iCloud3 v3 iDevice Tracker - Version 3

Hi, the last two days I’m having enormous battery drain on all my devices. Mostly at night, I wake up with my wife devices and mine with 0 battery. The only change I made in my home is change my router, my ip range is to 255 and before was to 255. The problem start the same day change the router. I uninstalled the integration and all is ok now but I will like to keep it. Could this change affect to the iCloud3 configuration?. Should I reconfigure the integration ?

@d13g0m0nt3s i would not think iCloud3 would impact the battery level on a router change. If iCloud3 wanted the location and Apple kept trying to locate the phone and the phone could not connect using Wi-Fi, it would send the location via cell service, I would think.

Rather than uninstalling iCloud3, you can pause all tracking using _Event Log > Actions > Pause Tracking _. Also, a review of the Event Log would show what iCloud3 was doing and if it was failing to get location info from Apple or the Mobile App.

Is strange that both phones failed to connect to the WiFi if that is the problem at the same moment during the night two nights in a row, but how know…In my case are two iPhones and two Apple Watch. I will reinstall the integration and keep an eye to the logs and see what will happen tonight.

Thanks :blush:

iCloud3 does not connect directory to the iPhone or watch. It gets data from the services t that do connect- Apple and the mobile app. I would check the mobile app to see if it can connect to HA. If a phone keeps trying to connect to a network or cell tower but can’t, it will keep trying and run down the battery. I would look at the phones first. Try to connect to google and email.

Both or the phone work great, the watches too, at least during the day I did not notice nothing special. I’m writing from one of them right now.

The problem has occurred two nights in a row. Both watches with 0 battery and the phones more than a half less in only one night. The only thing I thought all four have in common is icloud3 and the new router, but as you said could be another thing. To try I uninstalled the integration and installed the official one. I will try tonight, if the problem occurs again them is not iCloud3. Probably is not. Is a strange behavior that battery drain during the night…

On the iPhones, you can go to Settings App > Battery and it will show you the ‘Battery Usage by App’. I do not know about the watch. Maybe that will help identify the battery drain.

1 Like

iCloud3 is asking all the time for a code on my devices but keeps working on home assistant.
Does anyone has an idea how to stop icloud3 requesting codes?

That indicates that access to the iCloud account needs to be authenticated with the 6-digit Verification code. See the iCloud3 docs here for information on how to do that.

The iCloud3 documentation can be access by selecting the question mark (?) above the Action drop down list on the Event Log.

I did it now multiple times
Rebooted home assistant and even the whole system
And also deleted the iCloud folder in .storage

Without success :frowning:

Data is still coming to home assistant for iCloud but also the alerts with the codes :frowning:

When you deleted the .storage/icloud folder, you deleted the authentication cookies and session token files. Which means yu need to start all over again and enter a valid 6-digit code.

  1. Go to the Enter/Request Verification code screen, select Request Verification Code. A notification will appear that someone is logging into the iCloud account on your trusted device (iPhone)
  2. Get the 6-digit code from one of your trusted devices tied to the account. Select Allow and get the 6-digit code.
  3. Enter that code on the Enter/Request Verification code screen and select Submit. That sends the code to Apple. Apple will verify the code and a message is displayed indicating the code was accepted or rejected and needs to be reentered.

Restarting, rebooting and deleting files will not authenticate access to the Apple iCloud account. Apple informs iCloud3 that the code is needed and will keep doing this until a valid code is submitted. It will eventually stop providing location data if this is not done.

Thanks for your reply an help

I did this yesterday but without success - as mentioned data was all the time coming from Apple to home assistant.

What I did now:

  1. deactivate iCloud3
  2. Activate and sign in to iCloud standard integration
  3. deactivated iCloud standard integration
  4. Activated iCloud3 again

In the last hours no alerts were popping up - don’t know what was resented with this flow but at the moment it helped :see_no_evil:

The native iCloud integration and iCloud2 Integration share the same cookie and session files by design. It is interesting that you were able to authenticate access using the iCloud integration but not iCloud3. The code base for both came from the same source, although I have modified it to correct a few bugs.

