InfluxDB - Abililty to Write to More than One Database

InfluxDB is a fantastic integration in HA. Thank you for providing it.
[ InfluxDB - Home Assistant ]

The existing integration writes/stores values from Home Assistant to an external InfluxDB database. It’s helpful for use cases including longer retention and building Grafana Dashboards around sensor data.

Feature Request - Ability to write to more than one InfluxDB Database

Use case:
I store all HA sensor data in an external Influx (v1.8) database. This request is to enable writing to multiple databases on the same InfluxDB server. A closely related feature it could enable is the ability to write to Influx databases on multiple hosts.

This would enable the following additional use cases:

  • Storing specific sensors into other existing databases (example, long term weather record keeping)
  • Enabling users to have a cloud based InfluxDB in additional to a local database. This can be for backup/redundancy uses or for publishing sensor data in a publicly accessible database outside of the home network

The feature would be implemented so multiple databases could be configured under the influxdb: root in configuration.yaml. All of the parameters currently supported (host:, database:, etc) should be supported under the addition of a YAML sequence named instance.

Example current configuration:

  host: <HOST_IP>
  database: home_assistant

Example proposed configuation with new feature:

  - instance: 1
    host: <HOST_IP>
    database: home_assistant
  - instance: 2
    host: <HOST_IP>
    database: weather_db
      - sensor.temperature_tempest

Backward Compatibilty
This would not be a breaking change to existing InfluxDB integration users.

  • The YAML supports both single mappings and sequences of mappings
  • The existing format maps directly to an “instance” in the new format

When implementing, the code would:

  • Check if configuration is a sequence (new format)
  • If not, treat single mapping as default instance (old format)
  • Process each instance accordingly

7.2% of the active Home Assistant installations use the InfluxDB integration. That is a lot of users!

A quick search revealed other users requesting a feature like this: