Ifttt call automation

Hi there!
First of all I think this is fricking awesome :slight_smile:

Now to my question: Is it possible for ifttt to calla an automation? I have an ifttt recipe that looks for calendar events and calls home assistant to turn on the lights. The problem is that it should only turn on the lights if I’m home and the sun is below the horizon.

I know how to create the automation but not how to trigger it.


Maybe you can turn on input_boolean from IFTTT, and use that as the trigger for the automation?

I think input_boolean was planned to be used in conditions, so I’m not sure it will work. Might be a more straight forward way?

Have a look at this topic:

It should work for IFTTT also, I think.

[quote=“martinhjelmare”]Have a look at this topic:

It should work for IFTTT also, I think.[/quote]

I tried that, but when the state is changing to the same as it already was it does not get triggered. I then have to create two recipes in ifttt - one to change it to wake up and a second one to change it back so it will be ready for the next wake up. Does it make sense?
It would be cool and much easier if there were a simpler way to do this.

What about creating a second automation rule that changes back the state of the entity changed by IFTTT? At least you don’t need two recipes then.