IKEA STYRBAR Dimmer Remote (E2001/E2002) - ZHA/Z2M - Control anything

Hey Folks.

This blueprint will allow you to control anything with an **IKEA STYRBAR REMOTE ** (On/Off, dimming, left + right ) via ZHA or Zigbee2MQTT.

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: How-to

This blueprint provides multiple ways to trigger any chain of actions:

  • Press “on”/“off”/“left”/“right” button
  • Double press “on”/“off”/“left”/“right” button - These virtual events are disabled by default. When enabled (with related Expose option), there will be a slight delay (corresponding to the Helper - Double press delay value) on the single press action(s)
  • Hold “on”/“off”/“left”/“right” button
    • Left/Right only triggers after longer wait time.

:spiral_notepad: Nota Bene
This blueprint is using single mode on purpose: to avoid double press actions triggering both single AND double press events.
:arrow_right_hook: As a consequence, buttons release event is not exposed as it’s used to cancel the hold action(s)

:blue_book: Blueprint

Click the badge to import this Blueprint requires Home Assistant Core 2021.3 or higher
Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

:page_facing_up: Check the code

Code is now available on this gist :eyes: .

:notebook: Changelog


  • First version of this blueprint

:bulb: It was inspired by

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