Improved Shopping List! + Bring! + Google Assistant + Alexa + Siri

For now, this is the workaround i am using

Or you can use this blueprint. But you have to make some changes, which ones exactly, is in the article. It doesnā€™t work smoothly yet. However, this is enough for me at the moment.

Thanks for this! Any chance we could get an alternative layout for the CATALOG popup? something like the grid approach of the RECENTLY PURCHASED section? Iā€™m using a Tablet mounted on my fridge, so Iā€™m triyin to use all the screen realstate to make it easier to pick the items that need to be added.

I want to launch a new version in the coming weeks, so iā€™ll keep this in mind!

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I just published this guide to feed shopping list through ANY voice assistant, and keep them sincronized! Enjoy!

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Thatā€™s amazing but are you aware Alexa List API will stop working July 1st?

This looks good.

I have read the guides (auto translated to English). But Iā€™m not quite clear: does this allow for, in my case, Google assistant/speakers to add items to the Bring app (as before)? If so, can you explain the main steps please.

Iā€™ve tried to follow the guides, but not quite sure that I am doing things correctly. Seems as though, you need to create the sensors file first, then simply use the blueprint?

But Iā€™m confused about the syncing between Bring and Google Tasks/Keep (not sure which one is current/to use). Do these simply need to be added as integrations and your sensor file & blueprint will do the syncing?

To be honest, i wasnā€™t :sweat_smile: It sucks!

Well, we will cross that bridge when we get there!

  1. First you need Google Keep integration and Bring integration, so you have both shopping list available in Home Assistant.
  2. Create this sensors in order to read Home Assistant shopping list
  3. Then import the blueprint

This way your Home Assistant, Bring and Google Keep shopping list will be synchronized!

Have got Google Keep list and Bring lists showing in To-do in HA. The two lists are not synced though. Voice only seems to add to the Keep list.

I have enabled my Bring list in the Blueprint automation. Does the Bring list have to be named something specific?


No, as long as you sync both of them with HA.

I mean, you need to use blueprint twice (once to sync Google Keep list, and another to sync Bring list)


Yes, I have synced both those lists using the Blueprint twice. Also pre created the sensors too.

Whatā€™s the voice command for Google assistant, OK Google, add itemname to the listname?

I if you ask Google Assistant to add something to ā€œyour shopping listā€, it automatically creates a list in Google Keep. This one is the list you have to use.

I have just seen two errors for both the automations. Perhaps thatā€™s the reason itā€™s not working?

Do you have Home Assistant shopping list integrated?

I didnā€™t have the Shopping List integration but have added it now. That seems to have stopped those errors.

But the syncing between the lists is still not working. After the adding the integrations, I have 3 ā€˜listsā€™ in HA, ā€˜Itemsā€™ - Bring list; ā€˜Shopping Listā€™ - Keep one; ā€˜Shopping Listā€™ the HA Shopping List one.

Thankful that youā€™ve created a blueprint for synchronizing Google Keep with Bing! :raised_hands::+1: :star_struck:

However, I must admit Iā€™m still a bit confused. Here are my to-do lists:

  • ā€œtodo.google_keep_einkaufslistā€ (It contains all the groceries Iā€™ve added using the voice assistant, which works fine so far.)
  • ā€œtodo.einkaufslisteā€ (It lists all the groceries Iā€™ve added in the Bring! app.)
  • ā€œtodo.einkaufsliste_2ā€ (I created this list as a test because it was recommended in this forum thread.)

I have set up the blueprint twice in the automations, once for ā€œtodo.google_keep_einkaufslisteā€ and once for ā€œtodo.einkaufslisteā€ associated with Bring.

Oddly, Google Keep is syncing with ā€œtodo.einkaufsliste_2ā€ (<- HA Shopping List), although it is not listed in any of the blueprints :sweat_smile:.

It seems your issue is the same as what I am experiencing.

I am not sure what the issues isā€¦

With the blueprint you Sync any list with Home Assistant shopping list. So if you Sync Google keep list, it Will Transfer the items between them.

If the you Sync bring list also, then this Will do the same with home Assistant list.

This way Home Assistant list works as the main list to get all the info and send It to all the list you Sync before.

Hope It clarifies how It works!

Ok, it seems to be working for me. I think it may just have been a delay between issuing the voice command and it appearing on the Bring list.

Thanks for the work on this. Voice command was one of the main reasons for using Bring.