Ikea Rodret (zigbee2MQTT) Triple click

I forked this from @ trilorian blueprint where his was only ZHA.

If someone wants to expand on this or merge the two together that would be great for others. I won’t use ZHA and really liked his idea.

future goals:
A better brightness slider and increments. holding works for now, but isn’t great.

you can import this blueprint using this Github gist link.

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Hi, I’m trying to use this Blueprint (thanks for to have bilt this) but the double and the triple click don’t work.
Looking the raw file inside “Github gist link” webpage and the one downloaded directly from HA project seem to be a little different, too.
I tried all of two versions but problem about the 2/3 clicks still there!
Am I wrong somewhere?
Thank in advance for your kindly help!