14 18:11:05 [determine_in:0569] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Results > Arrive-18:11, NextUpdate-18:12:05,  Stationary, IntoStatZone-18:16:00, Battery-45%, ✓Went3km, Waze-OverMaxDist
02-14 18:11:05 [determine_in:0589] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone RESULTS: From-Dom > MobAppZone-not_home, iC3Zone-not_home, Interval-1 min, TravTime-0 min, Dist-578.7m, NextUpdt-18:12:05, MaxDist-25.0km, Dir-Stationary, Moved-0km, Battery-45%, LastDataUpdate-18:11:05, GPSAccuracy-5m, LocAge-3 secs ago, OldThreshold-4 mins, LastEvLogMsg-18:11:05, Method-3.ExitTrigger
02-14 18:12:06 [icloud_data_:0426] LOCATE > mirek_icloud_iphone > Located > MobApp-18:11:02 (1 min ago), FamShr-18:05:57
02-14 18:12:06 [icloud3_main:0486] ICLOUD > mirek_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Next Update Time Reached
02-14 18:12:06 [zone_handler:0273] ICLOUD > mirek_icloud_iphone > Zone > Away(1) > API-206.1m, Auchan Zielonka-565.9m, Dom(1)-578.7m, Lidl Zielonka-718.7m, Selgros-7.34km, Mama Mirka-8.64km, Mieszkanie dzieciaków-9.56km, Mirek Work-14.6km, Rodzice Doroty-18.4km, GPS-(52.30658, 21.15707/±5m)
02-14 18:12:06 [determine_in:1021] ICLOUD > mirek_icloud_iphone > Waze Route Info > Using Previous Waze Location Info
02-14 18:12:06 [determine_in:0569] ICLOUD > mirek_icloud_iphone > Results > Arrive-18:22, NextUpdate-18:17:05,  Stationary, IntoStatZone-18:16:00, Moved-9.49km, Battery-45%, ✓Went3km, Waze-OverMaxDist
02-14 18:12:06 [determine_in:0589] ICLOUD > mirek_icloud_iphone RESULTS: From-Dom > MobAppZone-not_home, iC3Zone-not_home, Interval-5 mins, TravTime-11 mins, Dist-578.7m, NextUpdt-18:17:05, MaxDist-25.0km, Dir-Stationary, Moved-66.6m, Battery-45%, LastDataUpdate-18:11:05, GPSAccuracy-5m, LocAge-1 min ago, OldThreshold-4 mins, LastEvLogMsg-18:12:06, Method-3.Fixed
02-14 18:13:40 [icloud3_main:0410] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Enter Zone@18:13:36 (Auchan Zielonka/40.4m)
02-14 18:13:40 [device......:1447] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Enter Zone Delayed > Auchan Zielonka, DelayFor-2 mins
02-14 18:14:50 [device......:1923] ICLOUD > mirek_icloud_iphone > Battery Info > Level-40%, Not Charging (MobApp)
02-14 18:15:00 [icloud3_main:0630] mirek_icloud_iphone > Nearby Devices (<20m) > @18:11, ×Dorota iPhone (icloud3)-580.3m
02-14 18:15:00 [icloud3_main:0630] dorota_icloud_iphone > Nearby Devices (<20m) > @18:08, ×Mirek iPhone (icloud3)-541.3m (18:06)
02-14 18:15:40 [device......:2048] LOCATE > mirek_icloud_iphone > Updated > MobApp-18:11:02  → MobApp-18:14:49
02-14 18:15:40 [icloud_data_:0426] LOCATE > mirek_icloud_iphone > Located > MobApp-18:14:49 (52 secs ago), FamShr-18:09:49
02-14 18:15:40 [icloud_data_:0426] LOCATE > mirek_icloud_iphone > Located > MobApp-18:14:49 (52 secs ago), FamShr-18:09:49
02-14 18:15:40 [icloud3_main:0486] ICLOUD > mirek_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Next Update Time Reached
02-14 18:15:41 [zone_handler:0273] ICLOUD > mirek_icloud_iphone > Zone > Auchan Zielonka(1)-21.8m > GPS-(52.30377, 21.16366/±16m)
02-14 18:15:41 [determine_in:0569] ICLOUD > mirek_icloud_iphone > Results > Arrive-18:15, NextUpdate-18:20:40,  Battery-40%, ✓Went3km, Waze-OverMaxDist
02-14 18:15:41 [determine_in:0589] ICLOUD > mirek_icloud_iphone RESULTS: From-Dom > MobAppZone-auchan_zielonka, iC3Zone-auchan_zielonka, Interval-5 mins, TravTime-0 min, Dist-837.8m, NextUpdt-18:20:40, MaxDist-25.0km, Dir-inZone, Moved-0km, Battery-40%, LastDataUpdate-18:15:40, GPSAccuracy-16m, LocAge-52 secs ago, OldThreshold-4 mins, LastEvLogMsg-18:15:41, Method-1.EnterZone
02-14 18:15:55 [icloud_data_:0426] LOCATE > dorota_icloud_iphone > Located > FamShr-18:12:11 (4 mins ago), MobApp-3.6 hrs ago
02-14 18:15:55 [icloud3_main:0486] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Next Update Time Reached
02-14 18:15:55 [zone_handler:0273] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone > Zone > Dom(1)-8.4m > GPS-(52.31112, 21.16126/±5m)
02-14 18:15:55 [determine_in:0569] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone > Results > NextUpdate-18:20:55,  Battery-41%, ×Went3km, MobAppLocated-3.6 hrs ago
02-14 18:15:55 [determine_in:0589] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone RESULTS: From-Dom > MobAppZone-home, iC3Zone-home, Interval-5 mins, TravTime-0 min, Dist-0km, NextUpdt-18:20:55, MaxDist-0km, Dir-inZone, Moved-0km, Battery-41%, LastDataUpdate-18:15:40, GPSAccuracy-5m, LocAge-4 mins ago, OldThreshold-5 mins, LastEvLogMsg-18:15:55, Method-3.InHomeZone
02-14 18:17:30 [icloud3_main:0410] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Siri@18:17:25
02-14 18:17:30 [icloud_data_:0426] LOCATE > mirek_icloud_iphone > Located > MobApp-18:17:25 (5 secs ago), FamShr-18:12:06
02-14 18:17:30 [zone_handler:0273] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Zone > Auchan Zielonka(1)-21.8m > GPS-(52.30377, 21.16366/±16m)
02-14 18:17:30 [determine_in:1021] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Waze Route Info > Using Previous Waze Location Info
02-14 18:17:30 [determine_in:0569] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Results > Arrive-18:28, NextUpdate-18:22:30,  Moved-9.49km, Battery-40%, ✓Went3km, Waze-OverMaxDist
02-14 18:17:30 [determine_in:0589] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone RESULTS: From-Dom > MobAppZone-auchan_zielonka, iC3Zone-auchan_zielonka, Interval-5 mins, TravTime-11 mins, Dist-837.8m, NextUpdt-18:22:30, MaxDist-25.0km, Dir-inZone, Moved-0km, Battery-40%, LastDataUpdate-18:17:30, GPSAccuracy-16m, LocAge-5 secs ago, OldThreshold-5 mins, LastEvLogMsg-18:17:30, Method-3.InZone
02-14 18:18:25 [icloud3_main:0410] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Exit Zone@18:18:24 (Auchan Zielonka/102.5m)
02-14 18:18:25 [device......:2048] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Updated > MobApp-18:17:25  → MobApp-18:18:24
02-14 18:18:25 [icloud_data_:0426] LOCATE > mirek_icloud_iphone > Located > MobApp-18:18:24 (1 secs ago), FamShr-18:12:06
02-14 18:18:25 [zone_handler:0273] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Zone > Away(1) > Auchan Zielonka-102.5m, API-674.4m, Lidl Zielonka-720.7m, Dom(1)-762.9m, Selgros-7.19km, Mama Mirka-8.62km, Mieszkanie dzieciaków-9.52km, Mirek Work-14.8km, Rodzice Doroty-18.5km, GPS-(52.30438, 21.16302/±5m)
02-14 18:18:25 [determine_in:0569] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Results > Arrive-18:18, NextUpdate-18:19:25,  Stationary, IntoStatZone-18:23:25, Battery-40%, ✓Went3km, Waze-OverMaxDist
02-14 18:18:25 [determine_in:0589] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone RESULTS: From-Dom > MobAppZone-not_home, iC3Zone-not_home, Interval-1 min, TravTime-0 min, Dist-762.9m, NextUpdt-18:19:25, MaxDist-25.0km, Dir-Stationary, Moved-0km, Battery-40%, LastDataUpdate-18:18:25, GPSAccuracy-5m, LocAge-1 secs ago, OldThreshold-5 mins, LastEvLogMsg-18:18:25, Method-2.ExitZone
02-14 18:18:35 [icloud3_main:0410] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Exit Zone@18:18:35 (Auchan Zielonka/102.5m)
02-14 18:18:35 [device......:2048] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Updated > MobApp-18:18:24  → MobApp-18:18:35
02-14 18:18:35 [icloud_data_:0426] LOCATE > mirek_icloud_iphone > Located > MobApp-18:18:35 (0 min ago), FamShr-18:12:06
02-14 18:18:35 [zone_handler:0273] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Zone > Away(1) > Auchan Zielonka-197.4m, API-585.8m, Dom(1)-678.0m, Lidl Zielonka-734.8m, Selgros-7.25km, Mama Mirka-8.66km, Mieszkanie dzieciaków-9.56km, Mirek Work-14.8km, Rodzice Doroty-18.5km, GPS-(52.30508, 21.16223/±5m)
02-14 18:18:35 [determine_in:0569] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Results > Arrive-18:18, NextUpdate-18:19:35,  Stationary, IntoStatZone-18:23:25, Battery-40%, ✓Went3km, Waze-OverMaxDist
02-14 18:18:35 [determine_in:0589] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone RESULTS: From-Dom > MobAppZone-not_home, iC3Zone-not_home, Interval-1 min, TravTime-0 min, Dist-678.0m, NextUpdt-18:19:35, MaxDist-25.0km, Dir-Stationary, Moved-0km, Battery-40%, LastDataUpdate-18:18:35, GPSAccuracy-5m, LocAge-0 min ago, OldThreshold-4 mins, LastEvLogMsg-18:18:35, Method-3.ExitTrigger
02-14 18:18:40 [icloud3_main:0410] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Exit Zone@18:18:39 (Auchan Zielonka/102.5m)
02-14 18:18:40 [device......:2048] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Updated > MobApp-18:18:35  → MobApp-18:18:39
02-14 18:18:40 [icloud_data_:0426] LOCATE > mirek_icloud_iphone > Located > MobApp-18:18:39 (1 secs ago), FamShr-18:12:06
02-14 18:18:40 [zone_handler:0273] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Zone > Away(1) > Auchan Zielonka-260.6m, API-527.1m, Dom(1)-624.1m, Lidl Zielonka-748.8m, Selgros-7.29km, Mama Mirka-8.68km, Mieszkanie dzieciaków-9.59km, Mirek Work-14.8km, Rodzice Doroty-18.5km, GPS-(52.30554, 21.16167/±5m)
02-14 18:18:40 [determine_in:0569] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Results > Arrive-18:18, NextUpdate-18:19:40,  Stationary, IntoStatZone-18:23:25, Battery-40%, ✓Went3km, Waze-OverMaxDist
02-14 18:18:40 [determine_in:0589] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone RESULTS: From-Dom > MobAppZone-not_home, iC3Zone-not_home, Interval-1 min, TravTime-0 min, Dist-624.1m, NextUpdt-18:19:40, MaxDist-25.0km, Dir-Stationary, Moved-0km, Battery-40%, LastDataUpdate-18:18:40, GPSAccuracy-5m, LocAge-1 secs ago, OldThreshold-4 mins, LastEvLogMsg-18:18:40, Method-3.ExitTrigger
02-14 18:19:40 [icloud_data_:0426] LOCATE > mirek_icloud_iphone > Located > MobApp-18:18:39 (1 min ago), FamShr-18:12:06
02-14 18:19:40 [icloud3_main:0486] ICLOUD > mirek_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Next Update Time Reached
02-14 18:19:40 [zone_handler:0273] ICLOUD > mirek_icloud_iphone > Zone > Away(1) > Auchan Zielonka-260.6m, API-527.1m, Dom(1)-624.1m, Lidl Zielonka-748.8m, Selgros-7.29km, Mama Mirka-8.68km, Mieszkanie dzieciaków-9.59km, Mirek Work-14.8km, Rodzice Doroty-18.5km, GPS-(52.30554, 21.16167/±5m)
02-14 18:19:40 [determine_in:1021] ICLOUD > mirek_icloud_iphone > Waze Route Info > Using Previous Waze Location Info
02-14 18:19:40 [determine_in:0569] ICLOUD > mirek_icloud_iphone > Results > Arrive-18:30, NextUpdate-18:24:40,  Stationary, IntoStatZone-18:23:25, Moved-9.49km, Battery-40%, ✓Went3km, Waze-OverMaxDist
02-14 18:19:40 [determine_in:0589] ICLOUD > mirek_icloud_iphone RESULTS: From-Dom > MobAppZone-not_home, iC3Zone-not_home, Interval-5 mins, TravTime-11 mins, Dist-624.1m, NextUpdt-18:24:40, MaxDist-25.0km, Dir-Stationary, Moved-158.3m, Battery-40%, LastDataUpdate-18:18:40, GPSAccuracy-5m, LocAge-1 min ago, OldThreshold-4 mins, LastEvLogMsg-18:19:40, Method-3.Fixed
02-14 18:19:50 [icloud3_main:0410] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Exit Zone@18:19:49 (Auchan Zielonka/102.5m)
02-14 18:19:50 [device......:2048] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Updated > MobApp-18:18:39  → MobApp-18:19:49
02-14 18:19:50 [icloud_data_:0426] LOCATE > mirek_icloud_iphone > Located > MobApp-18:19:49 (1 secs ago), FamShr-18:16:51
02-14 18:19:50 [zone_handler:0273] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Zone > Away(1) > API-259.0m, Dom(1)-294.7m, Auchan Zielonka-785.3m, Lidl Zielonka-1.05km, Selgros-7.67km, Mama Mirka-8.96km, Mieszkanie dzieciaków-9.88km, Mirek Work-14.9km, Rodzice Doroty-18.7km, GPS-(52.30957, 21.15767/±5m)
02-14 18:19:50 [determine_in:1080] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > StatZone Timer Reset > NewTime-18:24:50, Moved-524.9m
02-14 18:19:50 [determine_in:0569] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Results > Arrive-18:19, NextUpdate-18:24:50,  Stationary, IntoStatZone-18:24:50, Battery-40%, ✓Went3km, Waze-OverMaxDist
