In ZHA devices of type CentraLite 4257050-RZHAC appear as Light rather than Switch

I am migrating from SmartThings to Home Assistant. I have a GoControl HUSBZB-1 which I updated using a handy docker image (which needed a little workaround). It is connected via a USB extension to my Services server which is running Home Assistant in a docker container. I have the Zigbee Home Automation integration running, and it is happily managing 24 devices at the moment. It does occasionally need me to hit “Reload”, but that’s a minor issue that I’ll stabilise later.

I’ve noticed something with the three different types of outlets I’ve added via ZigBee.

Name: SmartThings Outlet F-CEN-APP-1 v1
Model: CentraLite
Manufacturer: 4257050-RZHAC
Controls: Light

Name: SmartThings Outlet GP-U999SJVLDDA v2
Model: outlet
Manufacturer: Samjin
Controls: Switch

Name: TRÅDFRI Wireless control outlet
Model: TRADFRI control outlet
Manufacturer: IKEA of Sweden
Controls: Switch

The SmartThings Outlet v1 exposes a Light control, and the other two expose Switch controls. According to the Zigbee2MQTT device list, the Centralite 4257050-RZHAC this should be a Switch.

What is the best way to fix this? I note that others have had a similar issue.