The verification code notification is displayed on the Event Log, along with it’s status info and might show me what was going on. The icloud3-0.log (today), the icloud3-1.log (yesterday) and icloud-2.log (2 days ago) files contain those entries. Can you email them to [email protected].


Just checked - there are sadly no logs anymore for 4th of march :frowning:

Thanks for checking. They would be in the /config directory where home-assistant.log is.

ok today it’s again popping up frequently. Checked now the logs asap. Here are some logs of the last minutes were an error is shown. Could that be the root cause?

03-07 22:27:56 [start_ic3_co:0365] 1stLOC > Requesting Initial Locate
03-07 22:27:56 [device......:2051] 1stLOC > icloud3_iphone_hilde > SinceLast > Initial Locate → FamShr-10:24:30p
03-07 22:27:56 [start_ic3_co:0380] 1stLOC > icloud3_iphone_hilde > Trigger > Initial Locate
03-07 22:27:56 [zone_handler:0273] 1stLOC > icloud3_iphone_hilde > Zone > Home(1)-116.3ft > NotSet(2), GPS-(48.61049, 9.33423/±7m)
03-07 22:27:56 [determine_in:0572] 1stLOC > icloud3_iphone_hilde > Results > NextUpdate-10:28:10p,  Moved-3.2ft, Battery-34%, ×Went3km
03-07 22:27:56 [determine_in:0592] 1stLOC > icloud3_iphone_hilde RESULTS: From-Home > MobAppZone-not_set, iC3Zone-home, Interval-15 secs, TravTime-0 min, Dist-0mi, NextUpdt-10:28:10p, MaxDist-0mi, Dir-inZone, Moved-0km, Battery-34%, LastDataUpdate-10:27:56p, GPSAccuracy-7m, LocAge-3 mins ago, OldThreshold-2 mins, LastEvLogMsg-10:27:56p, Method-3.OldLoc/GPS
03-07 22:27:56 [device......:1928] 1stLOC > icloud3_iphone_hilde > Battery Info > Level-34%, Not Charging (FamShr)
03-07 22:27:56 [device......:2051] 1stLOC > icloud3_iphone_hans > SinceLast > Initial Locate → FamShr-10:25:02p
03-07 22:27:56 [start_ic3_co:0380] 1stLOC > icloud3_iphone_hans > Trigger > Initial Locate
03-07 22:27:56 [zone_handler:0273] 1stLOC > icloud3_iphone_hans > Zone > Home(2)-156.9ft > NotSet(1), GPS-(48.61038, 9.33416/±9m)
03-07 22:27:56 [determine_in:0572] 1stLOC > icloud3_iphone_hans > Results > NextUpdate-10:28:10p,  Moved-71.1ft, Battery-79%, ×Went3km
03-07 22:27:56 [determine_in:0592] 1stLOC > icloud3_iphone_hans RESULTS: From-Home > MobAppZone-not_set, iC3Zone-home, Interval-15 secs, TravTime-0 min, Dist-0mi, NextUpdt-10:28:10p, MaxDist-0mi, Dir-inZone, Moved-0km, Battery-79%, LastDataUpdate-10:27:56p, GPSAccuracy-9m, LocAge-3 mins ago, OldThreshold-2 mins, LastEvLogMsg-10:27:56p, Method-3.OldLoc/GPS
03-07 22:27:56 [device......:1928] 1stLOC > icloud3_iphone_hans > Battery Info > Level-79%, Not Charging (FamShr)
03-07 22:27:56 [device......:2051] 1stLOC > linda_watch_23 > SinceLast > Initial Locate → FamShr-5:35:34p/±2736m
03-07 22:27:56 [start_ic3_co:0380] 1stLOC > linda_watch_23 > Trigger > Initial Locate
03-07 22:27:56 [zone_handler:0273] 1stLOC > linda_watch_23 > Zone > Away(1) > Oma & Opa Maier-5.0mi, Schule-6.0mi, Home(2)-6.0mi, M Stuttgart-17.0mi, GPS-(48.64582, 9.45386/±2736m)
03-07 22:27:56 [pyicloud_ic3:0221] 1stLOC > iCloud Acct Auth #2 > Password+Token, Last-10:27:56p
03-07 22:27:56 [pyicloud_ic3:0053] 1stLOC > iCloud Location Services interface > Verified (init)
03-07 22:27:57 [waze........:0171] 1stLOC > linda_watch_23 > Waze Route Error > Problem connecting to Waze Servers. Distance will be calculated, Travel Time not available
03-07 22:27:57 [determine_in:0572] 1stLOC > linda_watch_23 > Results > Arrive-10:27p, NextUpdate-10:28:10p,  Direction-Away, IntoStatZone-10:35:56p, ✓Went3km
03-07 22:27:57 [determine_in:0592] 1stLOC > linda_watch_23 RESULTS: From-Home > MobAppZone-not_set, iC3Zone-not_home, Interval-15 secs, TravTime-0 min, Dist-3.7mi, NextUpdt-10:28:10p, MaxDist-0mi, Dir-Away, Moved-0km, Battery-0%, LastDataUpdate-10:27:56p, GPSAccuracy-2736m, LocAge-4.9 hrs ago, OldThreshold-2 mins, LastEvLogMsg-10:27:57p, Method-3.PoorGPS
03-07 22:27:57 [icloud3_main:0164] 1stLOC > Commit Log File Records, RequestedBy-iCloud3 Initialization
03-07 22:27:57 [__init__....:0225] iCloud3 v3.0.rc10.4 started
