I have two Vallhorns connected to Home Assistant (under Zigbee Home Automation, via an
Aeotec Zi-Stick). (Home Assistant running in a Docker container in a Raspberry Pi.)
When I’m moving frequently, nearby the sensors, they immediately change the “Occupancy”
state in Home Assistant, after a move close to a sensor.
However, when there has been no motion in an hour, or two hours, they react very slowly.
The change of the “Occupancy” state in Home Assistant is then done 20-55 seconds after a move
close to a sensor.
It seems that the sensors fall asleep.
Maybe there is a problem with the communication between the Aeotec Zi-Stick
and Vallhorn. They are perhaps not compatible to each other.
The problem arises even when the distance between the devices is short.
Just got my first VALLHORN sensor with new LADDA 750 mAh batteries. After pairing the sensor stays on “detected”. The Lux values do update but seem to be all over the place, going form 213 to 2 within 30 seconds whilst nothing changed in the room. I’ve also tried to repair the device trough another router device, rebooting Home Assistant and also another set of rechargeable batteries (LADDA 900 mah) without succes.
I’ve noticed the logbook keeps updating every 30 seconds with:
Bewegingssensor woonkamer Attribute Updated event was fired
11:24:07 PM - Now
Bewegingssensor woonkamer On With Timed Off event was fired with parameters: {‘on_off_control’: <OnOffControl: 0>, ‘on_time’: 600, ‘off_wait_time’: 0}
For what it’s worth, the VALLHORN firmware is 0x01000064 and I’m using Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus V2 (the -E variant) with USB extension cable in combination with ZHA on Home Assistant 2024.11.1.
Only when I try to repair the device, without deleting it first, I get it to work once. I’ve tried that a couple of times:
I wonder if that helps. I’m now 3 days further without any improvement. My battery percentage started at 85 percent and is now at 82 percent. I have tried a few (almost empty) alkaline batteries in between but that makes no difference either.
so it was worse with full batteries (LADDA 900) although I have read that it is finicky about the batteries.
I also tried pairing directly to a TRÅDFRI bulb and the light stayed on so I’m thinking that mine is possibly faulty? Will return and try another to see if it is the same.
@drdodge, I’ve tried that as well and the light stayed on.
Yes, that’s why I bought the sensor with those (LADDA 750) batteries. When that still didn’t work after about an hour, I tried my other batteries (LADDA 900). That didn’t make any difference. Then I tried again with used alkaline batteries, but that didn’t make any difference either.
I put the original batteries back and left the sensor on, and now another day has passed, but nothing has improved. I think I’ll go back to the store next week
Ok so I got a replacement from Ikea and the new one functions correctly paired to the TRÅDFRI bulb. Have just paired it to ZHA now and seems to be ok upon first testing! So it seems the first unit was actually faulty.
I have one of these, connected to ZHA via a SMLight SLZB-06. I have an automation which turns on a smart light when occupancy is detected and the current illuminance level is < 5.
The problem is that the automation frequently doesn’t fire because the illuminance is not being updated. For example, there was an Occupancy event at 16:37 today. I had just turned off a light in an adjacent room before triggering this event, so the light level would/should have dropped from >5 to <5 at around the time I triggered the motion sensor. The illuminance value from the Vallhorn didn’t register any change at all for the entire half hour period though (from 7 mins before the event to 20+ minutes after it):
As an experiment, I added the zigbee2mqtt integration alongside ZHA yesterday. Over the course of the next few hours every single one of my Zigbee devices became disconnected from the network. This morning I disabled the z2m integration and restarted HA.
I have managed to reconnect everything except the two Vallhorn PIR sensors - despite completing the “interview process” they are not sending motion alerts to the server. The value of their Occupancy and Opening state shows as “off” (and never changes, regardless of movement in front of the sensor).
I have repeated the re-pairing process 3 times now for each sensor.
Any ideas how to resolve this?
Do you remove the device and entities before trying to re-pair?
If not I’d do that.
Restart HA
Then remove the batteries from the vallhorn for at least 10sec then place the batteries do a factory reset (I believe holding the pairing button for 10 sec)
Then try to pair again.
I do not own any vallhorn yet, but I do have several different zigbee devices from ikea including the previous PIR. All work quite well.
OK I followed those instructions exactly. After a long delay where it said “Interview Complete. Configuring…” I eventually got the “Initialisation Complete” message. But the sensor is not reporting any Opening or Occupancy events (both show a state of “off”, regardless of activity in front of the sensor). It seems to report Illuminance, but nothing else.
Just wanted to note I have a very similar problem with Vallhorn, HA Green, ZHA and SLZB-06. Very slow pairing and then lack of communication from the sensors. Also, the first time I got it paired no entities were registered. I’ve got two Vallhorns and both seem to have the same erratic behaviour.
I also have an Aqara temp sensor, which paired and communicated first time, though overnight everything seemed to fail. I’ll try debugging tonight.
Update: switched to Zigbee2MQTT and everything worked first time