Improving automation reliability

I see most of the scripts/automations that use retry are not working in visual edit anymore, they display unknown in place of the step to perform, complains about service keyword specifically

@srescio , what are HomeAssistant Core and Retry integration versions of the system? Did you restart HA after upgrading the Retry integration? Something is still old as there is no service key usage anymore.

Here is how it looks on my system - HA 2024.8.1 with Retry 3.0.2:

am on HA 2024.8.1 and retry 3.0.2, yes i just restarted everything to get alexa media player back to function but some of my scripts are now in this state, if there was an auto update function it probably did not catch everything
Screenshot 2024-08-12 alle 22.15.56
Screenshot 2024-08-12 alle 22.15.29

anyway i went into my scripts and automations yamls and with find/replace all its back to normal

New to this addon and having issue getting it to work. I have v3.0.3 installed and HA v2024.8.2. For some reason, the retry addon just doesn’t appear in the ‘Perform action’ list when I try to add it to a script. Am I missing something? Is there some other way I should be calling it.

The most common error is to miss the HA restart step:

Home Assistant restart is required once the integration files are copied (either by HACS or manually).

Ah fixed it. For some reason it was missing from the Integrations list, I must have accidentally removed it at some point. Thanks!

I have a lamp group that has bulbs that can be turned and often do by family members. I like the retry logic and expanding out the groups because sometimes it takes 1-2 tries to get all the lamps to comply with the on/ off. However if someone turns off a lamp I get the error message. I thought validation was so I could check the group to see if it was off as validation instead of each bulb but it does both so I still get alerts.

Short version:

  1. check every entity and perform requested action
  2. repeat x number of times until compliance
  3. stop and don’t alert if the group entity is in compliance

Does this look right for above requirement.

    - action: light.turn_off
      metadata: {}
      data: {}
          - light.group_family_lamps
          - light.button_off
    - action: notify.mobile_app_not_yours
        message: Check Night Lights
  state_delay: 2
  retries: 1
  validation: “[[ is_state(light.group_family_lamps, off )]]”
action: retry.actions

validation: “[[ is_state(light.group_family_lamps, off )]]”

Should be:

validation: “[[ is_state('light.group_family_lamps', 'off' )]]”

However, a better approach will be to avoid the validation parameter and instead to use:

expected_state: "off"

Thank you and I understand but I want to validate the group is off because I have entities that the family has turned off so I want to validate against the whole vs each lamp.

Where is that code being used? In a card?

The syntax of that validation looks like the “Javascript” templating often used by cards, not the Jinja template of the back end.

Also, the code you pasted above has “smart quotes” in it, which won’t work if they are also in your real code.


  validation: “[[ is_state(light.group_family_lamps, off )]]”

What I’d expect, depending on where the code is:

  validation: "{{ is_state('light.group_family_lamps', 'off') }}"

If you need more help, suggest you start a new topic: you have “hijacked” this thread for an off-topic discussion.

(For the sake of others who will read through this:)
You are correct that this is not the regular syntax of Jinja. However, this is a backend template expression. The special syntax is needed to prevent HA from rendering the template to a regular string in advance. See also here.

It would have been helpful to explain that. Nevertheless, your quoting is wrong. Instead of:

  validation: “[[ is_state(light.group_family_lamps, off )]]”

you need:

  validation: "[[ is_state('light.group_family_lamps', 'off') ]]"