03-07 22:28:11 [pyicloud_ic3:1455] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 > NewData > FamShr-5:35:34p, 0%
03-07 22:28:11 [pyicloud_ic3:1451] ICLOUD > icloud3_iphone_hilde > NewData > FamShr-10:24:30p → 10:28:01p, 34%
03-07 22:28:11 [icloud_data_:0423] LOCATE > icloud3_iphone_hilde > LocTimes > FamShr-10:28:01p (10 secs ago)
03-07 22:28:11 [icloud_data_:0423] LOCATE > icloud3_iphone_hilde > LocTimes > FamShr-10:28:01p (10 secs ago)
03-07 22:28:11 [icloud3_main:0486] ICLOUD > icloud3_iphone_hilde > Trigger > Next Update Time Reached
03-07 22:28:11 [zone_handler:0273] ICLOUD > icloud3_iphone_hilde > Zone > Home(2)-126.8ft > Away(1), GPS-(48.61046, 9.33419/±9m)
03-07 22:28:11 [determine_in:0572] ICLOUD > icloud3_iphone_hilde > Results > NextUpdate-10:43:10p,  Moved-13.0ft, Battery-34%, ×Went3km
03-07 22:28:11 [determine_in:0592] ICLOUD > icloud3_iphone_hilde RESULTS: From-Home > MobAppZone-not_set, iC3Zone-home, Interval-15 mins, TravTime-0 min, Dist-0mi, NextUpdt-10:43:10p, MaxDist-0mi, Dir-inZone, Moved-0km, Battery-34%, LastDataUpdate-10:28:11p, GPSAccuracy-9m, LocAge-10 secs ago, OldThreshold-2 mins, LastEvLogMsg-10:28:11p, Method-3.AtHome
03-07 22:28:11 [icloud_data_:0423] LOCATE > icloud3_iphone_hans > LocTimes > FamShr-10:28:10p (1 secs ago)
03-07 22:28:11 [icloud3_main:0486] ICLOUD > icloud3_iphone_hans > Trigger > Next Update Time Reached
03-07 22:28:11 [zone_handler:0273] ICLOUD > icloud3_iphone_hans > Zone > Home(2)-133.0ft > Away(1), GPS-(48.61045, 9.33425/±18m)
03-07 22:28:11 [determine_in:0572] ICLOUD > icloud3_iphone_hans > Results > NextUpdate-10:43:10p,  Moved-30.9ft, Battery-79%, ×Went3km
03-07 22:28:11 [determine_in:0592] ICLOUD > icloud3_iphone_hans RESULTS: From-Home > MobAppZone-not_set, iC3Zone-home, Interval-15 mins, TravTime-0 min, Dist-0mi, NextUpdt-10:43:10p, MaxDist-0mi, Dir-inZone, Moved-0km, Battery-79%, LastDataUpdate-10:28:11p, GPSAccuracy-18m, LocAge-1 secs ago, OldThreshold-2 mins, LastEvLogMsg-10:28:11p, Method-3.AtHome
03-07 22:28:30 [icloud_data_:0341] LOCATE > linda_watch_23 > Rejected  #2 > NewData-5:35:34p/±2736m vs 5:35:34p/±2736m, Updated-FamShr data, Pending/203
03-07 22:28:30 [icloud_data_:0341] LOCATE > linda_watch_23 > Rejected  #2 > NewData-5:35:34p/±2736m vs 5:35:34p/±2736m, Updated-FamShr data, Pending/203
03-07 22:28:30 [determine_in:0746] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 > Location Old #3 > 4.9 hrs ago, RetryAt-10:28:45p (15 secs)
03-07 22:28:30 [determine_in:0747] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 Old Location/Other Error-Location Old #3 > 4.9 hrs ago, RetryAt-10:28:45p (15 secs)
03-07 22:28:45 [determine_in:0746] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 > Location Old #4 > 4.9 hrs ago, RetryAt-10:29:15p (30 secs)
03-07 22:28:45 [determine_in:0747] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 Old Location/Other Error-Location Old #4 > 4.9 hrs ago, RetryAt-10:29:15p (30 secs)
03-07 22:29:15 [determine_in:0746] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 > Location Old #5 > 4.9 hrs ago, RetryAt-10:29:45p (30 secs)
03-07 22:29:15 [determine_in:0747] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 Old Location/Other Error-Location Old #5 > 4.9 hrs ago, RetryAt-10:29:45p (30 secs)
03-07 22:29:45 [determine_in:0746] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 > Location Old #6 > 4.9 hrs ago, RetryAt-10:30:15p (30 secs)
03-07 22:29:45 [determine_in:0747] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 Old Location/Other Error-Location Old #6 > 4.9 hrs ago, RetryAt-10:30:15p (30 secs)
03-07 22:30:00 [icloud3_main:0630] icloud3_iphone_hilde > Nearby Devices (<65ft) > @10:29p, ⌘hans iPhone-14.0ft (10:28p), ×linda Apple Watch-6.0mi (5:35p)
03-07 22:30:00 [icloud3_main:0630] icloud3_iphone_hans > Nearby Devices (<65ft) > @10:29p, ✓hilde iPhone-14.0ft (10:28p), ×linda Apple Watch-6.0mi (5:35p)
03-07 22:30:00 [icloud3_main:0630] linda_watch_23 > Nearby Devices (<65ft) > @5:35p, ×hilde iPhone-6.0mi (10:24p), ×hans iPhone-6.0mi (10:25p)
