IKEA RODRET Dimmer Remote (E2201) - ZHA/Z2M - Control anything

New member first post ever!
Thanks for the blueprint, i got it working almost instantly. Im currently using this with a ikea trådfri driver and it works as intended, the only thing that’s bugging me is that the dimming when im holding down the buttons is done in flickering steps and not fluid as i would like. Anyway to fix that?
Thanks for the help!

Hey all,

Just picked up two RODRET devices and paired one of them successfully with Zigbee2mqtt.

But when I use this blueprint and try to use the double press - nothing happens at all. Both double press for on and off.

Anyone else experiencing this?

I have three buttons and all used to work perfekt.

But since one day, none is working anymore. after a restart.
I use Z2M and I have a strange feeling that the topic has changed.
The “action” topic is not send anymore.

I have fixed it for my self by edition the blueprint.
I removed the action from the topic and added the value_template.

Example for ON Button

  - platform: mqtt
    topic: "{{ z2m_base_topic ~ '/' ~ z2m_controller }}"
    payload: "on"
    value_template: "{{ value_json.action }}"
    id: press-on-z2m

I could provide a PR if there is a github repro somewhere :slight_smile:

@damru Why dont you create a git repository instead of a gist?
You get the advantages of a history of your changes and other people could help you.

By the way:
I really like your blueprint. I have one Rodret button and just one automation where I can controll three lights very simple. I can write the three automations also my self, but your blue print makes it much easier and simpler.
I use your blueprint on a total of four rodret buttons.
Thanks a lot for your work and effort!

Which firmware do you have ? I’m still on 1.0.47 and don’t have any issue (yet).
As for the git repo, why not! I currently have 0 time to take action but I’ll consider it :blush:
And thanks for the kind words :muscle:

I guess I don’t understand how this is supposed to work. I added the Rodret Dimmer Remote in Zigbee2mqtt, but in the Blueprint I don’t see a dropdown to add the remote device to the automation. There’s just a blank space next to Remote Name. When I type “IKEA Rodret Remote 1” (the name of the device), the automation, when completed, doesn’t do anything. What am I missing?

Is there a way to not exceed less than 1% brightness when using hold to dim?

I’ve done a light turn on action with a -5% brightness but it will eventually turn off the light, I’m hoping to stop at 1%

I did it for myself:

alias: Lower to 1%
  - conditions:
      - condition: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ ((state_attr('light.livingroom', 'brightness') | int) / 255) > 0.05
      - service: light.turn_on
          brightness_step_pct: -5
            - light.livingroom
    alias: "If >5%, lower brightness "
  - service: light.turn_on
      brightness_pct: 1
        - light.livingroom
    alias: Set brightness to 1%

Otherwise, it’s natively handled in this blueprint.

How do you get the Rodret to respond to hold commands?
Mine doesn’t do anything?

What about double click as well?

I’m a bit lost. I tried pasting your code snippet into the template yaml that makes the light stop at 1% when dimming down. But I can’t get it to work. Would be grateful for some guidance.

Not sure how to configure the On - Hold action to increase brightness and the Off - Hold action to decrease brightness

On - Double press event to switch color temp and same with Off - Double press event

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Hi, I got a couple of Rodret remotes just to try this blueprint. Something is wrong though and I can’t seem to be able to identify it.

The first remote I paired with ZHA is working fine - I can see events coming in HA when I press the buttons.

The blueprint imported ok and I can see it in blueprints. I can start adding an integration based on it, I can select the remote device and the actions to perform (persistent notification for testing). Then I press Save, and Rename on the next screen - I get no error whatsoever, but there is no new automation showing in the automation list. It does show up in the automations.yaml file.

At this point it doesn’t matter if I reload just the automations, all YAML or if I completely restart home assistant, the new automation never triggers, while the remote events are still received over zigbee.

Any ideas, please, for what to check? This is the very first time I am trying blueprints and I am lost. Thanks a lot!

LE: Never mind, I managed to find the issue and a solution for it - the very last paragraph on this page: Splitting up the configuration - Home Assistant - the “automation manual” and “automation ui”.

The blueprint is now working fine and I’m a happy, albeit very tired, bunny.

Using Controller - IKEA E1743 TRÅDFRI On/Off Switch & Dimmer Blueprint to use with my new RODRET didn’t have any problem to control my Aqara E1 Blinds motor.
I am on Z2M with Sonoff Zigbee stick.

I’m unable to configure the device. i’ve triggered the pairing mode by cliclyng the button 4 times. after that it shows up in the ZAH discovery but i’m stuck in “configuring” phase (even after pressing the reset button for 10 second). Someone can help me?

IKEA started bundling the Rodret with their cheap smaller Tretakt smart plug so I bought a bunch. It was easy to link to ZHA, and the blueprint works to switch on and off a ZHA group of lights (I’m not interested in using them with the plugs).

I got dimming to work by installing the Smart Dimmer blueprint which creates a script associated with the ZHA light entity. I then call this script with the On Hold and Off Hold actions:

service: script.hallway_ikea_rodret_dimmer
  action: dimm_up

Action dimm_down dims the light down.

Works well.

I pushed the pairing button 4 times, let it do its thing for 5 or so seconds(long enough to stall but not long enough to time out) then pulled the battery and plugged it back in after 1-2 seconds. no additional button presses.

I’ve spent about 3 hours trying to get the RODRET remote to connect to HA. Tried the 4 button thing, holding the button, rebooting, pulling battery out, but nothing. I’ve got 2 and they both get stuck at Configuring, and even if I get them to connect (so they show the battery percentage), I can’t get them to work with any automations. I have patience like many have sugessted, but I’m thinking I might give up. (I’m using ZHA, rPi3, and a Sonoff 3.0 Plus thing)

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I notice in my logs that this blueprint is trying to use zigbee2mqtt even when the device is set as a ZHA - I see a lot of these error messages:

Logger: homeassistant.components.automation.controller_hallway_dimmer_3
Source: components/automation/__init__.py:842
integration: Automation (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 16:23:43 (5 occurrences)
Last logged: 16:23:43

Got error 'Cannot subscribe to topic 'zigbee2mqtt//action', make sure MQTT is set up correctly' when setting up triggers for Controller - Hallway Dimmer 3

I use a similar blueprint for Styrbar remote controls where one of the settings is which Integration to use - ZHA, Zigbee2MQTT or Deconz. Perhaps that would work better.

That blueprint suggests it can also work for Rodret, but I have not been successful, so sticking with this one for now

Thanks, this worked effortlessly!
Is there any way to control the steps when using it for dimming (hold). It goes in too big steps on my setup.

Like many I had massive issues getting these RODRET’s to pair. What worked for me was doing the initial pairing which stalls at configuring but the device shows with no battery or events firing. I then pulled out the battery, held the pairing button and kept it held whilst I inserted the battery. After about 10 seconds of still holding the pairing button after the battery was inserted I released it and all button events were now firing, battery was showing and this blueprint worked.

I’m using ZHA on 2024.8.1 with a Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle

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