Increase flexibility of zones and map

The map, by default will try to center itself around all the zones you have defined. This means that if you add a zone that is not close by your home, the map zooms out and pans in its default view. I would like to define zones that we occasionally go to that are not so close.

I think a better UX would be to give the option to include/exclude zones from this centered view, or to just center the view on all tracked devices, or maybe on your home location and zoomed out to a couple km or something like that.

I had put this in for help in configuration: Question about map/zone configuration but if there’s no way to do it, it’d be a good improvement.

Good request, I also need this as some zones are vey far away from home. Icons end up being squashed. May be zoom in on the zone/zones where tracked devices are present currently?