03-07 22:30:15 [determine_in:0746] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 > Location Old #7 > 4.9 hrs ago, RetryAt-10:30:45p (30 secs)
03-07 22:30:15 [determine_in:0747] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 Old Location/Other Error-Location Old #7 > 4.9 hrs ago, RetryAt-10:30:45p (30 secs)
03-07 22:30:45 [icloud_data_:0341] LOCATE > linda_watch_23 > Rejected  #7 > NewData-5:35:34p/±2736m vs 5:35:34p/±2736m, Updated-FamShr data, Pending/203
03-07 22:30:45 [icloud_data_:0341] LOCATE > linda_watch_23 > Rejected  #7 > NewData-5:35:34p/±2736m vs 5:35:34p/±2736m, Updated-FamShr data, Pending/203
03-07 22:30:45 [determine_in:0746] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 > Location Old #8 > 4.9 hrs ago, RetryAt-10:31:45p (1 min)
03-07 22:30:45 [determine_in:0747] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 Old Location/Other Error-Location Old #8 > 4.9 hrs ago, RetryAt-10:31:45p (1 min)
03-07 22:30:52 [start_ic3...:0544] Checking Mobile App Integration > Loaded, Devices-MC97475, iPad von hans (6), hilde iPhone 12 Pro Max (2), 14 Pro Max, East Android, MacBook Pro von hans
03-07 22:31:45 [determine_in:0746] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 > Location Old #9 > 4.9 hrs ago, RetryAt-10:32:45p (1 min)
03-07 22:31:45 [determine_in:0747] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 Old Location/Other Error-Location Old #9 > 4.9 hrs ago, RetryAt-10:32:45p (1 min)
03-07 22:32:45 [determine_in:0746] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 > Location Old #10 > 5 hrs ago, RetryAt-10:33:45p (1 min)
03-07 22:32:45 [determine_in:0747] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 Old Location/Other Error-Location Old #10 > 5 hrs ago, RetryAt-10:33:45p (1 min)
03-07 22:33:45 [determine_in:0746] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 > Location Old #11 > 5 hrs ago, RetryAt-10:34:45p (1 min)
03-07 22:33:45 [determine_in:0747] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 Old Location/Other Error-Location Old #11 > 5 hrs ago, RetryAt-10:34:45p (1 min)
03-07 22:34:13 [pyicloud_ic3:0149] Connecting to and Authenticating iCloud Location Services Interface (unknown)
03-07 22:34:13 [pyicloud_ic3:0517] Initialize PyiCloud Service, establish iCloud Location Services connection
03-07 22:34:13 [pyicloud_ic3:0857] Session file does not exist
03-07 22:34:13 [pyicloud_ic3:0595] Authenticating account ne........@ic........
03-07 22:34:15 [pyicloud_ic3:0636] Authentication completed successfully, method-Password+Token
03-07 22:34:16 [pyicloud_ic3:0221] iCloud Acct Auth #3 > Password+Token, Last-10:27:56p
03-07 22:34:30 [icloud_data_:0341] LOCATE > linda_watch_23 > Rejected  #12 > NewData-5:35:34p/±2736m vs 5:35:34p/±2736m, Updated-FamShr data, Pending/203
03-07 22:34:30 [zone_handler:0273] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 > Zone > Away(1) > Oma & Opa Maier-5.0mi, Schule-6.0mi, Home(2)-6.0mi, M Stuttgart-17.0mi, GPS-(48.64582, 9.45386/±2736m)
03-07 22:34:31 [waze........:0171] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 > Waze Route Error > Problem connecting to Waze Servers. Distance will be calculated, Travel Time not available
03-07 22:34:31 [determine_in:0572] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 > Results > Arrive-10:34p, NextUpdate-10:39:30p,  Direction-Away, IntoStatZone-10:35:56p, ✓Went3km
03-07 22:34:31 [determine_in:0592] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 RESULTS: From-Home > MobAppZone-not_set, iC3Zone-not_home, Interval-5 mins, TravTime-0 min, Dist-3.7mi, NextUpdt-10:39:30p, MaxDist-0mi, Dir-Away, Moved-0km, Battery-0%, LastDataUpdate-10:27:56p, GPSAccuracy-2736m, LocAge-5 hrs ago, OldThreshold-3 mins, LastEvLogMsg-10:34:31p, Method-3.PoorGPS
03-07 22:34:31 [icloud3_main:1069] ICLOUD > Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/config/custom_components/icloud3/icloud3_main.py", line 1062, in _determine_interval_and_next_update
    f"NextUpdate-{secs_to_age_str(Device.interval_sec)}, "
AttributeError: 'iCloud3_Device' object has no attribute 'interval_sec'. Did you mean: 'interval_secs'?
