Improved Shopping List! + Bring! + Google Assistant + Alexa + Siri

That’s amazing!

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Thank you! :smiley:

I hope we can keep making It better. Any suggestions are welcome!

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the perfect solution for me would be this plus Bring! integration :smiley:

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Yeah! I want to try It in the coming days. All we need to make It perfect is Google keep integration so we can use Google Assistant :smiley:

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You got it! I just created a blueprint to sync Bring! with my Improved Shopping List :slight_smile:

More info here

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

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And finally, the missing piece! :smiley:

I created a ‘work-around’ to add products to the shopping list with Google Assistant.

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@TiToTB awesome work mate, however I keep getting the below problem and once it starts it doesn’t revert back, no idea what causes it.

Thanks Brent!

Please, check this:

  • Do not copy and paste the examples (i.e. “Shopping List – cat - CATEGORY”) when you are creating category helpers, since some word processors can change the ‘-’ and break the code. If you did it, delete your helper, create it again and make sure you type the name.
  • Do not use blank spaces between product names. They should be separated just by commas (i.e. “Oranges,Lemon,Milk”).

Let me know if you fixed it this way :slight_smile:

It was working OK until I pasted
how about special characters like “:” ? Bring! uses special characters like “Red Wine:Pinot Noir” also used the “&” instead of words for categories?

Maybe that’s the problem.

Try to avoid special characters (it happened to me with ‘ñ’) since home assistant seems to ignore some of them, at least with shopping list services.

I am used to type same product names in Bring! and HA, but if you find it usefull i think i can modify the blueprint in order to replace ‘:’ coming from Bring! app, and make it a blank space.

Been away for a week and now work is stupid crazy with escalations, i’ll get back into this next week I think,
I’ll keep you posted and thanks for all your work!

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any way of making the txt fields larger than 255 characters? it’s annoying me, yup I am anal and try to add everything including brand and pictures, very helpful for when the wife does shopping :slight_smile: or I don’t get what I asked for.

Hi Brent! i don’t know if you can extend the helper beyong 255 characters, but sure you can just add another helper and split products in more categories if you need it :smiley:

Haha well that will fit into my OCD basket lol

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so i’ve done some looking and if you use an attribute by doing a customisation then you can get around the 255 character limit.

Or maybe we could create a JSON file?
I have created an attribute but can’t figure out what to change to look at that list rather than the state, so no idea if it works or not.
Are you able to point me in the right place?

I think it’s simpler to replace the input_text with a template sensor so you can still work with the ‘state’ and there is no need to make further changes in the code.

Does it help? :sweat_smile:

thanks tried that but the state can’t be over 255 characters, but if you use attributes you can also use special characters like “:”

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To those interested, there is now since 2024.2.0 an integration directly available witout HACS leveraging the todo lists. See Bring! - Home Assistant


But how to use this app with Google assistent?