02-14 18:19:50 [determine_in:0589] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone RESULTS: From-Dom > MobAppZone-not_home, iC3Zone-not_home, Interval-5 mins, TravTime-0 min, Dist-294.7m, NextUpdt-18:24:50, MaxDist-25.0km, Dir-Stationary, Moved-0km, Battery-40%, LastDataUpdate-18:19:50, GPSAccuracy-5m, LocAge-1 secs ago, OldThreshold-4 mins, LastEvLogMsg-18:19:50, Method-3.Fixed
02-14 18:20:50 [icloud3_main:0410] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Enter Zone@18:20:45 (Dom/86.3m)
02-14 18:20:50 [device......:2048] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Updated > MobApp-18:19:49  → MobApp-18:20:45
02-14 18:20:50 [icloud_data_:0426] LOCATE > mirek_icloud_iphone > Located > MobApp-18:20:45 (5 secs ago), FamShr-18:16:51
02-14 18:20:50 [zone_handler:0273] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Zone > Dom(2)-86.3m > GPS-(52.31107, 21.15989/±5m)
02-14 18:20:50 [determine_in:0569] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Results > NextUpdate-18:25:50,  Moved-224.9m, Battery-40%, ✓Went3km
02-14 18:20:50 [determine_in:0589] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone RESULTS: From-Dom > MobAppZone-home, iC3Zone-home, Interval-5 mins, TravTime-0 min, Dist-0km, NextUpdt-18:25:50, MaxDist-25.0km, Dir-inZone, Moved-0km, Battery-40%, LastDataUpdate-18:20:50, GPSAccuracy-5m, LocAge-5 secs ago, OldThreshold-4 mins, LastEvLogMsg-18:20:50, Method-1.EnterZone
02-14 18:20:55 [icloud_data_:0426] LOCATE > dorota_icloud_iphone > Located > FamShr-18:19:46 (1 min ago), MobApp-3.7 hrs ago
02-14 18:20:55 [icloud3_main:0486] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Next Update Time Reached
02-14 18:20:55 [zone_handler:0273] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone > Zone > Dom(2)-8.4m > GPS-(52.31112, 21.16126/±5m)
02-14 18:20:55 [determine_in:0569] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone > Results > NextUpdate-18:25:55,  Battery-41%, ×Went3km, MobAppLocated-3.7 hrs ago
02-14 18:20:55 [determine_in:0589] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone RESULTS: From-Dom > MobAppZone-home, iC3Zone-home, Interval-5 mins, TravTime-0 min, Dist-0km, NextUpdt-18:25:55, MaxDist-0km, Dir-inZone, Moved-0km, Battery-41%, LastDataUpdate-18:20:55, GPSAccuracy-5m, LocAge-1 min ago, OldThreshold-5 mins, LastEvLogMsg-18:20:55, Method-3.InHomeZone
02-14 18:23:00 [icloud3_main:0410] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Launch@18:22:59
02-14 18:23:00 [icloud_data_:0426] LOCATE > mirek_icloud_iphone > Located > MobApp-18:22:59 (1 secs ago), FamShr-18:19:42
02-14 18:23:00 [zone_handler:0273] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Zone > Dom(2)-86.3m > GPS-(52.31107, 21.15989/±5m)
02-14 18:23:00 [determine_in:0569] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone > Results > NextUpdate-18:28:00,  Battery-40%, ✓Went3km
02-14 18:23:00 [determine_in:0589] MOBAPP > mirek_icloud_iphone RESULTS: From-Dom > MobAppZone-home, iC3Zone-home, Interval-5 mins, TravTime-0 min, Dist-0km, NextUpdt-18:28:00, MaxDist-25.0km, Dir-inZone, Moved-0km, Battery-40%, LastDataUpdate-18:23:00, GPSAccuracy-5m, LocAge-1 secs ago, OldThreshold-5 mins, LastEvLogMsg-18:23:00, Method-3.InHomeZone
02-14 18:25:56 [icloud_data_:0426] LOCATE > dorota_icloud_iphone > Located > FamShr-18:21:00 (5 mins ago), MobApp-3.8 hrs ago
02-14 18:25:56 [icloud3_main:0486] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone > Trigger > Next Update Time Reached
02-14 18:25:56 [zone_handler:0273] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone > Zone > Dom(2)-8.4m > GPS-(52.31112, 21.16126/±5m)
02-14 18:25:56 [determine_in:0569] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone > Results > NextUpdate-18:30:55,  Battery-41%, ×Went3km, MobAppLocated-3.8 hrs ago
02-14 18:25:56 [determine_in:0589] ICLOUD > dorota_icloud_iphone RESULTS: From-Dom > MobAppZone-home, iC3Zone-home, Interval-5 mins, TravTime-0 min, Dist-0km, NextUpdt-18:30:55, MaxDist-0km, Dir-inZone, Moved-0km, Battery-41%, LastDataUpdate-18:25:56, GPSAccuracy-5m, LocAge-5 mins ago, OldThreshold-5 mins, LastEvLogMsg-18:25:56, Method-3.InHomeZone