03-07 22:34:31 [icloud3_main:1070] ICLOUD > Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/config/custom_components/icloud3/icloud3_main.py", line 1062, in _determine_interval_and_next_update
    f"NextUpdate-{secs_to_age_str(Device.interval_sec)}, "
AttributeError: 'iCloud3_Device' object has no attribute 'interval_sec'. Did you mean: 'interval_secs'?
03-07 22:34:42 [pyicloud_ic3:0149] Connecting to and Authenticating iCloud Location Services Interface (unknown)
03-07 22:34:42 [pyicloud_ic3:0517] Initialize PyiCloud Service, establish iCloud Location Services connection
03-07 22:34:42 [pyicloud_ic3:0857] Session file does not exist
03-07 22:34:42 [pyicloud_ic3:0595] Authenticating account ne........@ic........
03-07 22:34:44 [pyicloud_ic3:0636] Authentication completed successfully, method-Password+Token
03-07 22:34:45 [pyicloud_ic3:0221] iCloud Acct Auth #5 > Password+Token, Last-10:34:30p
03-07 22:39:30 [icloud_data_:0341] LOCATE > linda_watch_23 > Rejected  #12 > NewData-5:35:34p/±2736m vs 5:35:34p/±2736m, Updated-FamShr data, Pending/203
03-07 22:39:30 [icloud_data_:0341] LOCATE > linda_watch_23 > Rejected  #12 > NewData-5:35:34p/±2736m vs 5:35:34p/±2736m, Updated-FamShr data, Pending/203
03-07 22:39:30 [determine_in:0746] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 > Location Old #13 > 5.1 hrs ago, RetryAt-10:44:30p (5 mins)
03-07 22:39:30 [determine_in:0747] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 Old Location/Other Error-Location Old #13 > 5.1 hrs ago, RetryAt-10:44:30p (5 mins)
03-07 22:43:10 [pyicloud_ic3:1455] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 > NewData > FamShr-5:35:34p, 0%
03-07 22:43:10 [pyicloud_ic3:1451] ICLOUD > icloud3_iphone_hilde > NewData > FamShr-10:34:48p → 10:39:37p, 34%
03-07 22:43:10 [icloud_data_:0423] LOCATE > icloud3_iphone_hilde > Location Old #1 > 4 mins ago, FamShr-10:39:37p
03-07 22:43:10 [icloud_data_:0423] LOCATE > icloud3_iphone_hans > Location Old #1 > 3 mins ago, FamShr-10:39:44p
03-07 22:43:15 [pyicloud_ic3:1455] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 > NewData > FamShr-5:35:34p, 0%
03-07 22:43:15 [pyicloud_ic3:1451] ICLOUD > icloud3_iphone_hilde > NewData > FamShr-10:39:37p → 10:43:15p, 34%
03-07 22:43:15 [icloud_data_:0423] LOCATE > icloud3_iphone_hilde > LocTimes > FamShr-10:43:15p (1 secs ago)
03-07 22:43:15 [icloud_data_:0423] LOCATE > icloud3_iphone_hilde > LocTimes > FamShr-10:43:15p (1 secs ago)
03-07 22:43:15 [icloud3_main:0486] ICLOUD > icloud3_iphone_hilde > Trigger > Next Update Time Reached
03-07 22:43:15 [zone_handler:0273] ICLOUD > icloud3_iphone_hilde > Zone > Home(2)-98.3ft > Away(1), GPS-(48.61054, 9.33429/±14m)
03-07 22:43:15 [determine_in:0572] ICLOUD > icloud3_iphone_hilde > Results > NextUpdate-10:58:15p,  Moved-36.4ft, Battery-34%, ×Went3km
03-07 22:43:15 [determine_in:0592] ICLOUD > icloud3_iphone_hilde RESULTS: From-Home > MobAppZone-not_set, iC3Zone-home, Interval-15 mins, TravTime-0 min, Dist-0mi, NextUpdt-10:58:15p, MaxDist-0mi, Dir-inZone, Moved-0km, Battery-34%, LastDataUpdate-10:43:15p, GPSAccuracy-14m, LocAge-1 secs ago, OldThreshold-2 mins, LastEvLogMsg-10:43:15p, Method-3.AtHome
03-07 22:43:15 [icloud_data_:0423] LOCATE > icloud3_iphone_hans > LocTimes > FamShr-10:43:15p (1 secs ago)
03-07 22:43:15 [icloud3_main:0486] ICLOUD > icloud3_iphone_hans > Trigger > Next Update Time Reached
03-07 22:43:15 [zone_handler:0273] ICLOUD > icloud3_iphone_hans > Zone > Home(2)-110.3ft > Away(1), GPS-(48.61054, 9.33443/±35m)
03-07 22:43:15 [determine_in:0572] ICLOUD > icloud3_iphone_hans > Results > NextUpdate-10:58:15p,  Moved-55.8ft, Battery-79%, ×Went3km
03-07 22:43:15 [determine_in:0592] ICLOUD > icloud3_iphone_hans RESULTS: From-Home > MobAppZone-not_set, iC3Zone-home, Interval-15 mins, TravTime-0 min, Dist-0mi, NextUpdt-10:58:15p, MaxDist-0mi, Dir-inZone, Moved-0km, Battery-79%, LastDataUpdate-10:43:15p, GPSAccuracy-35m, LocAge-1 secs ago, OldThreshold-2 mins, LastEvLogMsg-10:43:15p, Method-3.AtHome

