Imou Life - cloud integration

Just registered here to say THANK YOU for that great integration!

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Hi, I just installed the imou integration, everything works, I see the 20 entities of my device, but if I click on the device the message appears: Error while loading page devices.
I see the entities and they are consistent with what is configured live on the camera, but I don’t see videos and images and I don’t access the device, because that message appears.
The camera is installed at the beach house, so a network that is not the one where HA is installed, which is my home network, could this be?

Hi, feel free to open an issue on github (GitHub - user2684/imou_life: Home Assistant custom component for controlling Imou devices) after going through the troubleshooting section at GitHub - user2684/imou_life: Home Assistant custom component for controlling Imou devices so to share verbose logs. Thanks!

How did you get the ip camera to work

Regarding the vacuum I found a workaround to be able to start and stop the vacuum via the Google Assistant SDK Integration which exposes devices in Google Home to Homeassistant. Check this out:

How did manage to connect the vacuum to Google Home? I own a Imou RV-L11-21 and can’t connect it to Google Home. Only 1 device is connected, and that is my Imou cam.

The SDK intergration is already in my hass, so all i need is to get the vacuum in Google Home :wink:

Thanks in advance!

In the Google Home App I added the imou service. By doing this the vacuum became available. It’s been a while since I did this so I’m not 100% sure about the process. But in My Home App under Settings → Services → Compatible with Google (My App is German so I translated this. Might be called different) I see the IMOU Service and it shows 1 device which is my Vacuum. I don’t have any additional IMOU Devices

Thnx for your info! I downgraded the Imou life app to version 6.0.0 (October 2022) trying to add the vacuum. That worked, only Google Home doesn’t see the vacuum. Any Imou Life version befor version 6.0 won’t work > the vacuum is produced in october 2022.

Another option i’ll try one of these days is an alternative app from Imou: Lechange, developped by Dahua Tech.


The integration is only recognizing one camera. In the Imou Life application, all the cameras are listed under one recorder, and the same is the case on the website. I also can’t find a folder through the File Editor where I could manually add the rest of the cameras.

What am I doing wrong or missing?

Hello, are you using talking about the Imou Life integration correct? If so, do you mean not all the cameras are showing up during the discovery phase? Thanks

Yes, it’s only finding one camera based on the image.

Try enabling debug log (GitHub - user2684/imou_life: Home Assistant custom component for controlling Imou devices) to see what is discovered, what is not and if there are errors along the process. Theoretically all the devices (cameras only) should be discovered. Try also adding it manually with id and password. If none of those would work, please open open an issue on github here: Issues · user2684/imou_life · GitHub

Have you found the reason/ solution for the empty list?
mine is a imou ip camera but still I cant auto/manually add it

Hi @user2684

If I change the password of a cam that is already defined in this integration, I shouldn’t need to do anything, correct?

I should do only if I change the Imou account pwd, right?

In this case, what should I do, delete and redefine the cam or there is another way?


Hi @user2684

I’m getting this message when I call, in nodered, the service PTZ location of the imou cam

“Insufficient remaining available licenses, please contact platform customer service”

I’m not calling this service so much, because is called twice when someone ring my external doorbell, one time to move the cam to a specific position and another time to return to standard position

I don’t get so many ring during a day, one or two maximum and not every day.

Where can I check the limits and is there any other service that can contribute to reach the limit?

This is what I see in the Imou Cloud Dev website

If I try to delete a cam that is online but that I want to remove, it says

Screenshot 2023-12-01 162431

Strange that I have “only” 7 cams, and one of this seven is only shared with me, but is defined in another account

What can I check/do?


PS: I just found that there is an issue opened in Github.
I will follow that thread

@hohaha045 just to understand correctly, you can or cannot add it manually with device id and password? Either way, please open up an issue on github and I will have a look at the logs. Thanks!

@woody4165 if you have changed the password of the device either you delete and add the device back again or you go into the .storage folder of HA, find the configuration of the entity, change the password there using file editor and restart HA :slight_smile:

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This is of interest for I guess most of the users of this integration so let me emphasize it. Please be aware that due to some changes on the Imou side, you can get this “Insufficient remaining available licenses, please contact platform customer service” error message. We are currently investigating root causes and what we can do on the integration side. I’ll keep you posted. Thanks

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Do you think that opening several tickets on the Imou dev website will give more chance to have an answer?


We can try but honestly I’ve never been lucky with their support, the few times in which they understand the question in english, the answer is most of the times very generic. Still it is a sort of free development tier so I can kind of understand. Keep on eye or feel free to contribute to this issue on github for this topic.