BTW; important here is what relates to mirek_icloud_iphone device.

Since this is more of an issue right now, I have opened an issue instead of continuing here. The issue is here. My reply is there.

I am starting to use iCloud3 v3 (again) since I recently re-created my HA environment from scratch (LONG story). I have my devices setup successfully, however, I need to add my husband’s devices as well.

Although I have his devices setup to use my Family Sharing, I use his email address for his iCloud storage (he rarely deletes stuff).

Can I use “Add Entry” in the Settings → “Devices & Services” → Integrations → “iCloud3 v3: iDevice Tracker” to add his devices via a separate iCloud account? If not, how would I add his iCloud account/devices? A few months ago, I used YAML configuration file/secrets.

Hi Gary,

This looks like an incredibly useful integration and I’m praying it will be the answer to my ongoing device tracker issues.

(Currently, I’m using the default device tracker created by the IOS companion app, with the newly updated Proximity Sensor intergration. I really hoped this would have worked, but like a lot of other folks I’m disappointed in that it only reports I’m arriving home when driving up my driveway, despite the boundary being some 400 meters away!)

I downloaded ICLOUD3 using HACS, but it seems that HACS can’t install it on my HA Yellow box, and I need to do this manually by adding ‘stuff’ to configuration.yaml.

(Yea, I tried to read the documentation, but found it a little confusing vis-a-vis what exactly needs to be added to the configuration file.

Can someone give me a nudge in the right direction as to what I need to add to my configuration file to get this integration to work? I only want to track one device at the moment, and then only so I can trigger automation when I’m approaching (~400 meters away from) the Home zone.

UPDATE: I managed to create the config_ic3.yaml and added the following to configuration.yaml:

  - platform: icloud3
    username: [iCloud Username]
    password: [Password]
  • When I restarted HA, I got a popup from Apple 2FA with a verification code. Do I need to worry about this (and if so, where do I enter it)?
  • I don’t see ICloud3 in the list of existing integrations (Settings → Integrations). Is this normal?
  • All the sensors appear to be in the Entities list, so I guess that’s good. (I’ll create a quick entities card to list them in easily readable format.)

I suspect you downloaded v2.4.7. The version you want is v3.0.rc10.4 (or v3.0.rc10.3). This is a beta release I just uploaded and requires that you enable beta/early releases in HACS. The v3 version can be set up on the Integration page.

Thanks, Gary. Will do

Hey Gary.

OK, I downloaded the ZIP file for v3.0.rc.10.3, moved the files to icloud3 directory (overwriting the original files) and restarted HA.

But, I’m not seeing anything on the Integration page

Should there be other stuff I need to do?

(BTW, the sensors from the phone ARE showing up, so clearly something is working.)


Install and setup instructions are in the iCloud3 Docs here. Select the Installing iCloud3 as a New Installation from the menu on the left.

Now working perfectly (except the whole Waze-thing).

Many thanks for your perserverence

I have installed the Icloud3 Integration close to 10 times, but each time it locates my wife’s Iphone where she has not been for more than a week. We do not have that issue when using the regular Icloud Integration. This makes no sense to me.

(Very) quick question: I have imperial measurements (Feet/Miles) set up. However, if I want to trigger automation 400 yards from my house, what numeric value do I put in the automation?

0.227 (of a mile)
400 (yards)
1200 (feet)?

Couldn’t find the answer in the docs.

Looking at the data in the Entities card, I am assuming the distance is in Miles, so in my case, this would be about 0.225 of a mile. Please correct me if this is incorrect.

The unit of measurement for the _home_distance and _zone_distance sensors is mi and km. I believe that it’s shown in the sensor’s attributes so you would use the .227 value. One of the triggers I use for entering the Home zone is the _home_distance goes below .2. See the Sample Automations and Scripts chapter in the iCloud3 docs for what mine look like.

As you can see reinstalling just copies the program from HACS back into the iCloud3 directory. I would suspect you have a config issue and have selected a device for your wife that is not tracked being tracked to use in iCloud3 and the correct device in the iCloud Integration.

Go to the Configure Settings > Update Devices screen and verify the device that is selected for your wife in the Family Sharing field. Also look at the Event Log startup stage 3&4 to see if there are any verification problems or messages associated with her device. Check the device model number to make sure it is the correct one. You may have several iPhones with the same name in your family sharing list if you have changed devices over the years.

1 Like


I experienced an anomaly yesterday with ICloud3. I was in the next town (about 20 miles or so from home) and for kicks I thought I’d check out what our phones were reporting about distance from the Home Zone. She was in a shop, while I was parked outside. As you can see, there is a significant difference in reported distance. I expect some GPS error, but not ten miles.

Just FYI.

The travel time and interval and distance moved is different too so they may have been updated at different times and iCloud reported different locations. You need to look at the Event Log to see what events took place and when each device was updated and what the data was that was being used

Yea, that was a bit weird.

I was wondering how the mobile app understands that it has changed position? I’m assuming that it waits until it receives some kind of position update from IOS (or Android), then updates internally. If so, I wonder why the app developers simply didn’t query the OS for GPS coordinates on a regular (preferably user-defined) basis?

(In our local Sheriff’s Search & Rescue posse, we use an IOS/Android app called CalTopo, that constantly updates our position to a server. That way, the deputy can see where his/her SAR team individuals are in real-time on the map. Surely, a similar psuedo-realtime positioning solution could have been developed. Oh, well.)

I googled ‘Home Assistant mobile app gps’ and it pointed to the docs here that describes what it is doing. iCloud3 gets that trigger and uses it to update the tracking info. iCloud3 also requests Location updates when the next location update is scheduled based on the determined interval using the distance from Home.

The Event Log shows how iCloud3 is using all the data it gets.

I tried installing icloud3 V3 from scratch (never installed or use v2) but I guess i might have done something wrong, now it seems I can’t go anywhere.

I have been able to setup my icloud account but I think i missed something doing so ,I can’t create or add any devices. If i select .ICLOUD3 DEVICES add, change delete, i get to a page saying i have no devices, i then select ADD DEVICES, enter the IOS device name iPhonebruno14new (2) and a name and I have the following message:

I then tried removing the (2) and got

Also, if i go back on the main iCloud Account & Mobile App Data Sources and try to log into another account it always come back to my original acount

My question, How can I delete icloud3 completely and start with a new fresh setup ?

It seems to always keep the original Apple Id and password ?


