I’ve been trying to recreate your errors and have not been able too. There may be an error message in the home-assistant.log file. I would be interested in what it says. You can display it on ‘HA Settings > System > Logs’.
The configuration file is ‘.storage/icloud3/configuration’. Delete that file and it will create a new one when you restart HA (and iCloud3).
When you Add a device, the devicename field is a new iCloud3 devicename you are assigning, not the Mobile App device name (‘iPhonebruno14new (2))’. Use something like ‘iphone_bruno_ic3’ that is different than the Mobile App device name. The underscores (‘_’) are not required, but help in readability, so you could also use ‘iphonebrunoic3’ if you want.
No, leave the .storage/icloud directory. It is used for storing the icloud account access cookies and security tokens. If you do delete it, Apple will ask for a new 6-digit verification code. It has nothing to do with iCloud3 configuration.
Ok then, I have tried removing the .storage/icloud3, deleted again the integration, restarted HA, re-installed the integration, logged with my account but i still have the Unknown error occured message.
Just so you know, i installed the Manual way downloded the zip ([iCloud3 v3.0 General Availability (2/26/2024)]) since if I go with the custom integration option, the 2 available options are , icloud3 v3 developper or icloud3 v2.
then i also tried installing the developper but I still have the same message
When you unzipped the icloud3.zip file, did you unzip it into the ‘config/custom_components/icloud3’ directory? I haven’t put it up on the HACS iCloud3 nonevent yet. I will do that in a few days.
I just had to ask. I just looked again at the icloud3-0.log file you posted, it says that and I hadn’t noticed.
I see from the directory structure that you are running in a base ‘homeassistant’ directory. But the icloud3-0.log file shows you are running in a ‘config’ base directory.
Could that what is causing the problem. What environment are you running on? I’m just a Rpi running Hassio but have tested in a Docker container running under Windows. Also, others have had various Virtual systems and things went well, But in those environments, the base directory of ‘homeassistant’ was recognized and displayed in the initial log files.
I just started up my docker development environment and all went OK. Log message include:
02-26 18:07:05 [start_ic3_co:0068] STAGE 1> Base Config Directory > /workspaces/ha_core_dev/config
02-26 18:07:05 [start_ic3_co:0069] STAGE 1> iCloud3 Directory > /workspaces/ha_core_dev/config/custom_components/icloud3
02-26 18:07:06 [start_ic3_co:0073] STAGE 1> iCloud3 Configuration File > /workspaces/ha_core_dev/config/.storage/icloud3/configuration
I’m not familuar with proxmox and have used the docker environment very little. I’ll dig into it and see what I come up with.
@gcobb321 trying more stuff on my side and I just see that your startup STAGE 1 Log have more info than mine, Mine does not mention the Base Config Directory
I have created an issue for you since this is a problem we are trying to solve unique to you and not a general how-to question. I have also uploaded a program change for you to try.
Hi Gary,
I have iCloud3 V3.0 installed and running, however neither my calc_distance nor my waze_distance entities are showing as being available. These seem to be the only entities that have not been initiated, all others are displaying correctly.
HA is displaying the following: This entity is no longer being provided by the icloud3 integration. If the entity is no longer in use, delete it in settings.
Download the icloud3.zip file again, unzip into icloud3 directory and restart HA. It should work then. I found it 2-nights ago. Version is still 3.0
Thanks Gary,
Not sure if I’m downloading the correct .zip file, installed the files located on Github in icloud3_v3-main.zip and from icloud3_v3-main/custom_components but It doesn’t correct the issue. Also tried reloading from HACS with no luck.