Improved Shopping List! + Bring! + Google Assistant + Alexa + Siri

Great :smile:

Yes, Google Keep syncs every 15 minutes, so keep that in mind! Enjoy!

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I tried again and Spook gave me the following error message: I really canā€™t find the three services, did I forget to configure something? But the sensors are found.

Unknown services in :shopping_cart: Improved Shopping List!

Spook has found a ghost in your automations :ghost:

While flying around, Spook encountered the following automation:

:shopping_cart: Improved Shopping List! + Bring! (automation.improved_shopping_list_bring)

This automation refers to the following services that Home Assistant doesnā€™t recognize:

  • shopping_list.remove_item
  • shopping_list.complete_item
  • shopping_list.add_item

To resolve this issue, edit the automation and remove the use of these non-existent services.

Spook :ghost: Your homie.

Warning - 11.6.2024


As you can see in Home Assistant documentaciĆ³n, they exist. Do you have shopping list integration?

Oh, it works now! I had previously activated the shopping list, but then deactivated it again when it didnā€™t work. Now I have seen that you wrote that you should delete all entries beforehand and the history as well, and I had overlooked that. Now it works! Thanks so much for this great blueprint! :heart_eyes::raised_hands:

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Well, it works, but I still get an error message in the log files. I have also noticed that the entries in the Google Todo are not checked off. It seems that there is an error with the synchronization.

Screenshot 2024-06-29 100909
Screenshot 2024-06-29 100855

Yes I noticed that list not deleting completed items too.

But unfortunately Iā€™m again facing that issue with the lists not synchronising/updating. Iā€™ve not changed anything. I can see both the automations triggering when using voice commands.

I am working on 3.0 version, so i ll review all of this!


same here, looks like first half of the card got error. if you delete it, then its shows you some part of the list. Iā€™m not coder, so I dont know where is trouble.

ok, I found where is trouble

                    'type': 'custom:mushroom-template-card',
                    'entity': 'sensor.bought_items_number',
                    'secondary': name_item,
                    'multiline_secondary': 'true',
                    'picture': picture,
                    'tap_action': {
                      'action': 'none',
                    'card_mod': {
                      'style': 'ha-card { background: linear-gradient( rgba(238, 82, 79, 1), rgba(181, 42, 39, 1) ); --icon-size: 20px; --card-secondary-font-size: 12px; --secondary-text-color: #ffffff;};',

must be like this

                "type": "custom:mushroom-template-card",
                "entity": "sensor.bought_items_number",
                "secondary": name_item,
                "multiline_secondary": "true",
                "picture": picture,
                "tap_action": {
                  "action": "none",
                "card_mod": {
                  "style": 'ha-card { background: linear-gradient( rgba(238, 82, 79, 1), rgba(181, 42, 39, 1) ); --icon-size: 20px; --card-secondary-font-size: 12px; --secondary-text-color: #ffffff;};',
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first let me tell you I love this cardā€¦ it took me a few days to get it installed and modified to my own wishes. Color coding, putting sensors in a separate file, Changing the pictures to jpg, adding a version to the picture to help with the caching issues I had (if someone has the same issue, I have a solution ;-)) I also changed the filename for the picture to a lower case as sometimes my daughter tend to write all lower case, sometimes not => picture all in lower case :wink:

But one thing Iā€™m missing is a ā€œsearchā€ in the product catalogā€¦
I read that you should be able to swipe left and than do a search, but that part is not working in my HA?
Has anyone got that to work? Or has a solution for this?
One other thing that would be ā€œa nice to haveā€. Hide the picture if there is no picture :wink:

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There is not yet a ā€œsearchā€ card, but i have It in mind.

Hopefully, i ll find the time to release a new version soon