02-26 15:29:54 [init…:0141] iCloud3 v3.0, Log File: Monday, 2024-02-26 15:29:54
02-26 15:29:54 [init…:0141] Profile:
{‘version’: 1, ‘ic3_version’: ‘3.0’, ‘version_install_date’: ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’, ‘config_update_date’: ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’, ‘event_log_card_directory’: ‘www/icloud3’, ‘event_log_card_program’: ‘icloud3-event-log-card.js’, ‘event_log_btnconfig_url’: ‘’, ‘event_log_version_running’: ‘’, ‘event_log_version’: ‘3.0.17’}
02-26 15:29:54 [init…:0141] Tracking:
{‘username’: ‘br…@me…’, ‘password’: ‘i5…’, ‘encode_password’: True, ‘icloud_server_endpoint_suffix’: ‘None’, ‘setup_icloud_session_early’: True, ‘data_source’: ‘famshr,mobapp’, ‘devices’: ‘0’}
02-26 15:29:54 [init…:0141] General Configuration:
{‘log_level’: ‘debug-auto-reset’, ‘unit_of_measurement’: ‘mi’, ‘time_format’: ‘12-hour’, ‘display_zone_format’: ‘fname’, ‘device_tracker_state_source’: ‘ic3_fname’, ‘max_interval’: 240, ‘offline_interval’: 20, ‘exit_zone_interval’: 3, ‘mobapp_alive_interval’: 60, ‘old_location_threshold’: 3, ‘old_location_adjustment’: 0, ‘gps_accuracy_threshold’: 100, ‘display_gps_lat_long’: True, ‘travel_time_factor’: 0.5, ‘tfz_tracking_max_distance’: 8, ‘passthru_zone_time’: 0.5, ‘track_from_base_zone_used’: True, ‘track_from_base_zone’: ‘home’, ‘track_from_home_zone’: True, ‘center_in_zone’: False, ‘discard_poor_gps_inzone’: False, ‘distance_between_devices’: True, ‘inzone_intervals’: {‘iphone’: 120, ‘ipad’: 120, ‘watch’: 15, ‘airpods’: 15, ‘no_mobapp’: 15, ‘other’: 120}, ‘waze_used’: True, ‘waze_region’: ‘us’, ‘waze_min_distance’: 1, ‘waze_max_distance’: 1000, ‘waze_realtime’: False, ‘waze_history_database_used’: True, ‘waze_history_max_distance’: 20, ‘waze_history_track_direction’: ‘north_south’, ‘stat_zone_fname’: ‘StatZon#’, ‘stat_zone_still_time’: 8, ‘stat_zone_inzone_interval’: 30, ‘stat_zone_base_latitude’: 1, ‘stat_zone_base_longitude’: 0, ‘display_text_as’: [‘#1’, ‘#2’, ‘#3’, ‘#4’, ‘#5’, ‘#6’, ‘#7’, ‘#8’, ‘#9’, ‘#10’], ‘away_time_zone_1_offset’: 0, ‘away_time_zone_1_devices’: [‘none’], ‘away_time_zone_2_offset’: 0, ‘away_time_zone_2_devices’: [‘none’]}
02-26 15:29:54 [init…:0141] {‘country_code’: ‘CA’, ‘region_code’: ‘QC’, ‘zip_code’: ‘J7Y’, ‘region_name’: ‘Quebec’, ‘city’: ‘Saint-Jerome’, ‘time_zone’: ‘America/Toronto’, ‘latitude’: 45.804, ‘longitude’: -74.0176, ‘use_metric’: True}
02-26 15:29:54 [init…:0141]
02-26 15:29:54 [init…:0141]
02-26 15:29:54 [init…:0147] Setting up iCloud3 v3.0 - Using Integration method
02-26 15:29:54 [sensor…:1212] Sensor entity created: sensor.icloud3_event_log, #1
02-26 15:29:54 [sensor…:1212] Sensor entity created: sensor.icloud3_wazehist_track, #2
02-26 15:29:54 [sensor…:0112] Sensor entities created: 2
02-26 15:29:54 [sensor…:0113] Sensor entities excluded: 0
02-26 15:29:54 [waze…:0073] Set Up Waze > Server-United States, Canada (US), CountryCode-CA, MinDist-1km, MaxDist-1000km, Realtime-False, HistoryDatabaseUsed-True
02-26 15:29:54 [waze_history:0179] Waze History Database > /config/.storage/icloud3/waze_location_history.db
02-26 15:29:54 [start_ic3…:0402] Configure iCloud3 Operations >
• Load configuration parameters
• Set Display Text As Fields (0 used)
• Set Default Tracking Method (iCloud)
• Initialize Debug Control (debug-auto-reset)
• Set Unit of Measure Formats (mi)
• Set Event Log Record Limits (1500 Events)
• Device Tracker State Value Source
(iCloud3 Zone Friendly Name)
02-26 15:29:54 [init…:0220] START iCloud3 Initial Load Executor Job (iCloud3.start_icloud3)
02-26 15:29:54 [start_ic3_co:0034] STAGE 1> +━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
| Stage 1 > Initial Preparations
02-26 15:29:54 [start_ic3_co:0069] STAGE 1> iCloud3 Directory > /config/custom_components/icloud3
