Improved Shopping List! + Bring! + Google Assistant + Alexa + Siri

I havent specifically added any intents. I dont use HA assistant so I am not really across what is required with that.

Given its using the inbuilt Todo entity, I would have assumed that HA would handle that – but I could be wrong.

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i’m pretty sure they have either created intents for ToDo Lists or are working on it, can’t remember now, I read too much about HA when I am way too tired LOL

Hey @sh00t2kill Dan, any idea on how to add “Item Detail”?
I am being a pain AND Pedantic but thought if I don’t ask I can’t get told to piss off LOL
i.e. I have 2 x Pork items but one is Roast the other is Sausages and also a Chicken ( Crumbed Schnitzel) but in HA it only shows up as Pork and Chicken.
This is the App

This is the Web App

This is HA

I can take a look, but how do you do that in the Bring! app ?
I cant seem to work it out.

Todo list entries dont have sub details like that, but i could potentially make it say eg Pork - Sausages + Roast.

before I go into the below I AM asking for a lot, so please do tell me where to go.

When you start typing Pork Chops for instance it knows if it is a sub topic or not or a new product with a big “P”, if it is there than it has the Porky picture :slight_smile:
also if you click on a product and hold for a second or two a submenu comes up, you can add pictures additional Items and quantities, etc

you learn something new every day!

I use bring more as a task list than a shopping list, so i have never come across that before.

I just released a beta that, in my fairly quick testing, seems to handle it properly.

The HA item is created as Title:SubTitle. Note that if you create an item with a “:” in its name it does the same in reverse.

I did a bit of testing and everything seems to work as expected.

Please test it, see what else breaks v1.3.0-beta

looking good, and you are quick!!
I have to reboot for the todo list to update from Bring now but HA to Bring instant updates.
Is it possible to keep the items separate? i.e Pork: Sausages and the other line would be Pork: Roast.
If you are using it for shopping you don’t want multiple items in the same tick box, kinda defeats the purpose, I’m surprised it is viewed this way in the web version TBH

ohj and I typed in Apples:Jazz to todo list and it didn’t break and it was showing correctly in Bring :slight_smile:

it updates for me, just takes up to 60 seconds.

I didnt realise you can select more than 1 “sub category”
Im not sure how im going to deal with that, as this is what Bring! returns via API

{'specification': 'Chops, Fillet', 'name': 'Pork'}

The problem is if i then just say – hey put Pork - Chops into my recent list, it moves Pork - Chops into the recent list and DELETES Pork - Fillet … ie Pork now just exists with a single sub title thingie.

Yeah, I noticed you can have multiple ‘specifications’ under one ‘name’ and it combines them in the web version but not in the Android app.
all good mate, you have done an awesome job and as I said I am pushing my luck TBH :smiley:
I’ll just have to write “Pork Sausages” which will do the job, was going to add all my normal groceries as well but thought if I could use the built-in features why not :slight_smile:
Now go and have a beer, it is beer O’Clock here :beers: :beers:

OK cool - I will merge those changes and release proper.

Did you happen to notice in the beta release deletions should be more immediate ?

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yeah really quick now

I followed your guide to the letter and the Add an Item card does nothing when I type into it from my dashboard. What did I miss?

First time you need to type ‘…’ to make It work. Also you need to import the blueprint. Did you do that?

I’m having the same issue

Read my last comment, and let me know if you fixed It :wink:

I tried that and still not getting the list to work unfortunately.

Hi Peter, can you provide the code you are using for this card? Also you need to import the blueprint. Did you do that?


I’ve spent the last few days working on an (even more) improved version of the shopping list.

These are the main changes:

  • Fixed the style sheet, adapting to the latest update of the Card Mod card
  • New product icon system, allowing you to add custom images that update automatically on all cards (without having to edit the code at all)
  • New system to add products, easier from catalog by category or alphabetical order, recently purchased products and personalized suggestions
  • Fewer dependencies: it is no longer necessary to install Browser Mod or Expander Card

I also think that visually it is much more attractive, by incorporating images and displaying the products with Bubble Card. Here are a few seconds of the shopping list in operation:

By the way, the ‘catalog’ idea was inspired by this other shopping list project. Also, i want to thank aguacatec community, which has been very helpful and supportive.

Hope you like it, and let me know your opinion and ideas to make it better :slight_smile: