iCloud3 v3 iDevice Tracker - Version 3

V2 - Restart HA
V3 - It should be deleted automatically in about 15-minutes or restart HA

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Longtime icloud3 user. Iā€™m so thankful Gary. In the old native iCloud integration, I could initiate find my device on any of my icloud devices by calling ā€œicloud.play_soundā€ service. Is there an equivalent capability in icloud3?

See iCloud3 docs here

That did it, thank you!

I have just updated from v2 and v3 and after the first few minutes I am really impressed how good v3 already is and how well it is treating things; like displaying a notification to clear browser cache when I had updated the dashboard resources for the event log; or sorting out after a restart that first it created _2 entities for everything, as the previous ones from v2 were also still there. After a few restarts I now only have abandoned _2 ones, which I guess I can now manually delete.
I still need to dig further into some details and see if everything still works as before, but first impression:

Very professional integration :+1:

Iā€™m glad everything went smoothly. Iā€™ll be releasing v3.0.3 in a few days as the official release.

Hi, I am on V3 since first install (so I didnā€™t use V2 at all) and I have noticed that I have _2 and _3 of all entities now. the _3 are the currently working, rest is N/A. But I definetely had only the original ones two days ago (I have battery sensor showed on AW so it stopped working). What could be the reason? I did reinitialization of the integration because my position was stuck (happens once after some time) but I reckon that should not create new entities.

HA will create a new entity in its entity registry when it is setting up an integration and it finds an entity in the entity registry with the same name from a previous install of it.

The easiest way too delete them is select the checkbox at the top of the devices on the entities screen and then select delete. It will tell you how many you can delete and unselect the ones being used.

When tracking gets stuck, the best thing to do is Event Log > Actions > Locate all devices with FamShr . A locate request will be sent to iCloud and all devices willl be updated. Iā€™m not sure what you did when you ā€˜reinitializedā€™ - reinstall iCloud3, restart HA, restart iCloud3, etc.

Thanks for the tip for deleting entities, I didnā€™t know this.

reinitializing - I ment reload - open integration - three dots on the right and then the first option.
Event log is part of the integration or HA? I am unable to find that (HA in different language could be one reason). Thank you

EDIT: probably found it:

but I dont see Locate allā€¦in the options.

EDIT:2 got it, I am an idiot, it is under action as you wrote :slight_smile:

The reload will probably do it since iCloud3 was running, the entity already existed and a new one will be created. I always restart HA and never do a reload.

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Since update to version 3 I am again once a day getting two e-mails that my apple ID was used to logon via a web browser.
I remember that this was also a thing in earlier version 2 releases, but I think you somehow managed to get that away?!
Is there also a mitigation on version 3 so that I donā€™t get those daily mails?

Unfortunately, that is totally under Apples control and there is nothing I can do. For more info about the emails, see the iCloud3 docs here

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Help my iCloud3 seems totally broke and not sure where to startā€¦

According to HACS Iā€™m on 3.0.2a
Under settings > system > logs, in the top right corner there is no option to select icloud3 logs.

My configuration.yaml has :-

  • platform: icloud3
    username: [email protected]
    tracking_method: iosapp
    config_ic3_file_name: ā€˜config_ic3.yamlā€™

My config_ic3.yaml has:-

ā€“Track Devices Parameters-------------------------------


  • device_name: Calz_iPhone
    name: Steve

Everything else is blocked out.

Havenā€™t changed anything, touched anything, Iā€™m not even sure when it broke, I was just poking around my setup and came across all the errors for the page Iā€™d setup for this.

You have installed v3 but have not set it up as an integration on the HA Devices & Settings screen. Also, the screen and Event Log you are displaying is from v2 so a browser refresh would be needed.

Complete instructions on how to migrate are in the v3 docs here.

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Not sure when it updated, Yes I would of done it via HACS but canā€™t remember.
Bodged my through the docs and seems to be working once again :+1:

Surprised none of my automations when not home/home wasnā€™t working but maybe it had me stuck at home and never triggered otherwise and I didnā€™t notice.

Seeing this error. Havenā€™t submitted a bug report yet.


Iā€™ve fixed this in v3.0.3 (not released yet). The release has been delayed due to a bug in HAOS 12.2 that trashed the SSD boot loader for my RPi so it would not boot up. None of my currents backups would restore so I reverted to a Jan2024 backup and am rebuilding from there. Iā€™m up and running but still some things to work out.

Go here and download the sensor.zip file.

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Much appreciated on all the hard work. Those failures suck to recover from.

I was running beta HA and and the backups were tagged with that version (12.2). The reinstalled HAOS 12.1 would not do a restore. None of the workarounds would get me by that issue so it was reinstall a Jan2024 version. I had the backups and could get all the code and most of the setup for my config. Itā€™s the stuff that was hidden in the HA config area that I setup a long time ago that is giving me fits.

I have v3 running for a few weeks now, incl. HA updates and restarts.
While I am on vacation now, iCloud3 asked for revalidation from apple with the 6-digit number. I provided that, but now ALL entities have _2 at the end, breaking my dashboard. However there is no entities without a number at the end, so I donā€™t know why the have suddenly been created. Also a restart of the add-on or HA did not change it. How do I get the normal entities back?