02-26 15:29:54 [start_ic3_co:0073] STAGE 1> iCloud3 Configuration File > /config/.storage/icloud3/configuration
02-26 15:29:54 [start_ic3…:0878] STAGE 1> iCloud3 Event Log >
• Current Version Installed-v3.0.17
• File-/config/www/icloud3/icloud3-event-log-card.js
02-26 15:29:54 [start_ic3_co:0079] STAGE 1> LocationInfo-{‘country_code’: ‘CA’, ‘region_code’: ‘xx’, ‘zip_code’: ‘J7Y’, ‘region_name’: ‘xxxxx’, ‘city’: ‘xx-xx’, ‘time_zone’: ‘America/Toronto’, ‘latitude’: xx, ‘longitude’: -xx, ‘use_metric’: True}
02-26 15:29:54 [pyicloud_ic3:0151] STAGE 1> Connecting to and Authenticating iCloud Location Services Interface (init)
02-26 15:29:54 [pyicloud_ic3:0521] STAGE 1> Initialize PyiCloud Service, establish iCloud Location Services connection
02-26 15:29:54 [time_util…:0539] STAGE 1> Local Time Zone Offset > UTC-05:00 hrs, EST, Country Code-CA
02-26 15:29:54 [start_ic3_co:0095] STAGE 2> +━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
| Stage 2 > Prepare Support Services
02-26 15:29:54 [pyicloud_ic3:0924] STAGE 2> Read Cookies from /config/.storage/icloud/xxxxxx
02-26 15:29:54 [pyicloud_ic3:0483] STAGE 2> AUTHENTICATING iCloud Account Access, br…@me… (init)
02-26 15:29:54 [pyicloud_ic3:0598] STAGE 2> Authenticating account br…@me
02-26 15:29:54 [start_ic3…:1095] STAGE 2> Set up Zones > zone, Display (fname)
• home, Maison (r100m/328.1ft)
02-26 15:29:54 [start_ic3…:1118] STAGE 2> Special Zone Setup >
• Enter Zone Delay > DelayTime-30 secs
• Stationary Zone > Radius-100m, DistMoveLimit-125.0m, MinDistFromAnotherZone-200.0m
02-26 15:29:54 [waze…:0073] STAGE 2> Set Up Waze > Server-United States, Canada (US), CountryCode-CA, MinDist-1km, MaxDist-1000km, Realtime-False, HistoryDatabaseUsed-True
02-26 15:29:54 [waze_history:0179] STAGE 2> Waze History Database > /config/.storage/icloud3/waze_location_history.db
02-26 15:29:54 [start_ic3_co:0140] STAGE 2> Gb.Zones=[<Zone: not_home>, <Zone: Not_Home>, <Zone: not_set>, <Zone: Not_Set>, <Zone: ──>, <Zone: NotSet>, <Zone: stationary>, <Zone: Stationary>, <Zone: unknown>, <Zone: home
02-26 15:29:54 [start_ic3_co:0147] STAGE 3> +━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
| Stage 3 > Prepare Configured Devices
02-26 15:29:54 [start_ic3_co:0170] STAGE 3> Gb.Devices=
02-26 15:29:54 [start_ic3_co:0170] STAGE 3> Gb.DevDevices_by_devicename={}
02-26 15:29:54 [start_ic3_co:0170] STAGE 3> Gb.conf_devicenames=
02-26 15:29:54 [start_ic3_co:0170] STAGE 3> Gb.conf_famshr_devicenames=
02-26 15:29:54 [start_ic3_co:0180] STAGE 4> +━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
| Stage 4 > Setup iCloud & MobApp Data Source
02-26 15:29:54 [start_ic3_co:0200] STAGE 4> iCloud Account Used > br…@me
02-26 15:29:54 [pyicloud_ic3:0112] STAGE 4> iCloud Location Svcs Interface > Started during initialization
• Completed: Setup
• Inprocess: Authenticate
• Needed: FamShr, FmF
02-26 15:29:54 [pyicloud_ic3:0151] STAGE 4> Connecting to and Authenticating iCloud Location Services Interface (stage4)
02-26 15:29:54 [pyicloud_ic3:0521] STAGE 4> Initialize PyiCloud Service, establish iCloud Location Services connection
02-26 15:29:54 [pyicloud_ic3:0924] STAGE 4> Read Cookies from /config/.storage/icloud/brunolalongemecom
02-26 15:29:54 [pyicloud_ic3:0483] STAGE 4> AUTHENTICATING iCloud Account Access, br…@me… (stage4)
02-26 15:29:54 [pyicloud_ic3:0598] STAGE 4> Authenticating account br…@me
02-26 15:29:56 [pyicloud_ic3:0653] STAGE 4> Authentication completed successfully, method-Token
02-26 15:29:56 [pyicloud_ic3:0226] STAGE 4> Re-authenticating iCloud Account (450)
02-26 15:29:56 [pyicloud_ic3:0598] STAGE 4> Authenticating account br…@me
02-26 15:29:57 [pyicloud_ic3:0653] STAGE 4> Authentication completed successfully, method-Token
02-26 15:29:57 [pyicloud_ic3:0226] STAGE 4> Re-authenticating iCloud Account (450)
