IKEA STYRBAR remote switch right and left buttons won’t trigger automations

Hey! I’ve gotten an IKEA: STYRBAR remote connected to Home Assistant through the Zigbee Home Automation integration, as the IKEA HASS integration doesn’t surface it.

Using the type remote_button_short_press, I’ve been able to set up the light_on and light_off, but right and left never trigger, including the time not updating in the Last triggered column of the Automations section. The left and right subtypes come from me navigating in the visual UI.

Here is an example that currently won’t work:

alias: Bedroom lamp on
description: ""
  - device_id: xxxx
    domain: zha
    type: remote_button_short_press
    subtype: left
    trigger: device
conditions: []
  - action: light.turn_on
    metadata: {}
    data: {}
      device_id: yyyy
mode: single

Possibly of interest: holding down, (long-pressing), either of the right or the left button will trigger:

type: remote_button_short_press
subtype: light_on

instead of:

type: remote_button_long_press
subtype: right

Have you looked at the Ikea Strybar blueprints in the Blueprint Exchange, I use this one:

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Have you updated the firmware on the remotes? I know I have done that for all of mine which may solve some issues.

They are still slightly buggy though. Short presses of left/right works fine, but long presses will first trigger a short press on dim up before the long press left/right. As the same seems to happen when connected through Z2M I am guessing this is a firmware bug that can only be fixed by IKEA.

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I have looked, but they all seemed so different to what the HASS built-in UI produces, I couldn’t understand how they work. I’m quite new, and I like to progress through stages slowly and understand what the code that I’m using does.

Maybe I’ll try using one anyway, even if it doesn’t do what I want, just to check if they actually work… that could be a good debugging step, if you use this and the right and left buttons are working well for you?

That’s a possibility… it was connected to DIRIGERA until very recently… like weeks… and I only removed it because for some reason DIRIGERA doesn’t surface this remote in particular. I’ll have to find out if there’s a way to update the firmware through HASS… if not, then my next mission is to repair a couple of times to see if the IKEA home app can help.

Thank you both, I’ll keep you updated!

You can, but will need to manually add some keys to configuration.yaml. But if the remotes used to be connected to a Dirigera then I would assume it already updated them.

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Ok, it’s all working now. For anyone else who lands here:

After going through the motions of re-syncing with DIRIGERA, it claims they’re up to date.

Then re-syncing with HASS was a bit of a struggle, but maybe it was a good thing because:

During the process I saw the button to see the log of the connection progress, and noticed that, even when it was successful, not all entities connected. So I hit reconfigure a few times, and eventually it managed to connect to everything. It takes some time, up to 5 minutes every time I hit reconfigure, but finally worth it!

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