popped up again - but no error in the additional logs:

03-07 22:44:30 [determine_in:0746] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 > Location Old #14 > 5.1 hrs ago, RetryAt-10:49:30p (5 mins)
03-07 22:44:30 [determine_in:0747] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 Old Location/Other Error-Location Old #14 > 5.1 hrs ago, RetryAt-10:49:30p (5 mins)
03-07 22:45:00 [icloud3_main:0630] icloud3_iphone_hilde > Nearby Devices (<65ft) > @10:43p, ⌘hans iPhone-35.2ft, ×linda Apple Watch-6.0mi (5:35p)
03-07 22:45:00 [icloud3_main:0630] icloud3_iphone_hans > Nearby Devices (<65ft) > @10:43p, ✓hilde iPhone-35.2ft, ×linda Apple Watch-6.0mi (5:35p)
03-07 22:45:00 [icloud3_main:0630] linda_watch_23 > Nearby Devices (<65ft) > @5:35p, ×hilde iPhone-6.0mi, ×hans iPhone-6.0mi
03-07 22:49:30 [determine_in:0746] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 > Location Old #15 > 5.2 hrs ago, RetryAt-10:54:30p (5 mins)
03-07 22:49:30 [determine_in:0747] ICLOUD > linda_watch_23 Old Location/Other Error-Location Old #15 > 5.2 hrs ago, RetryAt-10:54:30p (5 mins)