02-26 15:29:57 [pyicloud_ic3:0598] STAGE 4> Authenticating account br…@me
02-26 15:29:58 [pyicloud_ic3:0653] STAGE 4> Authentication completed successfully, method-Token
02-26 15:29:58 [pyicloud_ic3:0229] STAGE 4> iCloud Acct Auth #1 > Token, Last-12:00:00a (Never)
02-26 15:29:58 [pyicloud_ic3:0053] STAGE 4> iCloud Location Services interface > Verified (stage4)
02-26 15:29:58 [pyicloud_ic3:0116] STAGE 4> iCloud Location Svcs Interface > Started during initialization
• Completed: Setup
• Inprocess: Authenticate
• Needed: FamShr, FmF
02-26 15:29:58 [start_ic3…:0544] STAGE 4> Checking Mobile App Integration > Loaded, Devices-iPhonebruno14new (2), iPad (80), SM-T227U
02-26 15:29:58 [start_ic3…:2232] STAGE 4> Mobile App Devices > 0 of 0 iCloud3 Devices Configured
× iPhonebruno14new (2), iphonebruno14new_2_2 (2) >
• Not Assigned to an iCloud3 Device
× iPad (80), ipad_80_2 (80) >
• Not Assigned to an iCloud3 Device
× SM-T227U, sm_t227u (SM-T227U) >
• Not Assigned to an iCloud3 Device
02-26 15:29:58 [start_ic3_co:0232] STAGE 4> Gb.mobile_app_device_fnames=[‘iPhonebruno14new (2)’, ‘iPad (80)’, ‘SM-T227U’]
02-26 15:29:58 [start_ic3_co:0232] STAGE 4> Gb.mobapp_fnames_x_mobapp_id={‘xxxxxxxxx’: ‘iPhonebruno14new (2)’, ‘iPhonebruno14new (2)’: ‘xxxxxxxxx’, None: ‘xxxxxxxx’, ‘xxxxxxxx’: ‘iPad (80)’, ‘iPad (80)’: ‘xxxxxxxx’, ‘xxxxxxxx’: ‘SM-T227U’, ‘SM-T227U’: ‘xxxxxxxx’}
02-26 15:29:58 [start_ic3_co:0232] STAGE 4> Gb.mobapp_fnames_disabled=
02-26 15:29:58 [start_ic3_co:0232] STAGE 4> _.mobapp_id_by_mobapp_devicename={‘iphonebruno14new_2_2’: ‘f7ebbf4eef9d7cb2faa0cf7319914192’, ‘ipad_80_2’: ‘2fbf11791a6f177b18d178e4e48d4850’, ‘sm_t227u’: ‘9459903c68e36c2225f14978041181ad’}
02-26 15:29:58 [start_ic3_co:0232] STAGE 4> _.mobapp_devicename_by_mobapp_id={‘xxxxxxxx’: ‘iphonebruno14new_2_2’, ‘xxxxxxxx’: ‘ipad_80_2’, ‘xxxxxxxx’: ‘sm_t227u’}
02-26 15:29:58 [start_ic3_co:0232] STAGE 4> _.last_updt_trig_by_mobapp_devicename={‘iphonebruno14new_2_2’: ‘iphonebruno14new_2_last_update_trigger’, ‘ipad_80_2’: ‘ipad_80_last_update_trigger’}
02-26 15:29:58 [start_ic3_co:0232] STAGE 4> _.battery_level_sensors_by_mobapp_devicename={‘iphonebruno14new_2_2’: ‘iphonebruno14new_2_battery_level’, ‘ipad_80_2’: ‘ipad_80_battery_level’, ‘sm_t227u’: ‘sm_t227u_battery_level’}
02-26 15:29:58 [start_ic3_co:0232] STAGE 4> _.battery_state_sensors_by_mobapp_devicename={‘iphonebruno14new_2_2’: ‘iphonebruno14new_2_battery_state’, ‘ipad_80_2’: ‘ipad_80_battery_state’, ‘sm_t227u’: ‘sm_t227u_battery_state’}
02-26 15:29:58 [start_ic3_co:0281] STAGE 5> +━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
| Stage 5 > Tracked Devices Configuration Summary
02-26 15:29:58 [start_ic3_co:0298] STAGE 5> Gb.Devices_by_devicename_tracked={}
02-26 15:29:58 [start_ic3_co:0298] STAGE 5> Gb.Devices_by_devicename_monitored={}
02-26 15:29:58 [start_ic3_co:0298] STAGE 5> _.inactive_devices=
02-26 15:29:58 [start_ic3_co:0308] STAGE 6> +━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
| iCloud3 Initialization Complete
02-26 15:29:58 [start_ic3…:2641] STAGE 6> StatZones-None
02-26 15:29:58 [start_ic3…:2644] STAGE 6> Devices-None
02-26 15:29:58 [start_ic3…:2652] STAGE 6> Zones-not_home, Not_Home, not_set, Not_Set, ──, NotSet, stationary, Stationary, unknown, home
02-26 15:29:58 [start_ic3_co:0334] STAGE 6> The following issues were detected when starting iCloud3. Scroll through the Startup Log for more information:
1. iCloud3 Integration not set up
02-26 15:29:58 [start_ic3_co:0365] 1stLOC > Requesting Initial Locate
02-26 15:29:58 [start_ic3_co:0367] 1stLOC > +━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
| iCloud3 v3.0 > Start up Complete
02-26 15:29:58 [icloud3_main:0164] 1stLOC > Commit Log File Records, RequestedBy-iCloud3 Initialization