Maybe because it is claiming the session file is missing ? But it exists in the iCloud folder …

I think there is an bug in the session file handling

what I did now:

  1. deleting the whole iCloud folder (session file was around 2 days old from the file timestamp)

  2. restarting HA

  3. reauthentificating iCloud3 → no session file created

  4. restartet HA again

  5. still no session file

  6. rauthentificating iCloud3 → still no session file created

  7. deactivated iCloud3

  8. set up of the standard iCloud integration with username and password → there is a session file now!!!

  9. deleted the standard iCloud integration

  10. reactivated the iCloud3 integration

  11. message with 2F still pops up again that someone logged in on an iPad

  12. restarted HA

  13. 2F message still popping up :frowning:

Since you are having a specific issue/problem, create an issue here. It will help keep this thread more of a question-and-answer or simple problem area thread. It will also help me keep track of people having a problem.

More info is needed. Turn on rawdata logging (Event Log > Actions > Start Rawdata Logging) and restart HA. When the notification starts popping up, review the Event Log to see if a message and error code is displayed.

Also, verify that you are using the same iCloud account/password in iCloud3 that you did in iCloud and the file/directory names in the .storage/icloud directory match the correct one.

Post any into to the issue you created.


I found the Device.interval_sec error and corrected it. I will send you the updated module on the issue you created and we will see if that solves your issue.

Hi Gary,
Just noticed another anomaly… The ‘direction of travel’ entity once it enters into a Zone stays in the ‘Stationary’ state and does not reset when leaving said zone, to indicate direction, until one arrives at Home and indicates Home.

Are you aware of this ?